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Posts posted by Patrickthesurvivor

  1. It's good to hear, while your experience is dark, that you are having such emotions.

    That is what the game is all about, that true immersion.

    I am very much lacking in that department and would love to feel what you are feeling.

    Good luck in your future Dayz!

    I have been known to always be in very Dark situations Or make up Dark stories.

  2. I have been playing This game for a long time now but I havn't felt this alone in the game for a long time... My friend who I usually play with is out of town and I have no one else to play with as they are also all out of town. A week ago I start a new character after a really unfair Hacker kill :P But aside from that I got over it and I am ready to take on the world. I spawn near a Air strip and go towards it... Soon after I enter the Air strip I hear a loud BANG! I was so jumped that I went into a Cargo bin and waited 5 minutes before getting out. As I am heading towards the first hanger 3 zombies spot me, I get out my hachet and kill all 3 but I am bleeding and I need to stop the bleeding. I get my bandage out and cover the wound only to find out I have no Bandages left. But hey in the first hanger there is a map so atleast I have navigation right? As soon as I get out of the first hanger I hear that shot again BANG! I freak and start running towards the second hanger only to be greeted with another BANG that was very near me foot. Now the shots got the Zombies attention and I start running.

    I finally get out of the Air strip and don't plan on going back there for a while. Now I am near Cherno and decide to wait till night when there are less players. I was busy in real life for a while so I don't come back until 3 days later. Its nighttime in Cherno and I start exploring the city. This is when I start seeing things. Atleast half way in the city I see a two men who start shooting at me. I try to return fire but if I did I would die. Though I managed to catch their names (Nick,James) Suddenly a bunch of zombies start coming and they are forced to retreat. I am relived and start exploring until I hear a gunshot. I go over near it and see a dead body with a Czech backpack. Turns out it was nick and he was shot by James. I start exploring again but then I hear a scream of a man and there is James getting eaten by zombies and I decide to leave him there. Now its raining and I am all alone in cherno. I head to the Firestation only to be greeted by Ginger. He helps me find a weapon and he heals me from my 9000 blood back to 12000 We talk about what we have gone through and I ask him to escort me out of Cherno (He had an AK so he was perfect protection) After that we say our goodbyes. and we go our Separate ways though he mentioned a place with a tent In elektro. I log off for 2 days more and when I come back I decide to go to his tent and have some friendly company. While on my way there I get chased by a horde of zombies but I managed to lose them. Their I am in Elektro the city of death. I climb up a ladder on top of a building near the Train tracks. I see a body in the Train tracks and it was the body of Ginger (He had a Czech backpack also so that's how I noticed him) But then I was shot by a sniper and fell to the ground. Now I have broken bones, 1000 blood and No one near me to help. I crawl on over to the outskirt of Elektro and I start going on the forums begging for help.

    It takes 2 days until I finnaly get a helper. He comes to my position and Heals my broken bones and gives me all my blood back. Though he had to leave and couldn't bring me along so again I was all alone. Everyone I met in this server has left me or Died by my very eyes. Everytime I have walked I am constantly scared that maybe I will die this time because I have dodged many bullets. Now I am just waiting for someone to save me or Get hit by a bullet and die.

  3. Looking for some chill people to play with, i'd prefer playing with a smaller solid core than a bunch of disorganized scrubs. I'm looking for a relaxed group of players, who know how to have fun, but also be serious when shit starts hitting the fan. If you think I might be an eligible candidate for your group, feel free to give me a trial run and get to know me before feeling like you owe me some sort of obligation, I understand if things don't work out between us.

    Now, to why you should want me

    I'm 20 years old uni student located in US EST, been playing PC games since I was a kid, mostly playing RTS like Starcraft and Age of Empires.

    I've played almost all most non korean grindfest MMOs, making me rather experienced in keeping my cool when things start to get hairy.

    I've been playing DayZ since mid may.

    I'm by no means a hardcore bandit or PvP'er, I kill when I have to, I don't go out of my way to kill someone.

    I know the ins and outs of most cities, experienced in driving vehicles ( I can fly and land a heli properly without damaging or blowing up, but i'm not the best pilot)

    I'm self sufficient, I find my own gear, and I don't Q_Q when I die ( I expect you to be the same), my longest life was 38 days.

    If I would have to define my playstyle, it would be recon/raider, i'm fairly good at finding tent camps/vehicles. I keep track of medium/large size camps treating them like crops letting them grow into a ripe fruit before I come in for the harvest.

    On an ending note, I have Skype/Mumble/Teamspeak/Vent, etc. If you have any questions, or feel something needs to be cleared up feel free to post it here or PM me.

    My friend and I are alot like that. After days of getting screwed in DayZ we decided to get more survivors so its not as brutal. Steam is Donpatrick422 and skype is Deltapatrick. I rather you contacted me on my Steam. So if you have any questions then just ask me.

  4. Hello, I'd like to find some sort of bandit/KoS unit(At least past the coastal towns.) with serious players. I'm fully geared, NVG/Rangefinder/M24/L85/GPs/Ghillie etc, my old squad moved on and I still enjoy the game tons. I have plenty of free time, and I know the enviroments and such.

    Anyways, It'd be great to get a group started/join one. I have a mic aswell, god knows that's required.

    Steam/Skype - bkfsdecise

    I will start a Team with you. Is it ok if I bring my friend along?