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About chargersrool

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. chargersrool

    "John you are missing the mod CBA_Main

    yea this is my first time haha
  2. What could this mean? After that window closes im stuck at a loading screen...
  3. chargersrool

    Arma 2 DayZ updating to patch 95417

    btw thanks Wish, that helped, haha I'm an idiot
  4. chargersrool

    Arma 2 DayZ updating to patch 95417

    I'm not using steam*
  5. I updated to the new patch ARMA2_OA_Build_95417.zip but when run Arma 2 CO, it still says I'm using version 95248. How can I fix this?