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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. Bro...seriously...stop spreading bullshit, you're completely delusional The only part you're correct is that having too many open tasks at onse does eat on some resources ( OP - try gamebooster, just google it and avoid having multiple tabs in your web browser, aslo read on some tweaks how to get the max out of arma) Arma view distance is handeled by CPU, the AI - zed's are handled by CPU, the shadows are partly handled by CPU, the damage is handled by CPU and so on...I've been around arma long enough to know that this game is CPU greedy bastard and I know for a fact that players with phenoms X4 II experience not as smooyh gameplay like the ones with latest intel CPU's. Oh and by the way sound in arma is handeled trough CPU as well, its the hi-def sounds that can be dealt with trough GPU. OP - if you still confused about all the responces here because of all these trolls, just take it to bohemia forums or tom's hardware.com and ask there.
  2. I have no idea why MP5 (oh that's right -- UMP45) makes you rage but youre silly liitle girl if you think I give f**k what pisses you off :)
  3. Umm..no he DOESN'T, are you playing 800*600 with 300 view distance or what? CPU is what he DOES need His Cpu vs (already quite outdated) i5 760 http://www.anandtech...duct/188?vs=191
  4. I guarantee it's your CPU. You need better cpu to see any improvement (along with motherboard, preferably)
  5. I am 90% sure this will come true, because arma3 wil have customizable gear/attachments. Keep an eye on arma 3 features as I'm sure many of em will make it to dayz mod ;)
  6. I actually am experiencing this on pretty much daily basis
  7. Maybe you wanna stick to fucking consoles than? They're just little outdated and it's not like there's need to push some innovation trough right? I mean we all can play on consoles for next 5 years, don't we? Yea that's right
  8. I wouldn't do that. First more CPU cores does NOT necessarily mean better performance. Higher clocked CPU with 4 cores WILL be better than lower clocked 6-8 core CPU..(for gaming) period More cores would make some difference if you HEAVILY do video editing or rendering I agree that used GTX570 would be nice and they dont cost a fortune no more
  9. Not really, no mate the ibuypower xtreme gamer is better by a long shot, speaking of CPU. This one got better GPU alright but its child play to replace GPU so the xtreme gamer is better value and also performer. Shame I can't read all the specs on there website in more detail
  10. I assume thats how everyone else values your work. sad nah not really cheap ass OT - I value how an employee of small studio took his time to develop a mod in his free time for others to enjoy and I will always support developers that doesn't sell you only shitty fookin graphics but give the game-play also some thought. Will get it for whatever price its going to end up at.
  11. This^ (i5 2500K) is second generation you moron. i5 3570K that I have is 3th generation
  12. lol ungrateful bitches hes got what he came for.... slow rate fire revolver against full auto rifle....he may have thought he was invincible i guess
  13. Its has been slow at time alright but god forbid if you try to re-edit your post :P
  14. martink8190@gmail.com

    How Are My Specs?

    CPU - it's getting rather long in the teeth but I'm sure you're aware RAM -I would understand 6Gb but what ram you exactly have that you state 6.2 Gb? HDD will show some bottlenecks at times (not because of space) GPU - HD 7770 would have been nicer Probably low settings, with occasional frame drops Defragment and cclean your HDD at least once a week else it willl play worse Edit - I'm not aware of any issues with vista os
  15. It should run quite fine on medium I think but if I were you I'd try to extend the GPU to at least HD 6850 or 560 (Ti) inexpensive, 64Gb SSD would benefit the rig also
  16. Umm, systemreq.com is a fail I have no idea why would anyone ever take it even as guide, especially with arma game. Anyways, let us know how it's running :P
  17. I am all for more variety in weapons and would love to see UMP45 (SD), some semi auto shotguns, G36...blablabla On the other hand I want veriety but much less comon rifles, they should be very rare on their own and ppl should run around with pistols at best. However if you do find rare rifle I want UMP45 or find me some G36
  18. I am pretty sure it will be plain unplayable if at all, unfortunately
  19. Bro you are full of shit and I know exactly what I am talking about so how about not coming out as premature kid that hates on everyone and actually tell us why is my and Doomclaps suggestion/ objections horribly wrong? One thing to note - arma ain't like battlefield/COD games or like any other out there so GTFO and stop trolling or tell us how ''full of shit'' are we since I didn't recommend a single component as of yet OP - the Ibuypower gamer xtreme for $ 899 but ditch the GPU for at least HD 7770 , 560Ti or GTX 570, preferably with 2Gb Vram (memory)
  20. HD 7750 instead of at least HD 7770 ffs... Anyways I agree this-one should do.The higher tier asus is not that necessary. Are you sure you can't just shop for the PC parts?
  21. No-one ever needed machine gunner or medic or rifleman. Every operation, like the one in Afghanistan basically consist/ed of snipers only as these guys just get the shit done, so yea I agree everyone should have at least M24....with flashlight attached to it - for convenience
  22. You'll be fine on between medium to high. Why don't you build one yourself? (your near mortar pc store or friend could do it) My point is if you build one you would get higher specs rig for the same$$
  23. Well done, although the hunting part was just little too long ;P btw was that a zed that killed you in the end? I couldnt see shit lol
  24. You noob, you're an idiot! { Chill bro, it's just a game and sometimes a little brake is all we need }