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Everything posted by Tooms

  1. The negative mouse acceleration STILL has not been addressed?
  2. Great program. Only downside is for some reason if i run the game through Six i cannot access the side chat. I can see everyone talking in side chat. Just can't respond. Cycling through the channels it just leaves side chat out. Direct, global etc all there. Blue side chat is just gone.
  3. Tooms

    The Bad Idea Thread.

    Squads of AI soldiers doing "clean up", paranoid and will shoot anything on sight. Then not only would you be trying to avoid zombies, but trying to avoid the military from adding you to their bodycount as well!
  4. Tooms

    Zombies are to intelligent and fast.

    I also think the zombies move way too fast. With the increase in zombie population, and the fact that they NEVER lose you once they "hear" you (even if you moved into a hidden spot immediately after making a noise with no zombies in line of sight), they should move slower. Having every zombie in a 100yard radius running STRAIGHT to you after making a noisy mistake breaks the immersion greatly imo. I also have a feeling that if they didn't move so fast the pathing wouldn't glitch out quite so bad, but that is just a gut instinct.
  5. I agree as well. Not only are the panic sounds annoying as heck. But in a situation where you are trying to be stealthy (or maybe you found a place the zombies cannot get you) your panic noises can heard a rather long way off by other players. Making you bandit fodder...