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Posts posted by hausser0815

  1. Hi. Yesterday i was driving with my buddy back to base after successful industry car parts raid when we saw a crashed heli a few hundred meters from our tents. So we investigated, and my buddy, new to the game, said "yeah, i found a g 36 camo on that dead body"

    I told him to drop the hacked shit, which he did, so we drove the few meters to our tens and logged out.

    Later that night we logged back in to raid the nw airfield, i covering, he looting, and while he was in the baracks trying to pick up stuff he noticed that he had the g 36 back in his backpack.

    He dropped it again and it hasnt come back since then, but now were wondering if we could self-report that so neither he nor that unlucky fellow who may have found it in the baracks (if i would find it there i would think thats something new that hasnt found its way to the wiki yet) get in trouble for that..

  2. Life will become that much more precious when you log on with your friends for an evening of Day Z with the knowledge that if you die, your gametime for the night ends early. Time is precious, especially leisure time

    So we all would need at least a 2nd key ...

  3. The problem:

    Players who want to "pretend" to be friendly and then betray the other, but won't be able to do so.

    As i said, just wait till hes occupied with something and stands still.

    Since when they say "no" to the friendly invite, the player will either run or shoot them.

    Currently, they cant say no to the friendly invite, so the player will either run or shoot them on sight.

  4. you havent even put which server it is in this post!

    Yeah because its fast and not overpopulated, so i dont want to get any unneccesary attention to it ;)

    ( as far as i read, im not the only one who has trouble connecting to servers, so i would rather give my nvg's away than the name of the server)

    Guess ill just have to be patient and wait for the enabled group chat after server restart.

    Thx for help.

  5. Hi.

    Ive been playing on the same server for a while (somehow it takes forever to connect to most servers since, this is one of the few where it doesnt remind you of loading games on a c64) and have some pretty decent stuff gathered, some vehicles, a lot of tools and weopons so i can run strait back to base if i get killed, you get the point.

    So i wanted to try to get in touch with the guys who run the server and see if we could team up,

    but they dont broadcast any ts-ip or anything, and a google search for their server or clan name brought me nowhere.

    Any way to get their attention apart from waiting for them to be online during server restart/ 60 sec timout group chat ?

  6. Why does everbody think this is Quake with a survival mode and unarmed bots ?

    The humanity feature, although removed for flaws in its implementation, should make it obvious that dayz was designed from the start to be something more realistic.

    Like, there are assholes out there, but (apart from maybe the stupid us citizens), people dont fall back to animal behavior when theres a power breakdown, flood, a war they are fleeing from, local nuclear plant blowing up, stuff like that, instead, they help each other.

    Simple because most of us would get bad dreams if we kill a guy just because we think his boots would make the walk to the refugee camp easier than it is in our sandals.

    But as you neither can implement bad dreams and guilty conscience nor use your insight on human nature on some generic player avatar, the call friendly feature would be a simplified representation of the effects you would see IRL of the aforementioned human characteristics.

    Also, you dont have your RL reflexes ingame so you cant react as quickly as you can IRL if that guy who said hes friendly suddenly trys to grab inside his jacket.

    Btw, beeing unable to kill your "friend" doesnt mean you cant loot the shit out of him while hes in the kitchen making himself some sandwiches.

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