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Everything posted by DrunkPunk

  1. DrunkPunk

    AS50 TWS still existing?

    Eh, let him ban people for weapons that were once in the game (and seem to be back). It's a really convenient way of blacklisting a shitty server with shitty admins. I would understand if it were obvious hacking, like someone slays an entire server, but for something that can be as simple as a person looting a player corpse, that's just absurd.
  2. DrunkPunk

    Help me conquer my fear of PvP :)

    no probs man, i just know my own experiences and what has helped me grow in pvp. if i had more time, i'd offer to roll with you, because having a second person is incredibly helpful in keeping aware of your surroundings, but naturally not required. If you need any more basic advice, shoot me a PM and I can part with some of my knowledge. Edit: Also, stay away from elektro. Too many snipers on the hills there. Cherno is more ideal, since there are a lot more tall buildings and hills.... or so I've found, anyway.
  3. DrunkPunk

    Help me conquer my fear of PvP :)

    The reason I recommended cherno specifically on a high pop server, is because there are usually not fresh spawns there, but a bunch of jackasses trying to kill some with AKs. It's pretty easy to see who is armed and who isn't. Also, to the OP, don't go to the NWA or Stary until you get some experience. You'll just be taken down by sniper after sniper, or large groups making runs. Save those places for when you get more experience behind your belt, because the NWA especially is one hell of a long walk just to die.
  4. DrunkPunk

    Help me conquer my fear of PvP :)

    Just spend some time in cherno on a hihg pop server with some low end guns, like ak-74 kobras or a lee enfield. This way you will have nothing to lose. You'll encounter a lot of pvp, but you'll also hopefully get over that fear. Really the best thing to do is get comfortable with the thought of death and starting over again. It's going to happen, whether you like it or not, one way or another. And exposing yourself to more pvp is the only way to develop that level head required for those intense moments. So just develop a quick shoreline path to getting a little bit of gear and throw yourself into it. You'll die a lot, but you'll learn how to properly move through hot zones and how to move in the process. Also, don't ever alt+f4. Accept death. Nothing is more loathed in this game (except maybe hackers) than some poor sport who can't handle something as common as death.
  5. DrunkPunk

    you sir, are an ahole

    maybe he was thirsty. the bottom line is, you may not have had anything in that particular moment, but every player in proximity is another person taking potential loot, and most certainly a potential threat. Also, if you were under the impression that ANY place on the coast was safe.... well... LOL
  6. DrunkPunk

    Ghillie Suits are common?

    lately i've seen ghillies all over the place, in some of the lowest quality loot spawns. they are definitely increased in drop rates from what I can see.
  7. Hacking really is getting out of hand. I can't even go on a server with 25-30 people on it, for fear of a hacker killing the server and losing everything. Now, I don't mind dying and having to start from scratch. Even to bugs, I'm okay with it, because this is an alpha. But hackers, man, there is nothing that gets me more than that shit. In fact, the only time I've died in the past 2 weeks (well, aside from that one time I thought I could parachute from 100m above the ground in a helo) has been to hackers.
  8. DrunkPunk

    AS50 TWS still existing?

    good to know it is indeed still in the game, hopefully this keeps people from banning due to having it
  9. DrunkPunk

    AS50 TWS still existing?

    actually.... yes! how did you know?
  10. There needs to be an "I would sell my first twelve born children for this to be a reality" vote option
  11. DrunkPunk

    AS50 TWS still existing?

    Actually, a friend of mine found one of these after restarting his server, in a truck. Was just the AS50 TWS and a can of beans. Considering the fact the truck was freshly spawned in its original spawn location, and vehicles aren't saving inventories, I'd say there might be a chance they are back in the game, or at least just a very rare spawn.
  12. DrunkPunk


    Meh, there's an old saying.... if you can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Think that applies to this game more so than any other.
  13. hey for being your second language, i think you did well on the english. now to the part that's actually relevant as a reply.... hahaha that is amazing. if only some people had jumped out, you could have turned around and run over their broken bodies to finish em off. nicely done!
  14. DrunkPunk

    operation fortitude: bring down an anti-bandit clan

    I'd love to be a part of this, but it unfortunately completely depends on the time frame. If you could PM me when you plan on this going down, I can let you know if I'm available. I can also record it all so we can look back later and laugh. Cheers, and either way, good luck! edit: i noticed you mentioned saturday/sunday, and you very well might be full, but i meant specifically time of day
  15. DrunkPunk

    Favourite ambush locations?

    The middle of cherno, music playing through my mic, shooting AKM rounds into the air. You'd be surprised how many people that attracts :P
  16. I respawned after a death on an island off of Otmel. I managed to swim from one island to the next one without losing a thing, but that could have just been luck.
  17. DrunkPunk

    Real Bandity How its Done!

    All I learned from this is that some dude not only A) has shitty taste in music, but B ) has no problem leaving himself open as fuck while he orders around some noobs. Not to mention C) dude loves his slow motion.... And here I thought I would be witnessing some real banditry.
  18. that just takes me to my video manager for some reason
  19. These guys are great, ran all the way from cherno to the NWA to bandage me up and give me a blood transfusion. thanks for the help guys!!!!!!!!
  20. DrunkPunk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Gonna try one last time... Stuck at the NWA, either in the firehouse or the hangar closest to it (i can log in for a second to confirm exactly which one) bleeding and down to about 3k blood. Got hit by a zombie and forgot I had used my last bandage on my buddy previous to that. Please help! PM me for my steam info! edit: paintball2x1 is on his way!
  21. DrunkPunk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still at the NWA, in need of a bandage and blood transfusion. have a buddy that'll flip on a server when i find someone so it should be safe. will be forever in your debt. hit me up for steam info.
  22. DrunkPunk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Still seeking a bandage and some blood at the NWA. Available now, however no voice chat, just steam (I'm at work). Server of your choice, but please be verified. Will reward you with compliments and sing tales of your heroic deeds. PM me for steam info! <3
  23. DrunkPunk

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    soooo.... I'm stuck at the NWA, either in the fire house or the hangar right next to it..... I'm bleeding without bandages at about 3k health. forgot I had given a buddy my last bandage and a zombie smacked me... go figure, sprinting around this is the first time ever i can't find a bandage. Need someone I can trust to come help me out! i realize it's a very hot zone and it would be ideal to find a low pop to empty server. please help! i have steam, so hit me up! and please be verified!