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About Chronicler

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    Memphis, TN
  • Interests
    Gaming, making techno (second album underway)
  1. Chronicler


    My gaming group has had a complete turnaround from seeing hacking everynight to never...what did we do? Switched from US to EU servers. Sad but true...
  2. Chronicler

    Action limits that feel unrealistic

    I love the idea of the knife as a tool for 'recipe' style options. For instance, knife+cloths = bandages.
  3. Chronicler

    Stand alone DayZ music

    Fair enough...players turn music of in countless games. I just turned the effects up to hear players. Others do as well. In the off-topic forum, some players are requesting the soundtrack too. I understand that some players are not the least bit interested in music but for others of us, it adds an emotional undertone to the game that we appreciate. Oh, and the music was not made by Bohemia, but rather used under license from a 3rd party. So, they *could* use the music but would have to pay for it. I'm just offering to do it since I love the game and believe I can do an equal or superior job to musicians who are not themselves DayZ gamers.
  4. Like many people, I like the creepy, low-key DayZ music. But, sadly, it is not original to DayZ but rather comes from a contract made by the Arma folks. Now, today I read about the stand alone release of DayZ that is slated for the end of the year (or around there). In this regard, I'd like to volunteer my services as a musician. My intention would be to produce a similarly themed soundtrack rather than anything in the style of my own albums. I have an array of midi devices, software, and experience to produce high-quality tracks. I can produce a demo if you are interested. If you already have your music lined up, disregard. Keep up the good work.
  5. Chronicler

    Action limits that feel unrealistic

    I think the knife damage would be very low, around 800 or so. Most of the time I would use this option is in instances when I do not have a hatchet. In this regard, the knife would not be a great, or even good, weapon. But, it gives those who do not have a weapon a chance to defend themselves and it gives you the opportunity to make silent kills when you do not have a hatchet.
  6. Chronicler

    Action limits that feel unrealistic

    I'm totally happy with them shelving suggestions until the stand alone.
  7. Chronicler

    Action limits that feel unrealistic

    Some kind of jerry can-to-canteen ratio makes sense to me. It is really a matter more of being able to use jerry cans for water than it is for using a canteen for fuel. Canteens for fuel would just be a way to fuel-up a small amount when in a pinch without a jerry can.
  8. *I tried 6 searches and didn't find a similar post, but suspect others have made similar suggestions...sorry for any redundancy with previous posts.* Overall, DayZ presents you with challenges that are based in reality, like hunger, body temp, etc...However, there are times when the limitations of options to respond to these challenges feels unrealistic. Here is a list of examples... -Cannot drink directly from a water source -Cannot use knife to defend one's self -Cannot forage for food, like pumpkins, pine nuts, tree fruit, etc... -Cannot use jerry can for water -Cannot use water canteen for fuel -Cannot manually disable a vehicle (i.e., remove the fuel hose so no one can steal it) -Cannot eat raw meat (fresh, raw meat is edible) -Cannot dry meats (long before cooking, meats were dried using a tree limb and the wind to make jerky) -Cannot administer blood pack to self (I accept this if it is entirely to promote teamwork) I know it seems like I am asking a lot. I am sure all of these suggestions are not implementable. But, to the extent that we are presented with challenges based on reality, I think we should have the options that are also based in reality. Thanks for considering the possibilities...
  9. Sorry DieBRotMafia, you may be right that redundant accounts are out there but I'm one of a kind (chronicler.co to see my website or dj.thechronicler on myspace). My only posts aren't related to hacking either.... For what it is worth, I played two hacking-free nights on a UK server (best ping I can manage for non-US). Perhaps we breed a-hole hackers here in the US, as when I server hopped back to retrieve some stuff in one of my tents, I got mass-teleport killed. At least it made me laugh since it happened in a 5 minute window. Instead of telling us hacking isn't happening, try a US server for two nights and see how things go for those EU players thinking it is a non-issue (quite the opposite, it is a critical roadblock to gaming). No anger here at you.....I'm just saying that no one is bullshitting about hackers.
  10. Great info. This give me some hope to share with my friends. I wonder if hackers buying multiple copies means that hacking is profitable for the folks at Arma2. I hope that hacking is a problem rather than a potential water hole.
  11. Chronicler

    Where to send our complaints?

    Ok, I will. Only fair if they are already moving quickly in that direction. Thanks again.
  12. Chronicler

    Where to send our complaints?

    Thanks, Suspenselol. Lycake- QQ? Really? Hacking is a problem. I am standing up for myself (even if in minor action) rather than start hacking myself or do nothing (like you).
  13. It is often said that DayZ and Arma2 are not responsible for policing the hacking problem. Who is? Everyone points to BattlEye. So, if BattlEye has no forums (they don't), where do we send our complaints about hacking? BattlEye has an email address we can flood: support@battleye.com But, before I start spamming them, I wanted to ask the DayZ crew where they believe our hacking complaints are best sent? The above address? Thanks.
  14. I would like to see more ways to combine items to achieve some function. For instance, the way cooking works I find fun. These recipe-style functions make loot-searching fun and purposeful. Here are some other "recipe" ideas: Water Trap = camping tent + wood This would act as a water source for 5 canteens after a rain. Colderize wound = knife/hatchet/tin can + fire Allows you to stop bleeding with a steel object and fire. Molotov cocktail (firebomb) = empty whiskey bottle + bandage + fuel (+ matches to light) This would give you the classic throwing weapon Splint = Wood + bandages This would be a way to dress a broken leg like morphine but you would be at a slower walking pace, kinda like when holding shift.
  15. Well, all my hacking problems have been on US servers so maybe Clatterbridge is right.