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Fank (DayZ)

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About Fank (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Fank (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I do not dislike you personally, I dislike the attitude. If someone does act childish the last thing you should do is reply in a childish manner back or to go offtopic and speak about how childish the other person is. It's a strawman argument. "Oh, look at how childish this person is on this subject and how mature I am; ergo, I am correct."
  2. Fank (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    This is exactly one of the attitudes that I spoke of in my previous comment. This serves no good to any discussion. "I disagree with my opponent's view so I will refer to calling him a cry baby." Here is another reason why I disliked having more food and drink items: I hate scrolling in my backpack, it sucks to get to the bottom. More types of food and drink would could only make the list longer. I find myself now often switching coke for pepsi (or vice versa) so I only have one row in my backpack for drinks and not two. This would a lot harder if there were 10 types of soda. It doesn't enhance the game for me in anyway it just makes backpack scrolling a bit slower and I think we pretty much all hate the backpack-related issues. Maybe I am the only one and none of the people who made the decision on more food/drinks never care about this so I can understand that they would not understand this before I mentioned it but think about it. And another: "kiddie" In my own opinion, referring to an opponent as a child makes you an immature person to me.
  3. Fank (DayZ)

    DayZ Mod Hotfix

    I strongly dislike how everyone here refers to the people who didn't like this as whiny kids. Strawman arguments and trying to demean someone who disagrees with you on a subject is to me very immature. "Sad to see the whiny kids get their way." With that said, I dislike the idea of having items named after people because there will be plenty more people whom contribute to the game and you simply cannot name them all via items. and the you got the issue of who exactly are you going to thank and what happens to that thank you after a fallout between mods or whatever. This just shows to me a level of incompetence.
  4. Fank (DayZ)

    Banned from NL 13 for no reason

    Are you trying to say that I am a young child?
  5. Tried to login and a friend of mine was already in and said that I was kicked as I was still waiting for the loading screen. Quit the game and restarted it and tried to join again only to see that I was banned. Never been to the server before and never walked a step and still got banned.