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About Narktor

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  1. Narktor

    Zombies and Vehicles

    1. I think zombies should be more of a threat. At the moment, considering all players would work together, hell would it be boring :/ Going into a city and looting is too easy, there are too few zeds, and if you are working in group, ur fiercest enemy is the loot, because theres too much empty tin cans :/ 2. There must be more bicycles. Really, in cherno and electro there should be up to 5 and in the smaller villages there should be about 1-2 spots, but therefore no bicycles outside settlements.The thing is, it takes way too long to cross the map, but u need to in order to get to the norhtern lootspots. The game gets boring if you see 80% of the time empty forests. Once the max player count reaches 200 maybe this wont be a problem, but then you really need more bicycles because otherwise you have huge spots of death in southern regions, whilest in the northern regions theres almost nothing but annoying campers who snipe the airfields and stary. At the moment the gameplay is in quite a desolat constitution.Its really funny the very first times you loot barnes, cherno, elektro and so on, but it gets boring once youve done this a few times and you realize that any sort of action takes place only in cherno and elektro, and outside them theres just a quick sniperdeath or an empty zombievoid, which absorbs all the fun via ridonculous traveltimes through wastelands. The game is about survival, of course, but its also about fast paced action. We are not playing arma here but a mod, which simulates civilians in an apocalypse. Chaos must spread, but at the moment this chaos gets stuck in a far too easy early game and a boring endgame. PvP should stay a core aspect in Dayz, but it shoudnt be the only way of lategame, because therefore you simply die too quickly and it takes too long to get you back on the road, unless you grap that winchester and kill anything you can and then die again.
  2. Graphical Glitches still present
  3. Somehow, any server which was updated isnt possible to join/load. I click okay in the lobby and get stuck in the loading screen :/ Anyone ideas how to fix it?
  4. Six updater updates, but the displayed version Number wont change and when i try to join a server with the actual patch it says "outdated server". If i try to join this server i get stuck in the loading screen after the lobby.
  5. Thanks! Please dont forget to fix the "Tent bug" (Meaning: Items in tent respawn after serverrestart, even if youve taken them out before and saved) in the upcoming patch!
  6. Narktor

    Tent Bug

  7. Narktor

    Deer stands with no loot?

    Without loot!
  8. Narktor

    RIP DayZ!

    Finally fix the glitches!
  9. People camping in glitches. So as long as they troll via this trollissue i will post a topic on the issue. Fix it!
  10. Narktor

    patch 1.7.3

  11. Narktor

    patch 1.7.3

  12. Narktor

    Tent Bug

  13. Narktor

    patch 1.7.3

    When i look at the "pending update" theres the graphical glitches from barbed wire and dead bodies FIXED! So, i wish you, the rocket defense force, the best of luck when your waiting for, lets say 4 weeks until a bug gets fixed which concerns your graphic cards only and prevents you from playing. Really, theres no reason then to give it a hotfix, because its just a minority of players who are groaning and moaning about a bug in game they didnt pay for. See you in the forums! Im not complaining that he wouldnt do something about it. But he does too much about it, and when a Bugfix is ready, then fucking release it, especially if the bug is as annoying as this shit is! EDIT: At least he could release a temporary workaround on the forums. One that should work for the most of people.
  14. Narktor

    patch 1.7.3

    Rocket, we dont want to wait any longer for that damn fix of the graphic bugs! I want to raid military camps, cherno and so on, WITHOUT GOD DAMN FUCKING GLITCHES! So give us at least a hotfix before you implement further shit!
  15. Narktor

    Tent Bug

    Yeah im sure the topic exists already. But this bug is too annoying to not spam for a hotfix. You know, all the tents put up before are bugged. Their inventory always resets to the state it had before This means, outside cities, in the forests, there are TONS of ammunition, weapons and supplies in common. 50% of the players run around in ghillie suits, armed to their teeth with the best sniper ingame, and everybodys camping just cause hes got the gear. Its that i would be sick of campers. The only problem is, if there are only campers, where is the real action? The game needs "normal" players, roaming the cities ínstead of just sitting ducks around the city. Someone whos dead should lose the fuckin ghillie and the fucking DMR, so he wont get it for the next 5-10 hours of gameplay. This game is about survival, plain and simple. With the whole server being armed to the state of special-task forces, the game falls apart. Everybodys sitting ducks in the forest with their "great" equipment. Any zombie apocalypse is always about struggle, about self defense. There is no self defense anymore cuz of that bug, but only gathering loot from buggy tents! hell im so annoyed, i wont play till that damn issue is fixed.