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Everything posted by DrunkPunk

  1. DrunkPunk

    24/7 Daylight Servers... UGH?

    It's pointless to play with overpowered items like thermal scopes and NVGs in the game. Not to mention, the lighting system isn't very well designed for night time. Zombie aggro is broken as fuck during the night, as well. I like playing on night servers, when it's a level playing field, but it almost never is. Either you'll have the gamma adjusters, or the server hoppers/server admins with a full loadout just wrecking all the fresh spawns. And for the "survival realism"..... I stand by my constantly made statement, Gameplay > Realism
  2. DrunkPunk

    Considering what's not working on DayZ

    weapon degradation system... finally, a feature i absolutely hate the sound of. i hope it's something reasonable, and not something where 20 shots from my gun will have a noticeable difference. but to the OP, this is the thing about a player-driven experience. it requires you to actually find your own meaning in the game, and create your own objectives. with my 400 hours in, i'm still nowhere near ever reaching boredom in this mod. i always keep myself busy. because no matter how much high end gear i have, i always end up running out of ammo sooner or later, or finding the need to go in some direction, which results in encountering some group of players. this style of game is all about what you put into it. i really do hope to see the ability to build bases, like in the wasteland mod. that'll add endless hours of goals to accomplish, as well as give more dynamic experiences.
  3. DrunkPunk

    You get that terrible feeling...

    yell "FRIENDLY! FRIENDLY! ALL I HAVE IS A HATCHET!!! DONT SHOOOOOT", and then aim my gun at the door.
  4. DrunkPunk

    A few questions...

    All you have to do is kill/rob people for their stuff to be known as a bandit. It's pretty self explanatory. Killing unarmed players to get that kill count up, however, is just demonstrating a persons lack of skill. It's a fine line between killing unarmed players for safety and killing them for shits and giggles, however. The best way to avoid this stigma is to not sit on a hill near well-known fresh spawn locations to snipe.
  5. DrunkPunk

    Will dogs log out with the player?

    whoa. dev response. now this is what I call a responsible use of forums!
  6. DrunkPunk

    Have you Mistook an Animal for a Zombie?

    dude. even without the markers, i can't count how many times i've been comfortably stoned, trotting through the forest, alt-looking around and seeing something moving really quickly super close to me.... and i watch, as my view goes absolutely insane because I'm jumping so hard my mouse arm shakes as if I'm having a seizure.... just to realize that no, that's no prone player about to make a move on me.... it's a fucking rabbit....;.
  7. DrunkPunk

    Favorite DayZ map?

    Lingor is absolutely wonderful, in fact I need to play more lingor. Really dense forests, jungle sounds that will make you jump, lots of military loot that is pretty well spread out, it's great for random pvp away from the hotspots. Panthera is a blast, when you find a server with a ton of vehicles. Its a big map, but has some interesting terrain and spreads things out pretty well. Those two are my favorites, hands down. Aside from that, if you want more survival aspects, namalsk is cool. Ultimately, it's not anywhere near my favorite, but it's still one you should see.
  8. well, there is one possible answer to this, that being that tents don't dupe anymore. it made sense to have them there when the contents would save thruogh server restarts, despite being emptied out. but now, who would go stock up a tent every time they die where people can so easily find it?
  9. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/105916-dayz-main-page-statistics/
  10. I just hope road debris is loaded in before you drive through it, so that even if vehicles aren't as common, they'll at least be safer to drive.
  11. DrunkPunk

    DayZ - Cherno Spree *Removed*

    Based on the number of kills he mentioned he was trying to get, and the differing sun cycles, I'd guess this guy recorded this over a period of time, not just a day. In any case, that's a lot of baseless assumptions and pointless insults. If I had to guess, you've raged just a few times too many getting killed after a fresh spawn on the beach. To the OP, interesting video, but ultimately nothing too special about sniping people in cherno. These kinds of videos are a dime a dozen. I'm always way more interested in seeing videos of people using assault rifles and engaging in some CQC. Just a bit of feedback from someone who spends way too much time watching this crap at work. I am curious if you hit your 100 goal, I didn't watch the video all the way through myself.
  12. DrunkPunk

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    yeah, i'm not saying i wouldn't have done the same thing either. but if i were that unarmed player, i would have most certainly done what he did too :P
  13. DrunkPunk

    is Sacriel becoming a bully?

    you mean that unarmed guy? that he lit up, broke his legs and was the reason why he was bleeding? yeah, i'd probably do the same thing if I were that guy. especially because he was unarmed when he got lit up.
  14. DrunkPunk

    Being a nice guy...

    That's DayZ
  15. Sounds like a hive issue, as far as spawning on the beach with your camo. I have also seen this happen when someone stays connected during a restart, occasionally when force closing the game, and anything else that can cause abrupt disconnection from the hive. As far as the broken leg, I suppose it's possible someone sniped you from outside the audible range of the rifle. I've also seen this before, although most people aren't good enough to do so.
  16. DrunkPunk

    Am I the only one? Luck?

    Sounds like something a hacker would say o.O
  17. SSD will generally only help through SOME of the loading (dayz seems to require a lot of loading from the network), but it's worth it just for the speed of everything else. As for the rig, that'll get you some pretty good frames, I would think. I have a similar rig, just a bit higher end, and get about 80 FPS with my settings about maxed out at 1080p, so I'd figure you'd be between 40-60.
  18. DrunkPunk

    First confirmed kill!

    You can find a video out there on youtube that'll demonstrate some shooting with the CZ. But if you found the M107, you should be fine.
  19. DrunkPunk

    A few questions about being a bandit

    The best area to hunt is where ever you see players. You can wait around a crashed chopper, NWAF, Stary, ect. but I find I have much more fun with the random encounters across the map as I mindlessly travel. Stalk until you have a good shot, and a clear idea of what is occupying your surroundings. If you aren't sure you can make it, or if you aren't sure if anyone else is still around, I would wait it out. As far as staying hidden goes, typically I don't worry about that too much. What I do instead, is just keep constant awareness of my surroundings. Holding down alt to maintain a visual all around you is essential. If you know someone is around, however, stay crouched/prone, utilize pine trees since they lose zombie aggro and (when in the proper place) can almost make you invisible to people, too. And don't ever fire your gun, unless it's on another player. Don't enter buildings with one entrance with zombie aggro, don't stick around in any building long enough for zombies to overrun you, ect. I almost never kill zombies, which makes me audibly invisible to anyone else. I cannot count how many times I've heard even just a makarov go off, and that makarov shot causing the demise of a squad.
  20. Sometimes, persistence in the grips of death can bring about some amazing results. There I was, playing on Panthera, and was near the north east airfield. In an industrial building, I spot another survivor. Now, on the server I usually play on, it doesn't really tend to matter what you say. People will be hostile. So as I fire my first shot with my winchester at him, I hear him say friendly. But I already planted a round in him, so I figure there's no sense pretending everything will be okay and we can go about our merry way. He happens to have a M1014. With zombies approaching me from every angle, I attempt to fire another few shots at him, but miss as one of his shells lands right in me. As I try to exit the building, I notice him run towards the building next to mine. I pop out the door, and turn to aim another round at him. We both fire simultaneously, my shot clipping his arm, his shot breaking my legs and bringing me down to a blinking red health state and bleeding. Ah crap, that was my last shot. At this point, my fiance comes up and starts watching, hearing my heated exclamations in the midst of battle. The survivor is still out in the open, and attempts to bandage. A zombie whacks him, and he realizes he's not in a good spot to bandage. I quickly drop my winchester, and before switching to my axe I figure he's going to fire at me to finish me off, so I roll. Sure enough, barely dodge that round. As he starts running past me to get inside the industrial, I pull out my axe. There are zombies everywhere, I'm sure to die any moment, and this guy is presumably in the middle of the industrial building. Fuck it, I say, I'm not giving up quite yet. I make my crawl to the doorway, having to squirm around a couple zeds just to get my way into the door. There he is, in the middle of the building as suspected, applying a bandage. THIS IS IT!!! NO TURNING BACK NOW!! I start rolling my way in his direction, and just as I see his bandage animation stop and his shotgun muzzle raise up to point directly into my face, I make a desperate swing, sure that I am out of range. I hear a single shot, see his body contort in a strange manner, and..... he goes down. At that point, I could have applied a morphine and bandaged up, possibly driven my ural to a friend and survived it. But I didn't care anymore. Nothing could really top that moment, in that particular life. So I consumed all of my consumables, kicked my feet back, and let the human buffet begin. Have you ever had a moment where you normally would have given up, but kept on trucking, and had some amazing results? Lets hear em!
  21. yeah, you are right that it fits more with the theme, but walking from cherno to elektro to stary to the NEAF to the NWAF and not being able to find a single gun can be a major drag, and kinda defeats the purpose of the game. It becomes a walking simulator at that point, and the fact is this is still a game, so there needs to be that fun factor. and it's just no fun walking up as a fresh spawn, unable to find a weapon across an entire map, and having to but heads against people with as50's and the such. chernarus is a good map, but honestly has way too little loot. i really do think that the standalone will suffer for a while due to a lack of community maps. given what rocket has posted about the engine details, i don't think we'll be able to create and play on custom maps like we can now. i'd imagine we would have to wait for the dayz team to edit and port the maps themselves, which is going to put a huge gap into customization (the best private hives i've played on, are modified versions of the maps. in fact the best chernarus server i've played on, has a ton of extra buildings and a new town on the far west spawn), which in turn will do a lot of harm to this otherwise creative and innovative community. granted i'm just making educated guesses based on what i've read, but that's the best any of us can do at this point.
  22. DrunkPunk

    A Simple, Yet Elaborate Trap

    Me and some friends have camped that little area before, collecting quite the mass of warm bodies to help fight off the cold. It helps to have someone to watch the front as well as the back, just in case someone decides to ghost in there.
  23. I think this is due to a broken loot spawning system, and server admins that don't do restarts every few hours. The only servers I play on are owned by people who reset every 3 hours, and loot is just fine. Anything past that, though, and you'll find more than half hte buildings are either empty, or only have empty tin cans. Annoying as hell, but glad I have a home server so it's no longer an issue.
  24. DrunkPunk

    Vehicles spontaneously exploding

    A single nato round will destroy the engine block on a vehicle, Honestly the only thing I can think of, other than this alpha is buggier than hell.
  25. This is precisely what I would imagine. Tons of hackers like to turn into rabbits, and this sounds like an instance of a nice hacker. The way those 3 items were laid out seems really suspect to me. Plus the rabbit following you for so long.