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Everything posted by cMeFragU

  1. Ok, so far this beta is going along great. Only died once from serious injuries I deserved for climbing ladders with a pistol out. my fault. However, Today I logged in, had no food, was near plenty of buildings, some able to be entered, and there is no food. meanwhile I am hungry and go from 11,400 health to 2,000 health before I can find food or any animals to hunt, even though I don't have matches to make a fire to cook and eat the meat, So now I face dying, with a crap ton of awesome gear, packs, weapons, med supplies, yet I am going to die because there aren't enough animals or cans of spam around. IN the REAL world, you can go for 2 weeks without food. I don't mind the need for water, that is an essential part of life, but you can go without food for a LONG time before you should be in a perilous condition, as you have programmed now. It's just not realistic, it's downright silly that I would be dying that fast due to lack of a meal. I once fasted and lived on water and broth for 3 weeks. I didnt black out, I didnt get all black and white, my body didn't shake.... My first meals were soft foods, but other than that I was just fine, AND I only lost around 15 lbs. SO please please please consider fixing this issue with food killing you and losing blood at a rate akin to having a 4 inch deep gash in your leg... it is not realistic and honestly dying for lack of food that fast, before I can find any in 2 towns that were vacant, makes no sense. ALso, Try to increase the number of animals in fields for hunting. Don't just put one in place randomly, Make a small flock of sheep, or a small herd of Cows, that is how they travel!! that is how they live. Thanks! Great mod!
  2. cMeFragU

    Graphics problem

    Last night one of our group mates was still having that issue, and couldn't even look at Stary Sobor without having siezures from this issue. He believes its the tank traps. I have had a few toolkits. very useful. Hope I find another soon!
  3. cMeFragU

    Zombie Loot

    MATCHES!!! Don't forget that a good percentage of them were under stress and smoking like smoke stacks! :) We need more matches....
  4. I would enjoy having more time to play in daylight, during the evenings night to play on the USA servers during the daytime hours in game. Would it be possible to rotate the time of day 12 hours so that 0600 Central time would really be 1800 Central US time. Maybe set the NYC servers to Eastern Time with a 0600 to 1800 shift in game time of day. Just a suggestion to get more in game day time hours. And yeah, it's too creepy to be moving around in the dark... ;)