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About dauce

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  1. His name is Vlad, he has Godmode, unfortunately I have no Video, but I think some of the 30 People might have seen him too. Kinda lame that noob.
  2. dauce

    One character per server?

    As far as I know, there are servers where you have to create a new character. So it is only on this Server.. I guess.. Had it a few times that I had to create a new character, while my other one was still ok. Thought I died and joined on an other Server, but I lived.
  4. dauce

    not allow to kill human?

    Wtf, this is not Left 4 Dead or some lame shit, SafeHouse lol, do your own Safehouse in Camping style, hold your ass back from elektro, cherno, stary, NWA etc. don't walk on the street like a douchebag. Deal with it, there is no help for noobs, you have to learn from yourself.
  5. OK, seriously what are Hackers thinking, are they now scaring people or what. Here is the story, my friend and I were on the way to stary, suddenly on the field, something ported infront of us.. I mean.. really.. something ! We have never seen something like this before and I swear to god I have to change my underwear... It was a Person with no skin, just complete white, no face, no weapon, nothing. While he standed infront of us, he played a really really really scary song and after the song he said I'm coming for you, we knew it was a hacker and we aborted instantly. So, we are going again on the Server right now, in hope he is coming again, my friend is trying to get a video of it, because that was really freaky. I only could catch a picture, not a good one.. Fk THIS, brb. edit: Nevermind, He was friendly as hell lul, had fun time.
  6. Still it's your own choice, if you want to be a bandit or not. If you do not want to be a bandit, you shouldn't kill everyone.
  7. dauce

    U.F.O crash sites

    not sure, must be troll.
  8. Required: * Server this happened on. DE #00 * Time that it happened including your timezone. GTM+2 * What happened during the incident. Well, My friend and I were sniping a bit around Elektro, after about 30 minutes into the game, I saw two People spawning at the firestation in the north east. They spawned a Wall and just started to run around. A colorful trail / smoke were following both ! I couldn't do a video so fast, because they were so fast, but I could catch one Name. His name was ToMor0ay. Hope the Admins can find out what he did, I don't like hackers and they ruin the game.. edit: OH of course, my friend started to dance like this, LOL
  9. My name is/was Szurayel at this time, now I'm switching between ShoxX and dauce :) No problem, hope he gets what he deserves.
  10. Thanks man, my friend and I also saw the sky burning near Balota, I'm pretty sure that was a Nuke. Hope you can find something about him :)
  11. * Server this happened on. US256 * Time that it happened including your timezone. Around 23:50 ( German Time GMT+2 ) * What happened during the incident. He did nothing and laughed at us. Listen up folks, on US256 is a guy named Kyle, who is running around with Godmode and all equip. He died over the Day like 6 Times and still we saw him in the last few hour running around with a good Machine Gun and a freaking Ghillie Suit, how is that even possible? What was the Situation ? My mate and I were driving around with a car, we were taking an other way, and could only drive 30. However I saw Kyle standing far away infront of us, and I just drove over him and he was still alive ! While I was shot my friend went out of the car and start shooting at him, Kyle gave a f*ck and didn't even take any damage ( Video below ). He was writing while my friend shot, he said 'problem ?' and 'lololol', that was so troll like and he knew we couldn't do a shit. I hope he gets banned, hours before this situation he had hacked 2 Helicopters, we have no video, but my other friend ( not in the video ), was shot too. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3jdOoAe8LI&feature=youtu.be