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Everything posted by rollo23

  1. rollo23

    What gear do you rock?

    Why thank you darling
  2. rollo23

    What gear do you rock?

    Flashlight Bandage Painkillers Patrol pack
  3. rollo23

    Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

    I stopped by the fort last night and the lad defending the fort was good enough to give me a spare ghillie suit and in typical DayZ fashion i left the fort and was shot in the back 10 minutes later by bandits that claimed to be "friendly". oh well i guess :|
  4. rollo23

    Fort Friendly 2.0 - Social Experiment

    hmmm UK 7 has a password on the server according to my DayZ
  5. rollo23

    So what's your DayZ soundtrack?

    This it suits dayz pretty well actually and its nice to have something decent to listen too when you are running through endless woodland. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idpLARCCiJs
  6. rollo23

    graphic glitch

    Yes i get the same problem it pretty much makes the game unplayable when it happens.
  7. rollo23

    Need a friend!

    i cant find you in steam whats your picture?
  8. rollo23

    Need a friend!

    whats your steam picture? there is like 30 different deus lol
  9. rollo23

    Need a friend!

    Yea im in the same boat as you guys i got the mod last week so im still pretty bad lol, if any of you want to play a few game together my steam name is 54e_Luke btw
  10. Ive had the mod for a few days now but its getting pretty boring just running around on my own so i wondered if anyone is game for grouping up together? im not looking to join a clan or anything btw just looking for some chill people to play with. Oh and preferably 16+ people only please. A bit about myself im 18 and from the UK i was mainly a console gamer but have moved over to PC after building my own rig a few weeks back. My steam ID is : 54e_Luke i have teamspeak i will post the ts server details later on steam.
  11. rollo23

    Game to difficult for new players?

    I dont think its too hard tbh, my first life i survived after about 6 hours (which is pretty good for me) and found an Scoped FAL and 50 cal sniper at a helo site along the way.