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Everything posted by Taski

  1. Name: James Age:16 How long have you been playing DayZ: 4 months Your Roll:Chopper pilot,medic Skype: taski165 Why should I pick you:Because i am a good team player and like to help people out like transport or helping downed players out Do you have a mic:Yes
  2. Hi there i am quite new to the pc gaming and currently my specs run dayz on low settings with little lag but when I go to normal settings the lag kicks in badly. I would much appreciated if someone could tell me what is needed to be upgraded and if so what to thank-you. Specs: Processor: Intel® Core2 CPU 6400 @ 2.13 GHz RAM: 6 GB Graphics card: Nvidia Quadro FX 4500 (Not sure what other specs i need to put in so comment if you think i should add more) Side Note: I am not a nerd at computer "at the moment" so please dont go to technical so my brain doesnt explode
  3. Taski

    How can i improve my pc?

    lol thats the one i have been looking at
  4. Taski

    How can i improve my pc?

    Ye i have been thinking of it, just wondering but how much do you think i could sell the grphics card and processor for?
  5. Name:James Age: 16 In-Game Name: Taski Location: State/Providence, Country: England Kind of player: Survivor, Bandit or Hero: survivor Experience: (how long you have been playing): around 2 months - Interests: Playing battlefiled 3
  6. requesting a password please
  7. Taski

    FUN Gaming

    i would like to join i have added you on skype
  8. Name: Taski Age:16 Location:uk Play Style: survivor Hobbies:killing zombies
  9. Application Name: Taski Age: 16 Timezone: Gmt Your experience: been playing for a month now Favorite Gun: Fn fal Are you patient: Yes Have you ever been with a group in DayZ: Nope What Role would you prefer?: raider pilot medic Got a Microphone?: Skype Username?:
  10. Taski

    How many Murders until your a Bandit?

    i thought a bandit was someone who actualy wanted to kill someone for there loot not just for self defence
  11. Hi i am a semi new player to this game with no items since i just died and i want some people that are low on supplys to join me on this adventure. im from the uk skype taski165
  12. Taski

    Quit Playing Alone!

    Heyy im new to this game and im from the uk can i join skype: taski165