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About uniqueLOL

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter

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  1. uniqueLOL

    E3 and our attendance

    I will be spending probably a whole day at your booth :) Hope to meet all/most/some/any of you and get my eyes on that standalone! See ya Tuesday :)
  2. uniqueLOL

    A tear jerking DayZ vid

    thread hijackers! ah well thx for the bumps basically
  3. uniqueLOL

    A tear jerking DayZ vid

    Enya makes me cry from all parts of my body. The footage is sad too :P <3
  4. uniqueLOL

    1.7.6 Cans and Drinks

    As a server admin, I full heartedly admit that I was pretty pissed off at the addition of food and drink in this new patch, but only for one reason. I was angry because the update was released without a modified BATTLEYE script filter to allow these foods to be used in private hives without being kicked. For a good hour or so, until Dwarden came out with that awesome fix, I had 50/50 people circulating in and out of my server getting kicked left and right. They were really ticked off, and that kinda hurt my rep for a few people that don't understand what its like to administrate a DayZ server. I am all for giving people credit where it is due, especially for everyone's hard work on this awesome mod. But this backfired for a different reason for me. Now that I have fixed them, it is pretty cool. I don't see people complaining in-game... actually most people love asking WTF IS THIS TOILET PAPER AND NEW FOOD WTF lol. <3 Whatever you decide... I hope it is for the best :) All my lurv, -Kevin
  5. uniqueLOL

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    We have 1 player that can do it CONSTANTLY in my server... hit me up on skype @ kevinlebre if you want the IP.
  6. uniqueLOL

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Changing skins teleports people to the sea and either traps them or kills them. Now people complain that I cannot run a server correctly lol. Fantastic. This update is becoming a headache. Thank goodness Dwarden atleast fixed the stupid food/drink/crossbow kicks.
  7. SO FAR SO GOOD. you are the best. all my love.
  8. uniqueLOL

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Certainly not happy that there are a ton of new foods, and all they are good for is kicking you out of the game right now lol. PLEASE someone come up with a solution, the previous temporary solution DOES NOT WORK
  9. uniqueLOL

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Currently not working. This did not fix the #20 kick.
  10. uniqueLOL

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    A step in the WRONG direction for this mod. 1st: The new inventory being flooded with new foods that make absolutely no sense what-so-ever. I'm sure someone wasted their time working on this instead of something that could help gameplay or stability. 2nd: New Battleye Updates never came out with the patch. So now 50% of the people who are in my server get kicked every damn time they eat one of your new lame foods. What the hell guys... 3rd: Listen to your community, and play the game maybe once in a while. You'd notice there are hundreds of things to fix other than the amount of foods, crossbow ammo, and refilled ammo glitch when you RELOG, and the lack of melee weapons. Other than that, thanks for all the hard work (even for the wrong reasons in some ways)... We need these battleye updates though for private hives please. ScriptRescriction #20 is effecting every single player on DayZ.
  11. uniqueLOL

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    BattlEye: Script Restriction #20 when people eat the new food. Any new BE filters for private hives?