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About delwig

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Feel Free to Stop by, Our Main Dayz Server has 300+ Vehicles,14 helicopters, vehicles repair on restart, Custom Buildings/Military bases/ Contamination zone, Starting Pistol, Beans, Pepsi, and morpine. Donation Perks and Player Stats! Our Ip's are: Dayz: port 2302 Dayz+ port 2326 Taviana: port 2330 We Run Custom Anti hacks and have active admins Check out our loading screen and plays music when loading in aswell.
  2. I am the Server owner of this server and I find it hilarious that you think that we use "hacks" and Un battleye ban our members? that's not even possible. and as for using admin maps? we have one yes, But I can assure you any admin abusing this has been removed. Also I am not a "Pre-teen kid with mommy's $40" I do rent a Vps and I assure you it costs way more than $40 cheap vps. I constantly monitor logs and players inventory to catch hackers, I Even have Silent Warrior's anti hack program which monitors inventory, teleporting and everything else and warns me when something is suspicious., which most of the more popular Private server hosts use, like Laughingman etc. there is regular backups to help prevent item loss do to hackers. I spend most o my day trying to prevent hackers. so for somone to come accuse us of hacking? Its just plain ridiculous . If you don't Like the server than you don't have to rejoin, we have plenty of others who love the server. Also feel free to make complaints on our own website @ http://teamxcr.net http://xcr.mooo.com/chernoadmin1/
  3. delwig

    TeamXCR server

    It has been resolved, and @method454 he had more than 1 clip, and you would be amazed how many people spawn just "normal" gear to get by until later. the guy that spawned it spawned the same stuff after I had killed him, he also gave himself a winchester with pellets and nearly killed my whole team of 5 cause he had esp as well.. these are the hackers im talking about giving themselves normal gear.
  4. delwig

    TeamXCR server

    akm with the 30Rnd_762x39_SA58 Rounds. maybe you got them off someone you killed, but u shouldn't have picked them up.
  5. delwig

    TeamXCR server

    I banned you because you had hacked gear /end story.
  6. delwig

    Admin Tools Chernarus/Lingor

    I have a problem where after about 20 mins, not everyone shows up on the map. only a few
  7. delwig

    US 362 Admin and AGW Clan Abuse

    so your saying having 8 clan members in your locked server because hackers were going rampant Is a legit reason? when the server was locked for more than 12 hours? with anywhere from 1-8 players