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Everything posted by spikmun

  1. spikmun

    FPS Issue

    Hey guys, I seem to have a problem with my FPS in DayZ. My framerate will not go above 7-8 making the game unplayable (Changing the graphics settings ingame does not make any difference atall, Very High is just as laggy as Very Low). I have no Idea what Is going on as I believe my PC is easily powerful enough to play the game on atleast very low. My Specs: Quad Q8200 2.4GHz - CPU AMD Radeon HD 6870 - GPU 4GB - RAM I recently defragged both of my harddrives and even went as far as upgrading my graphics card to see if that would help (from a GTS 250 to the 6870). What troubles me as well Is the fact I can play ARMA 2 and ARMA 2 OA on max settings with 40-60fps. Any help will be much appreciated.
  2. spikmun

    Help installing

    Get DayZ Commander, It updates the game for you and It's the only way I've managed to get working while its still not full released. http://www.dayzcommander.com/ To update open DayZ Commander and select version at the top right, then you will see at the bottom of the list DayZ (not up to date) or something, Under there it should say update, click that and voila.
  3. spikmun

    Can't update to

    Get DayZ Commander, I started using it today and It's a hell of alot better than Six Updater. It will update the game for you and this is the only way I've managed to get working (while its still not fully released). http://www.dayzcommander.com/
  4. spikmun

    Day Z Videos

    This is what happened to me when resorting to the Dinner Bell.
  5. spikmun


  6. spikmun

    FPS Issue

    I've tried other servers, The most my FPS will go up to is about 23-25 fps on any graphics settings, This still seems a bit low :S