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Everything posted by martink8190@gmail.com

  1. martink8190@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    Know what's funny? Arma never tried to ''outsell'' itslef like some stupid, massively available COD forced at every store to you. The game did just fine for its lifetime ( over 10 years ). If it wasnt for the arma community and its stuff ( A lot of developers has come or got recruited from its community) you, most likely would not able to join dayz mod today. You now may stop posting such BS as in the end everybody wins
  2. martink8190@gmail.com

    Players 30+ years old

    We should nominate Sula as middle age man & woman leader ;) Anyone heard of Xfire? It's neat little tool to get quickly in touch, easily usable in game (and out off, as soon one is online) as call or message tool. That way we would know what is going on and who needs help? I think most people would prefer to know what will they do once they join a (any) group? Jut foot for thought XD
  3. martink8190@gmail.com

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    Pretty much this. In my own experience, they just ''came to have fun'' and thats cool but them being used to jsut fuck around and feel all self entitled is pissing me off as well and I consider myself far less serious (or butt hurt if you prefer) than others trying to play uber realisticaly. It comes to details like when you cover your team in humvee craws and little COD f*gg*t just hop in and drives your vehicle right to the enemy nest expecting to pwn some killzz. You can be a sims player for what I care but again, in my own experience its the ''mentality'' that COD players carry on to wherever they decide to play. I personaly am long time arma player but I can also enjoy BF2 that I've recently reainstalled. Well, its still retarded and somewhat fun but at least even compared to COD requires some kind of teamwork cooperation, whereas COD is just the lowest of low braindead games without any input needed from player, except jumping around and pressing LMB :rolleyeys: I would be, and Im not kidding, deeply ashamed to even publicly state that I enjoy COD. LMFAO. Take it as you will COD elite sniperzz
  4. martink8190@gmail.com

    A bandit, axe guy, hero, camo man... and a short journey

    That was pretty enjoyable and I value you took your time to share this! beans your way
  5. martink8190@gmail.com

    Energy drinks.

    Hmm you mean there should be stamina introduced? Like the more you're running the more you eat / drink? Like running for too long you would have to go sleep mode to gain energy back? I like the sound of it. Rare-ish energy bars (snickers) FTW :)
  6. martink8190@gmail.com

    I'm sick of KoS bandits and cowards

    Op has a point IMHO. There are MUCH better PvP mods for arma, if that's ones thing. I too am sick of utterly pointless murdering for no supplies or weapon. Beans you say? bullshit. Beans can be found in massive amounts asw ell other food. I for one hope all this will be adjusted else I'll stick to low pop servers or play ''true'' PvP mods. Another thing is, you can meet way too many ppl in the post apocaliptic settings and that kind of brakes immersion for me, as I'd expect too meet (armed) human once in a good while but not every 5 minutes.
  7. martink8190@gmail.com

    Elite grade sniper looking to join a squad

    @ Saucy - beans given for absolutely hilarious avatar! LOL
  8. martink8190@gmail.com

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    Cheers for the heads up, had a look and it's looking good. Will give that a spin for sure! Yap member since 2007 :) Outstanding mod, really loved it.
  9. martink8190@gmail.com

    1080p animated DayZ logo - free for use on youtube etc...

    Well done norrisUK, really awesome!
  10. martink8190@gmail.com

    that thing more rare then a mountain dew

    Could have change now due to latest patch or something but I've found a single mag in stary sobor supermarket lol
  11. martink8190@gmail.com

    DayZ Standalone Confirmed

    I'm not sure if i am little dissapointed yet that standalone won't be running under arma 3 engine. I guess we will see but I sure hoped it would be the very much improved arma 3 one.
  12. martink8190@gmail.com

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    Never used UAV to be honest (too tacticool shit for me hahah) but laser designating is pretty easy (obviously once you figure it out ). All you need is GTLD laser designator (the probably biggest thing that still looks like binos) and battery (one will do). Grab yourself also the littlr thingy called IR target strobe and you're all set. Pull it out, press LMB looking at the target and off you go. enjoy particles < profit.
  13. martink8190@gmail.com

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    Very much this and I got you my beans there buddy
  14. martink8190@gmail.com

    Elite grade sniper looking to join a squad

    Elite grade sniper... (rofl btw) the vanilla ballistics are least to say meh for long range rifles and you not missing every target rather means that you found how to use long range rifle. That however doesn't make anyone elite in my opinion. Sniping can be fun though and since you shooting bandits let me direct you on how to get better ;) I never considered hitting target as the ultimate skill but range guessing, (no rangefinder) ability to find good yet not obvious spotts and in case of multiple targets, the ability to prioritize targets, like in case of providing cover for your teammates. Don't fool yourself thinking that when you snipe a poor guy holding AKM with ironsights (aka can't fight back for shit really) you are getting better and whatnot. Obviously, sniper vs sniper or team vs team games are the ultimate testing facility and I can almost guarantee to you, that there will be somebody better tommorow, if not today. Good luck and keep practicing
  15. martink8190@gmail.com

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    Agreed. Don't mean to sound as elitist or anything but I truly fookin hate that game and I dislike it's ''community''. Needn't worry though, arma is probably too boring and too tacticool for them to plague arma servers :)
  16. martink8190@gmail.com

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    Bullshit. If anything arma players try to encourage to try the core game. Source - their forums Obviously there will always be butt hurt people that just don't get it. That's not my problem though
  17. martink8190@gmail.com

    Why are dayz players so hated?

    Even though some arma funs are bit elitistic not all of them are this ignorant. My advice: don't bother with bananas who think using mic is for noobs and makes them more of a true virtual soldier and just move on... There are plenty of servers to choose from, just find one that suits you. The bottom line if anything is, I would say they probably fear some new wave of newbies coming to arma from COD and ''destroying their servers with their retarded gameplay style or maybe he just imagined himself as recruiter or some shit. Just move on...
  18. martink8190@gmail.com

    Players 30+ years old

    Same here, quite surprised in a good way for sure :) Anyways I'm playing as lone survivor just doing my stuff and teasing zombies so I long ago thought about joining up a session with other mature folks (hopefully that will guarantee no back stubbs hahah). Though I'm in the process of moving property and stuff but once that's done you'll get in touch folks ;)
  19. martink8190@gmail.com

    Middle age men who play Dayz

    I don't play a lot of games these days but what the rest of you middle aged folks else play? Luve me some strategy games :)
  20. martink8190@gmail.com

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    Why not set up poll instead? Anyways, even though wires has some use ( even aside of all that trolling ) it's just too broken atm. If the dev's don't wanna loose anymore time on it and put it towards something more useful than by all means you got my green light. I also believe wires is what causes the massive artefacts on my HD 7850. For that alone - as good as gone
  21. martink8190@gmail.com

    My 1st Dayz Experiance

    Best of looting luck dude :)
  22. martink8190@gmail.com

    Can we make this mod/game harder?

    I like the idea. I think theres no need to reduce foot availability or medicals but weponery. IMO everyone should be running around with pistol at best for the first week and save on ammo, as thats something I'd like to see reduced aswell. This, as I'd hope to expect, would create scenario where teamwork/ groups would be ''forced'' on players to loot places not as lone wolfs but as a group and survive. Than, If you damn lucky, after about a week (refering to as rarity not time) when you find yo first AK-74 you get the freedome of choice to go your way or help your group with your new firepower advantage. OP - consider making a poll, if the you agree with my suggestion based on yours :) (or i can do it if i wish)
  23. martink8190@gmail.com

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    You do realize that without PC gamers buying their damn expensive hardware to play at top (visualy pleasing/accaptable) resolution/quality the fookin pathetic consoles would be stuck in PS 2 days don't you?? Maybe all everbody ever needed were consoles, I mean modeling, video editing, game developing can be done on consoles right? Oh that's right it can't Hey how do you like blu ray movies? I'm sure you do :)
  24. martink8190@gmail.com

    Rocket, Please don't. (Dayz on Console).

    I like to think the console sale could greatly increase/insure the finances for the future release, engine and features developement. If people choose to play on low res shitty consoles than fine, as long as the primary (PC) gets the most love. It could also mean they would have an acces to best tools and man power to eliminate the hacking/exploits to an absolute minimum.....but I can only hope so...
  25. martink8190@gmail.com

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    Why so many bronies create usless threads thinking they're actuallu ze cool threads?