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About tjG3ftw436

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. tjG3ftw436

    Camp site ransacked. Strange bug?

    The tents most likely bugged and should have gear on a restart. The extra tent might be due to a laggy tent placement or it saved one that you packed up and moved.
  2. tjG3ftw436

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    Being a more relaxed player I usually die to bugs and ambushes. With bugs I am usually laughing my ass off at how dumb my death was. Snipers don't really get anything out of me except a "what the fuck?!" When I get killed by some sudden gunfire from ten meters away I'm usually to busy falling out of my chair and shitting myself to be angry. When I do get angry at some jackoff who thought it would be funny to pop a cap in my ass I usually just give DayZ a rest for a bit and play something else. The only thing that I can think of when I see that big YOU ARE DEAD screen is Heavy yelling, "You are dead, not big surprise."
  3. tjG3ftw436

    Error Connecting To All Panthera Servers?

    Do you have any overrides set in place either in dayz commander or through the launch properties available with the steam version of Arma2?
  4. Most of the hacking is down, although ESP seems to be rampant. KOS is still the main strategy used by about 90% of the player base. I would recommend playing on a small community of servers that has their own website, a TS server and active admins as they seem to be places where people will make new friends.
  5. tjG3ftw436

    New Standalone Screenshots released

    Looking good.
  6. tjG3ftw436

    Dayz Server without h@ckz0rzs

    http://planet-dayz.com/welcome.php Been playing on their servers for two weeks. Haven't seen a hacker once, the admins keep up with everything and the community is great. Just make sure to read the forums, will probably answer any questions you have.
  7. tjG3ftw436

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 for Citizen X another good trade.
  8. tjG3ftw436

    i was banned no reason

    I love seeing these threads as long as you didn't download a sketchy FPS fix or launcher then one less skiddie to deal with.
  9. tjG3ftw436

    TJ's Gunshop(offline)

  10. tjG3ftw436

    Traders and Traitors

    +1 for Citizen X for another great trade.
  11. tjG3ftw436

    TJ's Gunshop(offline)

    double post*
  12. tjG3ftw436

    TJ's Gunshop(offline)

    Was able to get an M107 but not an AS50 I'll try back later when they get off the server again.
  13. tjG3ftw436

    TJ's Gunshop(offline)

    I'll see if there is still one in my tent no promises though.
  14. tjG3ftw436

    TJ's Gunshop(offline)

    Sorry man lost all of my stuff to hackers. Trying to get tents together then I'll attempt to salvage anything I can from my old server.
  15. tjG3ftw436

    I will never be a bandit. Survivor nice-guy stories

    About my fourth time playing Lingor I found a crashed chopper near Calamor with an M107. I took it and sat up on top of the hill with the radio tower on top and started scanning for the bandits that had been killing everyone. About 2 minutes later I see a survivor sprinting across the airfield with about 10 zombies on him, spewing blood everywhere. He runs through one of the barracks with low value loot in them and losses all but one zombie. He doesn't notice and stops to bandage himself. I take aim and fire, BOOM headshot on the zombie. It was at such an angle so that survivor was facing the zombie and then saw what looked like the zombie's head explode. After that he bolted out of there. 5 minutes later I was killed by a guy with an FN FAL when I looked to my left, last thing I saw was him in a hero skin leading 2-3 newly spawned survivors. C'mon was helping people and got capped by a fellow hero :(.