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About lunchbox813

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. lunchbox813

    Ghillies and Alice packs

    If you find a pack and there is stuff under it you have to pick all that up then get the pack.
  2. lunchbox813

    Open Bag Button hidden under Filter

    How you guys getting the humanity thing? It's not on my debug monitor..
  3. lunchbox813

    New toolbelt item: Duct Tape

    Sounds pretty cool tbh.
  4. lunchbox813

    Dirty admins... go loot them.

    Cool, free stuff.
  5. lunchbox813

    Funny DayZ Adventure!

    Ok so here is a video me and my friends made for our channel. This was a little while back when we were new to the game, buts its still funny at the end. :P -Some cussing
  6. lunchbox813

    You Had The Jump On Me. Hurting Crayon

    Lol, didn't take the chance.
  7. lunchbox813

    Recruiting some more people.

    never mind
  8. lunchbox813

    Weapon Changes

    Yeah the hackers are a big problem lately, they just killed me like 5 mins ago and I was fully geared. Hope it gets fixed sooner or later.
  9. You guys play us servers?
  10. No way I can join in on the fun?
  11. I wanna ride in the heli :o
  12. lunchbox813

    m14 AIM or the FN FAL?

    m14, more accurate and has a scope
  13. lunchbox813

    Military Tactical Group

    I would be down to group up, I'm already geared up and got good sniping skills in this game. If your still looking for people my skype is: Kevoberry
  14. use the button L when the flashlight is in ur hands