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About Syni

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Try making a new profile, it worked for me
  2. Syni

    "Bad CD Key"

    tried that, still nothing is working.
  3. Syni

    Combined Operations?

    I bought the game for this mod as well, now im getting an error message and there's no working solution and i've been looking for a way to fix it for 6 hours, now im giving up and just accepting the fact I wasted $30 on an awesome game I cant even play.
  4. Syni

    "Bad CD Key"

    It worked at first, played for a few minutes then it popped up ingame and it kicked me out BUMP I've had the game for a month and just now i am getting this error, running as administrator does not work. been trying for hours to get this to work...nothing. Goodbye $30, this is complete bullshit
  5. Syni

    "Bad CD Key"

    Every time I try to join a server, i get a popup saying "Bad CD Key" I click okay and it kicks me out of arma completely. Before I get accused of having a pirated copy, No I don't, i bought the game + combined operations off of steam for $30. Anyone else getting this?
  6. Probably going to join you guys, will hop on TS once i get off work