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Everything posted by Tarkastio

  1. Yes. I don't honestly need to say more. You have my support.
  2. Tarkastio

    Scripted Activity Animations

    Love the ideas, I love that sort of immersion. @Agent Lucien, Hopefully both.
  3. Tarkastio

    What type of playstyle do you prefer?

    I'm no hero, I'm no mass murderer. I just do what feels the most fun morally correct. If you have what I want I'll give you a friendly kneecap and try and get you unconcious, a quick loot, a bandage, and if all goes well I'll be gone before you wake up. Or if you are really unaware I`ll hold you up for lols your sake. If you don't, I'll either leave you alone and hide or attempt to help. If you have no weapons, I have been known to creep up behind you and scream over direct chat. Least deaths as possible.
  4. I've had quite a few incidents like that. One of note, I ran into a large group of 4 fresh players, Had just spawned and was walking through a town. Was distracted seeing if I could mimic the zombie noises, turned a corner to see them in my face. 3 of them said friendly almost simultaniously, the last one went crazy-ass on me and chased me with a hatchet. It was pretty obvious that they were a random group of new players, I'm not sure if they had voice comms or what, but they watched their buddy chase me around for a few minutes until one of them got bored and shot me down. Probably the most amusing few minutes I've had in DayZ.
  5. Tarkastio

    Player Created Clothing

    I'd rather for looted skins, and not crafted. Just a personal preference, feels more fitting.
  6. I'd say you were Apache25, but these suggestions actually are pretty good.
  7. Tarkastio

    your favorite kind of kill?

    Either DMR/M14 first shot headshots at long range. Or that one time I ran over a bunch of proned ghillie snipers with my truck.
  8. Tarkastio

    How do you control your DayZ Rage?

    It usually involves self inflicted pain and a facedesk. After a while I kind of just lose all sense of caring. Like that time I used my only heli I've ever had to ram a guy's car.
  9. Tarkastio

    Suggestion: Zombie damage should greatly increase

    I think the summarized one pretty much only accepts good suggestions. A lot of this stuff is already in game to some degree, or already suggested.
  10. Tarkastio

    Suggestion: Zombie damage should greatly increase

    You can pretty much be knocked unconcious on one hit, which equals death. This is forced difficulty. Sure, we could make every zombie instant death, increase their health, and increase their speed, but it`ll just piss off players and not make it more interesting. If we are going to add difficulty, add it organically, such as better AI.
  11. Tarkastio

    Different types of Infected / Zombies

    Since the zombie lifespan is going to be a part of the SA, it would be interesting if the earliest state could still utilize weapons and speak to a minimal degree, but still want to kill you, and the latest state would be the most dangerous in close range, becoming a living carrier for all sorts of nasty and painful diseases.
  12. Tarkastio

    Basements and attics

    Just finished reading a book about her today, heh. I`d love to see sorts of niches such as basements and attics to hide things in, or hide myself in, or hide bodies in...
  13. Tarkastio

    The Wendigo (STANDALONE)

    I`m all for creepy dangers, but nothing paranormal.
  14. Tarkastio

    The Apache Mod

    It would be hilarious to put all the hackers/expoilted accounts into one server.
  15. Tarkastio

    Girl clothings.

    What is this... I don`t even...
  16. Excuse my ignorance, I`ve never made a game. To my knowledge, Geoverse seems to be much less of a gaming engine and more of a visual engine. Sure it looks good, but I`m not sure if it would be able to be used as a combat simulator, Besides, they are using a modified Take On Helicopters engine because of multiple reasons. Chief among them are: The devolopers working on the SA were also the devolopers of that engine, and know it well. The engine is close enough to ArmA II that they don`t have to create every update twice for two completely different engines. Because they already know how the engine works, they can change it at the very deepest levels, and mold it as they wish. Any way, it is unforunately probably too late to use any other engine.
  17. Tarkastio


    Sleep/Drowsiness is a good idea to some degree. Having your body stay in the world when you log it is not.
  18. Tarkastio

    Third person and first person - you decide

    Seperate game difficulties. I play on servers without it, though.
  19. Tarkastio

    Entry One, Day Zero: It Begins

    It`s interesting, quite a good read for something based off of what is not a story. I plan to do the same thing in the SA, every time I die it will be a new person who finds the diary of the last person, or just a near-death.
  20. I may be easily amused, but I think this is pretty funny.
  21. Tarkastio


    The Colony, Season 2. First thing I`m going to do is make those sword machete things. None of it seemed to unfeasible for an idiot like me, and it seemed pretty simple of an idea.
  22. Tarkastio

    Short Campaign, Single Player Free Roam

    Tutorial, for lore and learning of controls, yes. Pretty much anything more, I`d have to vote no.
  23. Tarkastio

    Dayz Blood Transfusions

    Health is being revamped, at least for SA. Do not fret.
  24. Tarkastio

    A Rapid Clotting Agent

    Multiple neat ideas in this thread. Especially superglue. Honestly, the more makeshift DOY survival methods, the better in my opinion.