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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Not to mention that most laptop users can only play because their screen resolution is rather sad, 1366 x 768
  2. How'd you propose we do that? The dayz page has already recommended specs ( which should be minimum really ) but HW & settings varies so greatly that I don't see how we could nail this.
  3. That would be ideal and if that means that there would not be any performance issues ( I lack the knowledge, implementation, engine.. ) than I see little to no reason not to have it.
  4. Zeds are likely to simply kill you. I've had this happen to me as well and maybe I was lucky but got out of it by randomly trying V and running and V. If that doesn't help you might want to try and log off / restart steam and relog
  5. While true it would be interesting to see if i5 would make any difference. I've feeling it would
  6. Spot on IMO...simple as that
  7. Good for you. Let us know which part you'll want to upgrade when they become obsolete in a year or two and have devalued to 1/4 of their RRP. In the mean time pray that the motherboard doesn't develop fault right past the guarantee.
  8. martink8190@gmail.com

    new computer

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/159342-will-this-work-as-a-general-gaming-pc/?p=1601357 You can try this
  9. Your card might be physically faulty. Bad memory can cause quite similar behaviour but this isn't easy to try and diagnose over internet. Want to list your hardware? I'm wondering what power supply have you got
  10. The only advice I can give you is to get new desktop
  11. No I am 100% with OP. I previously went even as far as suggesting all weapons being all over map in one of my early posts.
  12. Wrong. They are about the same in IRL performance except the FX is better at multitasking due to having 4 more physical cores. Furthermore the graph is cherry picked. http://www.anandtech.com/bench/Product/699?vs=677 You know what maybe I am intel fanboy. I want top performance for the money instead of some performance for the money and intel proved itself countless times. Have I mentioned that the i5 are faster at slower clock with HALF the TDP? ( power draw at 55W- 77W) My reasoning might be slightly biased admittedly as I play games that are very CPU demanding, unlike some old COD crap that runs on 12 years old engine. That's the only difference when people ask for general gaming PC as there's no point recommending i5 / i7 for the crap games mentioned above. The truth is I originally meant to compare the FX 6100 vs the FX 6300 as there is quite bit of difference. Further EDIT - I've always had AMD graphic cards as they offered the best performance / price ratio and ultimately this what I and everybody else should be after. I couldn't care less if it's IBM, intel , AMD or some chinese from garage as long as it performs well. As and end customer/s we all needed AMD to do well not only in GPU segment but also CPU but they simply don't stand a chance. If that means, again, being a funboy that fine, I am one. Not well but hey I am an intel fanboy :rolleyes:
  13. IMO SMG's fit perfectly although not any more than good old rusty AK's. The availability of ammo would be one of the major deciding factors in such out brake but I imagine the remaining civilian population would grab an SMG or compact weapons like the AKS 74U due to weight and them being unobtrusive and concealable ( read, smaller & backpack friendly ) Perhaps even governments / military would be willingly supplying SMG's to any remaining survivors out there over heavy and recoil wild assault battle rifles to defend themself's but thats my imagination running wild. I am just saying that I believe SMG's would be the weapon of choice because many would want to carry a long range weapon with half decent stopping power as well. I mean I don't know about you but I wouldn't loot a village or town without one of these http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heWuhDADCu8
  14. To be honest I would love to see .50 bmg but only under condition that zombies would be gore friendly. They should be anyway as that would take the game to entirely new level, for me anyhow
  15. Love surveys like this :P Hope to see the UMP45 and P90 :thumbsup: Haven't noticed explosives & antipersonnel column...
  16. See if you can get used HD 7850 for 60-80 quid. It should run but it'll be far from enjoyable experience due to integrated gpu
  17. Welcome back aussie b :D I never play on 20 + servers for my reasons and generally trying to avoid any contact and sometimes when feeling generous I drop spare can opener in place where newspawns are likely to search. I don't take my chances with armed groups though, group of 2 or more with guns...? I'd shoot If I feel I am in better position
  18. Great effort! Loving the inside barn and church sounds, very real. I'd say the zombies sounded much more threatening than those we have in game but I can't quite make up my mind. I am sure this is rather subjective as well but the M4 sounded little weak? Maybe its too much echo ( is it called reverb?) Anyhow, lighting years better than the current ones! Would love to hear the FNX45 too :)
  19. martink8190@gmail.com

    human claymore

    There are all kinds of people out there and if I were to look at it from authentic ( to me ) perspective, explosives would play significant role in post apocalyptic scenario, IMO. I very much doubt people would be running across some african soil full of lions ( analogy for being eaten alive ) and not take any advantage of every last piece of knowledge that can applied to gain advantage. I am just saying that If I were to be on my own in a place where anything-anytime can jump on my back while I focus on doing something else, you bet I'd TRY to make sure the back doors are armed and ready to fly on click of a button. That's not to mention other people hunting YOU as well. Now if bullets ( and possible jamming ) is the only tool you want to rely on than fine but I'd feel better having a plan B. I mean it's not like coming home and getting back to your xbox. The desire to live for years to come may not be as strong with others as some people love them self more than others do or might. Little off topic there but again, as long as it rare ( NOT for everyone ) this could be fun
  20. Another ignorant ****. All the answers can be found on these very forums. If you concerned about developers taking off forever falling into another trap as with the warz than you are stupid for not researching before buying. In perfect world developers update their fun base every few hours but holiday, where I come from means a holiday. Leaving everything behind and enjoying NOT posting any crap for a change
  21. Do bit of research on games / items before making entitled posts and to avoid future disappointments
  22. martink8190@gmail.com

    human claymore

    Well explosives gotta be in game sooner or later and the same goes for antipersonnel mines...some of you will have to deal with it