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Everything posted by DrunkPunk

  1. DrunkPunk

    DayZ: Origins (RELEASED)

    okay, so this is basically a buggier taviana with custom vehicle skins. the npc island is cool and all, but the time i made it there, i found one dead npc and the rest of the island was empty. pretty anticlimactic if you ask me.
  2. DrunkPunk

    DayZ: Origins (RELEASED)

    Just curious if you know which providers are offering this for server rental. Don't have a box I can dedicate to it, but would love to drop the coin to host one.
  3. DrunkPunk

    Zero HUD

    just don't sacrifice stable and logical gameplay for the sake of this mission, rocket. some hud elements probably will be necessary, using sound bytes isn't all that much better than relying on an icon for the stuff that just doesn't make sense (such as thirst).
  4. DrunkPunk

    Memory hacking in Standalone

    Memory hacks are incredibly easy to detect, so I wouldn't worry too much. Hopefully they have a dedicated software engineer working on this kind of stuff.
  5. Missed the "No, it has some good ideas but also falls flat on its face" option
  6. That sure was a long winded way of saying nothing. I get that you don't want to get ahead of yourself here, but as the window you provided us with has passed without a word, it might be nice to get some sort of idea. 2013, sure, that sounds great. But are we looking at the next few months? Maybe longer? Even an answer that isn't really definitive would be nice by now. I love the mod, but as time passes with zero notification, I'm getting less excited for standalone, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Especially given the state of the mod, and the fact that chernarus (even if it is modified/improved) can only contain so much fun.
  7. DrunkPunk

    So i decided to take the plunge

    Most people tend to get banned from individual servers, not the entire game, when they do stuff like pick up a hacked weapon. You'll only face trouble if you use an actual cheat program. But honestly, I think you did the right thing going for Arma 2 now. DayZ is honestly not even the best thing this mod has to offer. Stuff like wasteland offer an interesting look into what military shooters should be (screw all that COD, BF nonsense), and there are even more mods that get into the survival/sim aspects. And I think you'll go a bit farther in standalone having experienced the mod in a rougher form.
  8. I think this has to do with security permissions, and I think your name is the login name for your windows login. For instance, I can edit my main profile at home, no problem, because I have the max security permissions on my login at home. But at work, I can't, and my name is tied to my windows login name. I would try making sure your permissions are set to the max and see if it'll let you change the name.
  9. Default vehicle load out, or no? bean me if it's not default (just so I know you responded), you can unbean it later.
  10. DrunkPunk

    Taviana 1.5.0 and dayzcommander

    Commander is typically pretty quick to pick up the updates, Taviana seems a bit different due to the hosting differences. Probably won't take too much longer, if it doesn't have it already.
  11. DrunkPunk

    Need help in terms of new maps

    Namalsk, Panthera, and of course Lingor (my personal favorite). Taviana is great, if you find a server with a lot of vehicles, otherwise you'll spend 99% of the time walking, and you had better hope you don't pick the wrong direction, otherwise you'll just starve to death. Celle is also pretty cool, but suffers from the same issue of don't go the wrong way.
  12. DrunkPunk

    Buy Arma 2: CO again or wait for standalone?

    I'd say just sell your computer and pick up a nasty drug habit or something. Whatever keeps your kind out of wonderful games like this. You'll probably get the same kind of instant gratification as you would from cheating, since that is apparently what you're after.
  13. DrunkPunk

    How much ammo/weaponry to carry?

    That's about how much I would keep, too. What you got seems about perfect. Include 2 bandages and the rest sidearm ammo, and you should be good to go.
  14. DrunkPunk

    Kidnapped Or Was She In On It ?

    kid! you need to upload more bro! it's been a while! hit me up and lets rock some namalsk or some shit!
  15. I've even seen servers that are friendly only. They'll ban you for killing any players. Naturally, I join those servers and get banned pretty quickly.
  16. DrunkPunk

    Build Discussion

    stupid work computer always double posts, bleh
  17. DrunkPunk

    Build Discussion

    except there is no way to compensate for everything with sounds and animations.
  18. Steam version. You don't need steam to run it, but if you do it comes in with a built in auto run.
  19. DrunkPunk

    Side Chat Idiots

    Hah! I love the fact that people don't realize how short of a distance they often travel, and figure they are safe, because who would chase them on foot, right? good shit. i had a situation on taviana the other day, watching side chat. i was at an airfield, about to head to meet up wtih a friend, when I noticed somebody talking about meeting someone else at an airfield. I figured this is probably the same place, because it was on the southern part of the map. I also noticed that they were talking about a vodnik nearby, and even posted the coordinates. I figured, I'll get this guy at the airfield, then head to the vodnik. As I start making my way up the airfield, I notice the guy mention he's heading to the air control tower. Right as it comes into view, I realize I'm directly between the vodnik, a few helos, and the air control tower. So I just post up in a bush, watching in the distance as the guy walks into the tower, climbs down, and starts heading my way. Once he gets in range, I pop 2 shots out of my m14. One takes him down to the ground, the other puts him to sleep. I see him ask the guy he was talking to if he was responsible for the dirt nap, never saying a word. I then head to the vodnik, which is neatly parked between some trees. I never would have seen it, had I not caught the coords. So then I take my newly acquired vodnik and pick up my friend. As I pick him up, we spot another survivor running up to us. Just as my friend gets in the gunner seat, he is presented with a perfect opportunity to light him up, so he does. Oh, well look at that. It's the same guy. We drive north, and as we do, I manage to run the guy over one last time. The entire way north, we take out everybody we see, and eventually come up to a helo. The rest isn't as relevant to the OP, but I find it amusing, so I'm going to finish up the story. As we come up to the stadium, we find a fully repaired, fully gassed up helicopter. Deciding to take that instead, we leave the vodnik in good shape at the stadium. As we fly away, we start seeing admin messages pop up. According to them, the vodnik was an admin only vehicle (would explain why it NEVER ran out of ammo), and that they were going to ban us if we didn't tell them where it was. For some reason, they never realized I was the guy driving it. But my buddy likes to talk shit, so he called them out on the "admin only" vehicle thing, and how pathetic it is to ban people for such shit. Well, they decide to kick him (luckily I'm flying, not him), so I flip that helo around, land it next to the vodnik, and proceed to blow it to pieces. I let them know where to find the wreckage, and promptly leave the server (after crashing the helo, oops!). Moral of the story: Don't broadcast shit in side channel. because chances are, I'll be there, waiting, watching, ever so silently....
  20. DrunkPunk

    Rules of Engagment

    Anyone unarmed or with a pistol/double barrel/hatchet, I always let go. I'll even talk em up, maybe help them out a bit. If they are armed, and I have a clear shot, I'll put em down for the sake of self preservation. If I need food, water, or anything you might have, chances are you are going down regardless of what you have. Although this is a very rare situation, and typically only happens on maps like Taviana.
  21. I would like to nominate this for forum post of the year. Pretty much sums it allllll up. To the OP, you seem to be unable to understand why people don't like to play on merc servers. Well, let me explain my reasons behind it. First off, I get that the idea is realism. However, there are things you simply cannot compensate for in a video game. Because of this, I find the ability to go third person quite useful. Not for looking around corners, either. When I'm in a pvp situation, I tend to stay in first person, so that my hip shots are actually accurate. And no, I'm not talking about my crosshairs, because most of the time my breath is going too much for me to even see the crosshair. The next reason is because this game renders graphics and resolutions weird. As a result, first person tends to give me a headache and occasionally make me feel a bit sick. Not right away, but prolonged periods of playing and it'll set in bigtime. And it's not really reasonable or practical to play this game for short periods of time. Now for the next argument for third person servers. If there are only about 3-4 people on every merc server, that should be a testament to what the desired preference is. If every server went merc, can you imagine what the reception this mod would get would be? I'm going to go out on a limb here and say, there is a reason why those servers are hardly populated. I'll let you figure that one out for yourself, though. And call the peeps who play on third person servers scrubs all you want. I bet I could still step into a merc server and hand your ass to you with ease.
  22. DrunkPunk

    DayZ needs more guns

    Nah, I totally agree. I see little to no harm in adding in many of the variants of the assault rifles. if anything, more variety plus the less mags per gun spawn will equal ammo becoming even MORE valuable. so long as the OP versions of the guns are kept out, then I think the game could only benefit from it. i mean, if a zombie apocalypse were to hit and the military were to spread out and try to contain it, I'd imagine all those guns wouldn't just disappear after they failed..... in fact, i think miliary weaponry would be more available than "civilian" weaponry.
  23. DrunkPunk

    DayZ PC vs Console

    It doesn't take a great computer to run most games these days, at pretty high settings. And in most situations, lag has little to do with the outcome of a match. But it's always been a favorite excuse for people who can't match up. Can you imagine trying to work the arma 2 menu with a controller? I sure can't. In any case, no, I would say much more restricted controls, which is far from better. But ultimately, I suppose that's preference. Not everyone has the dexterity to master a keyboard while working a mouse, I suppose. Yeah, they are something on the console, actually. A little less recognizable, but they are most certainly there. I think it was MW3 in particular that saw a dramatically large rise in hackers on the console? Not that they weren't there before, but with a game as big as MW3, a lot easier to notice.
  24. celle and taviana seem to be hotspots for hackers lately. on taviana, i had a dude teleporting me to him while he ran through a field with a dog. in fact, i can't think of a single instance where I've played either of those maps, and didn't have a run-in with hackers. shit is absurd.
  25. DrunkPunk

    Name that player type

    a rhinocrunch perhaps? maybe a devildog, if you throw in some "blames everything on lag/arma 2/hackers"...