I recently got this game after watching many youtube videos on how great this game is. It took me a very long time to set it all up and when I finally got to play I die. Respawn then I die again. Now before any of you vteran players who say you suck L2Play, thats what I want. I would like to learn how to play however the game just seems way to difficult for new players. It seems zombies can detect you from ages away. Sometimes you will be only in LOS of a town and all of a sudden here comes a zombie running out of nowhere chasing you. It just so hard to learn how to play the game when if you don't know how to play your just screwed. You have no weapon, no food and drink. Any new player guide says go inland. By the time you get far enough in and find a place to loot your almost dead from not consuming anything. Then you still have to try to sneak past zombies. The point of this thread is just to ask, is this deliberate. Is the player base meant to only be made up of those that can withstand this harsh game-play. I have seen lots of people comment how to changes made to survivability and just want to know is this going to become better with alpha progress. Thanks for reading, please don't flame i'm not the best gamer, just someone who wants to have fun.