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Everything posted by LSxShotz

  1. LSxShotz

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    ...cani say it ? heard u guys disbanded same week i quit... ROFL! glad you learned the hard way told you i was right. i have the biggest damn smile on my face,nothing sweeter then you guys disbanding in a week. F yo couch
  2. LSxShotz

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    lol its funny that unitus is talking shit about loyalty...wait hold on is that a post you've made on a clans recruitment form and you filled out an APP to join? and were disloyal ;) Btw those with the benefit of a mouth,ur really dull n boring,honestly some of us dont care on ur shitty comebacks,clearly ur clan is falling apaprt and suck cause u guys are just bad. badbadbad.. i feel that i wasnt on for a few days so i figured id bump u guys up a bit u know,u need some credibility of shittyness :P and i love emoting,who doesnt lol :D fn hypocrite dumbass god lol
  3. LSxShotz

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    I dont need "new material" cause this isnt me making things up lol.If i made stuff up then sure.I'm just repeating this over and over cause you morons keep talking about how were immature etc.i'll say it with caps on,ill say it in a different language,then ill color the text,ill bold it out and ill keep saying it ROFL!.Truth is truth.Im not adding anything else to it cause this is what youve done.I can tell by laughing every 2 seconds on our posts that your mad its ok.It must suck being you guys,always getting camped,losing your choppers *ahem*.False banning cause your too scared.Can you please switch this recruit thread back to Survivors threads.your no bandits. All you do is stockpile loot over and over duping. And as for new material,why wont you say something besides AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH and immature.All ive heard from you kids. How you like my new color,ready for the same material and truth over and over again ;)
  4. LSxShotz

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    You know all i've seen this whole time is "stop being immature","take your problems else where".Its very easy for you to say those things cause your hiding in a shell.You steal someones clan.Have poor judgement skills.Use other peoples ideas and then kick them out.My favorite,you ban them from your server cause your actually scared of some pvp.Our problems are directly with you.false advertisements and quite simply plain out liars.Half the community will see our side and some wont,thats fine.You cant make a believer out of everyone.Those actual good players who we keep from here at least we saved one soul. Again. Backstabbers. BTW again,Goodluck explaining to your server hosts that you banned us for nothing.We all have proof and pictures. I believe i got kicked for being "Racist".LMAO.I work with every type of nationality.Def not racist.But i know who is discriminatiing in your clan and sexist. Why wont you kick him B) .I win.
  5. LSxShotz

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    Dude who are you?Like are nameless people in the clan/recruits really commenting with no idea what has been happening lmao. Stay stockpiling/Duping Loot,all you guys do. Btw.I Live in the U.S. *Pats you on head* Even said it on my app before you guys stole the clan LOL :thumbsup: :D
  6. LSxShotz

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    Ves.I know you have no leadership in you which is cool i understand.Nowadays a clan lasts maybe a week or so before fine gentlemen as yourselves start providing false info.I've said it once and say it again.You and your squad provided us with false info about these people who have done you wrong.You passed a story around and then isolated a former Clan leader and a Squad because they didnt meet your potential.Yet,reminder the clan wasnt yours.Thats already a shady move.Now onto me.The stories you have passed around is hilarious none the less you did a great job but yet terrible at concealing.You told me one thing and told people other things.You turned people against each other and started a problem.Planted a seed and let it sprout is the expression.I only said what was told to me at the start when i joined.I never spoke to any of these people.Now that i have we have a common goal.A rivalry for idiots such as yourselves. Please step from power,its truly sad. BTW karma is sweet like truly is.I'm not mad anymore.Just being patient. :) P.S. Goodjob on False banning from the server ROFL!.Not only were you reported by 4+ for false reports,now its going to be shutdown.Good job mate :) ---------- Bang Bang hehe :P
  7. LSxShotz

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    LMAO again with darth moron.Dude like who are you haha.You brats rely on server restarts non stop after being raided to get ur gear back.All you do is stockpile.I'm not mad,I was last night,and GJ for banning me cause your scared.report you for it,GL on losing you money,your servers,and your actual good players. The rant is over.We're just now preventing people from false advertising.We are making you famous for being A'holes. Fact is simple.Everyone in there backstabs and is power hungry.Absolute no loyalty.Only troublemakers and cowards.No one has any balls to quite simply go up to someone and talk like men.Sneaky little rats PMing and talking smack. Again,you'll never be a clan,just a group of cowards. you should rename MY CLAN NAME to your own ideas,maybe then you can get some fresh new 12 yr old recruits. ------ BANG BANG :)
  8. LSxShotz

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    Ves you out of all people shouldnt say anything.The almighty leader who bullshitted me.You kicked me from a well earned and deserved position.You lied to me about everything and played people against me and started issue.It's now clear that you guys were aching to get some members and the ones who actually have a mind you would kick.Same story over and over.You guys have poor decision making and you backstab one another to get what you want.It is set in stone you fellas will not get anywhere near being a remote good clan when this game actually launches. BTW who is darthvolga ROFL! NEW member? I've never seen you in the clan for the past few days so please for the love of all humanity stop reposting. HAH... and they say were immature ;)
  9. LSxShotz

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    Its Shotz L2R. Not mad. Cant be mad at people who have no idea of loyalty or trust,just easy to raid and take everything. You guys are the same as the rabbits,just hop and 1 shot kill :)
  10. LSxShotz

    [RECRUITING] Relentless

    Lets get this straight.you guys are no where near a clan.First you scapegoat SLD leader Kuya and STEAL all his members.You make a new clan with half if not more of the stuff i helped create including this name.You guys have no proper leadership at all.I ran a squad and then you guys throw me to a trial rank cause of a new member arguing with me lol.REALLY? Then you have the balls to try to confront me about it and you kids still wouldnt let me talk,you just banned me from teamspeak.This thread is false advertising.Only actual people there who are somewhat decent is Urban,SGT,Narwhal,and most of alpha.Rest of you have no clue about leading jack nada.You can reply with any type of attempt of insult i dont mind its fun.You guys arent bandits your survivors.4 days of just setting up camps stockpiling.glitching/stealing.Get real.Me and Kuya are coming for you better learn how to aim down the sights quick. Former Deltas such as eldritch your more then welcome to meet join up and raid there stuff they deserve it. Expect me to be spotting for Kuya sniping you kittens. Expect a lot of raids. And for christ sake hide your chopper better,alphas keep running into it :P LAter :)