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Everything posted by martink8190@gmail.com

  1. martink8190@gmail.com

    sniping whit the mosin

    The lesson I learned from you uber skillz video is that your shooting skills are pathetic, just as your self
  2. martink8190@gmail.com

    How to improve Night gameplay - Rocket please read

    All I am saying is that night shouldn't be so dark because it's unplayable with the quirks I mentioned above. I'd be fine with dark but not..pitch black night dark
  3. martink8190@gmail.com

    SA-Suggestion: Introduction of Microskills

    Or perhaps you are so limited that you were simply unable to even comprehend my post?
  4. martink8190@gmail.com

    SA-Suggestion: Introduction of Microskills

    I never said we could pick up the role that we want to. Sorry if it came out that way but what I mean is that it would be random. Also, not every spawn would need to have the knowledge and be just that, a new spawn.
  5. martink8190@gmail.com

    Scripting already rampant...

    You can use next time Ctrl + Alt + Del to force your game to quit
  6. martink8190@gmail.com

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    I think everyone is just eager to get hands on some updates :P That said I'll grab one when there is one!
  7. martink8190@gmail.com

    Why is Podeba Dam gone?

    That would be actually neat as I noticed the far north of the map is very much empty and unused.
  8. martink8190@gmail.com

    SA-Suggestion: Introduction of Microskills

    Not sure of this approach... IMO we should have each unique ability from fresh spawn which server would randomly assign. What I mean by that is if I were to spawn as a doctor, ( the life I'd have had before Zeds ) I'd have the ability to heal and help sick players. Just as IRL, not everyone can heal them self, let alone diagnose the sickness. If I were to spawn as a machinery - handyman, I should have the ability to repair damaged parts to workable extend ( from ~ ruined ) and the knowledge to change tires or fix cars. Other people / players should be able to repair shoes, clothes and so on.. Why would they do that if somebody ask them to? TRading purposes of course and hopefully offering different interactions than ...KoS.
  9. martink8190@gmail.com

    How about Balota airfield military loot getting removed?

    As been already suggested by someone earlier is that there should NOT be any known or any military areas that are known to spawn military equipment or weaponry. they should be scattered all over chernarus requiring thorough searching of even the remote areas, making anything but the most basic tools like hatchets very rare. One should feel like a king with simple 9mm and hand full of ammo, let alone assault rifles with optics. This IMO are the roots of dayz, not to gear up and empty my backpack full of ammo into some random newb. I appreciate PvP for what it is but it should be well deserved and that's not to mention that ''endgame'' would be greatly postponed.
  10. martink8190@gmail.com

    This, Is DayZ - A Closer Look

  11. martink8190@gmail.com

    In your perfect game, how big do you want servers to be?

    20. Maybe its just me but I just don't get that feeling of being ''lost'' and lone with 40 players on server that is wild west rather than country full of infected ppl
  12. martink8190@gmail.com

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    I just lol'd so loud. Well played
  13. martink8190@gmail.com

    Genuine hacks or people looking for attention?

    Got around 30 hours now and today was my first encounter with scriptkiddie. Server was getting quite dark so only like 8 of us or so, on some UK server kept playing and weird server lag surely contributed to people leaving. Items took a good minute to combine or else interact with them and I later found myself teleported back to town that I left good 20 minutes ago.
  14. martink8190@gmail.com

    Sounds too quiet!

    I think the general volume of the game is on the quite side and could use boost by at least 10dB. For instance eating is louder than walking on concrete floor and is also much louder that fire from M4. I am sure volume tweaks will be done later but I wanted to mention that the general game volume is very low. No it's not my windows volume or any other
  15. martink8190@gmail.com

    How about Balota airfield military loot getting removed?

    That would make gameplay much more interesting. The knowing where to go has to go! :P
  16. martink8190@gmail.com

    How to improve Night gameplay - Rocket please read

    In post apocalyptic scenario, only a mad man would leave his/her shelter at night to get some silly ''jeans'' loot, unless equipped like navy seals and having a back up of at least few man. Torches cast light through walls and are fairly visible from distance, makes it hazardous to loot anything but very remote villages and as long as theres brightness and gamma adjustment option it would be foolish not to use it because you bet your opponent has both at max. NIght play needs more tweaking and refinement imo # Edit - posted too late :P
  17. martink8190@gmail.com

    How about Balota airfield military loot getting removed?

    I think balota airstrip will see a lot less action once vehicles become available. For now, since we all got to walk this will be the place of..all kinds of things
  18. martink8190@gmail.com

    THE DAYZ WISH LIST (From the Community to the Devs)

    Would like to see personal mines and cell phone explosive devices
  19. martink8190@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Vehicles Confirmed!!

    Wonder what the tracked vehicles are / will be like. Can't wait for vehicles
  20. martink8190@gmail.com

    Suggestion for us non bandits.

    I think its quite good idea. Maybe some people wont use it but it would be great to have such option to paralyze and others
  21. martink8190@gmail.com

    How come a lot of people have working M4/Mosin's?

    To me it doesn't really matter if it's M4 or AK74 to be honest, they still fairly-rather common. Assault rifles needs to be more rare as hand guns are more than good enough for self defence.
  22. martink8190@gmail.com

    DayZ SA - Christmas Song Encounters!

    Great way to have fun :D
  23. martink8190@gmail.com

    How come a lot of people have working M4/Mosin's?

    Found scope/s in car parking garages. I am little disappointed that the M4 is so easy to come by.
  24. martink8190@gmail.com

    Feels like a backyard mod made with insufficient tools.

    I see where you coming from BUT Is alpha stage not the point in making the game working a just? And then tweaking all the nice to have things?
  25. martink8190@gmail.com

    how do i put my torch into my inventory....

    I believe the only way to get rid of things willingly is to drag them to the left empty tab. Pressing the little red X square will simply cancel usage of an item and gets added back to the inventory.