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About Altair3go

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Altair3go

    Hacker on US 101

    JackFoda: You bring the beans, we'll bring the ammo. :)
  2. Altair3go

    Hacker on US 101

    Hey FrostyCoo can I have my L85 back? Pretty please :)
  3. Altair3go

    Hacker on US 101

    I am another member of {DZTG}, we are trying to figure out exactly who it was right now. Over the last two days this person has ghosted all over the map, hunting down clan members (went from Guglovo to Polana then back within the span of 1 minute.), then teleporting everyone on the server to the corner of the map and shooting everyone. He has teleported into the middle of our squad, set explosive charges, then teleported away and set them off.