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Everything posted by [email protected]

  1. I couldn't agree more, vehicles are useless and their damage vaules are laughable. Unnecessary and annoying, loosing wheels due to ''scratching'' a fence or wall let alone case where vehicles just explode for no reason whatsoever. Example - My buddy lost connection while on the move and even though the vehicle wasn't an offroad and thus driving it rather slow, when he got kicked out of server hes vehicle repositioned few times and than ended up in ''nearby'' trees bursting into flames. I do however get the maintenance necessity but why always wheels? its silly. period. If anything I'd imagine on some cars its the engine that failing more often than on some others, and on another vehicle it would be...whatever, the tires getting repeatedly flat after x time. I see where you coming from and I agree that if you decide to loot for an ''extra'' ammo it makes no sense to get on and start to shoot around. What I mean is (and I need to get more playtime with current patch) making zeds aggro too much can throw the game out of balance and some task become pointless and annoying / time wasting. Ammo should be scarce thats fine but than we should, IMHO have more ways to fight them and defend our self's and before all the uber realist jump in, it is my opinion that if that's the case (as said need more play time) we should have remotely / timer detonating claymores, bouncers, C4, semtex, boobie traps you name it in THIS patch, let alone the fact that due to zeds good enough hearing, silenced weapons much more widely available. (again, ammo is different topic) As much as I hate this lucky masculine bastards, I wouldn't want them removed. Perhaps, if anything, I should feel dizzy or something, yea I'd like that probably more. I've played arma for quite few years, long before dayz and I bought it for the realism / authenticity aspect, which I still like very much but while some may enjoy even more realism, for me, it's still just a game and while I do appreciate its own unique way/s, making it a lot more realistic doesnt sound that much more appealing to me either, as its still just a game.
  2. And fair enough but....Shouldn't we be able to find more silenced weapons if that's the case? I mean if the former military at the island got overrun (which they did) I wonder how long it would take them to realize that silenced weapons is the way to go and call out for ''massive'' suppressor and silenced tech drops? As for ammo, no objections there and Im happy that its scarce as it is.
  3. Chernarus looks really nice now, as well the clouds and water/ocean the colors are now richer and more vivid. As said I too was watching closely for potential door clipping and turning around in tight areas but so far good, that makes me really happy because as said earlier getting up and running had the most annoying animation... Definitely love the idea of more/ aditional island/s, who knows maybe one of those will be guarded and become a safe zone where ppl may trade and stuff, that would be great. Looking forward to new/overhauled inventory system very much too. Epipens / blood bags always took valuable space in da backpack :) Great stuff so far and FPS seemed to be nice n smooth too EDIT - Any chance seeing a vehicle damage in next or near future video blog? One thing that I personally feel needs as much attention is vehicle damage. What I mean is vehicle damage seems to be rather random and while some rock/tree/tall grass/sunflowers and chickens...can make you loose a wheel or two and severely damage and make even explode your vehicle, other times quite reckless driving doesn't seem to do to car anything or braking window/s at best
  4. I knew this kind of elitist BS would pop up sooner or later, but damn some are quick If any further assistance is needed do not hesitate and let me know :)
  5. Having exactly same issue as OP describes where till last night everything worked just fine. Getting tired of all beta patches and new fixes just to find out I can't play again if I am honest
  6. Alright, first of all I can't get around my had why after so many patches cars burst onto flames after hitting a rock or a tree at (very low actually) speeds. I'd understand the ''wheels damaged'' after hitting something but even than its ridiculously overshot and feels like the wheels on cars are made from wood or even better, glass. Why can't the engine get damaged to red first? I mean if you hit something it would be the bumpers / engine parts that would get damaged. I don't know if its hard to get the ''right'' hit detection but I'm getting seriously frustrated with this. Of course you going to be like: drive more carful and stuff but even than, there are so many random ''hidden'' rocks and stuff that just waiting for to do a damage to your car its not even funny. Straight to the point - WILL THIS BE LOOKED INTO IN UPCOMING PATCH? I'll be honest and I just say that I damn hope it will be looked onto rather sooner than later as it constantly ruins my gameing time. What are your thoughts and how you feel about the really laughable fragileness of all vehicles?
  7. Waiting for the stand alone atm, probably as most but seeing as it's still nowhere close I reinstalled dayz and arma 2 but I think I now remember why I stopped playing... spent whole goddamn day finding parts for ATV and when I was about to take off a zombie came out of nowhere and I hit it but not overrun and....ATV is fucking flipped. So really?? That's it? no unflip option? Have I just lost my ATV due to this bullshit?
  8. Also forgive the typos and some missing punctuation but I just can't be bothered to go on about fixing it....
  9. Thanks for the video tips and suggestions ya all. Some funny stories in here as well. As I later found however the ATV was useless right from the beginning. The ATV indeed unflipped after server restart but (lmfao..well not really) the ATV just wouldnt move off of the bridge, where I've found it. It had the willingness to go up but not forward. AS I said bugged. Since than though, I teamed up with a random guy and we were rolling for the past few dayz together and had great crack. Well until today. We drove our pick up truck that we were so happy to find only to loose both front wheels on some random rock next to the road. I thought fine, my bad (it really was :) ) except we were in the middle of fcuking nowhere and in the end we had to run 6K to cherno to find two wheels. Well thatwould be task for an hour or two but we wanted two cars in case we loose a wheel/s again. My buddy was searching cherno for ammo and wheels and I run past electro as I remembered there was a car with one wheel missing, so I though cool, I find a wheel, fix the other car, pick up my buddy with his found wheels and than we roll to our old pick up truck. Meanwhile I was running another some at least 4k somewhere far past electro as the car that supposed to have one wheel missing was bit further than I thought but np I thought and I found said bike some 2.5k before my destination. Shame it had both wheels broke but at least I could ride..well 20km an hour at best but was ok I thought. So I managed to find 3 wheels on my trip to the car that had actually all wheels missing...so I decided fcuk it, I fix my bike and we get all our wheels at cherno or else, as I was damn far from my buddy who msg me that he could use a blood transfusion, so I fix my bike and used 2 out of 3 wheels that took me loads of time, plenty of blood and sweat. As I wasn't really pleased that I was left with only one wheel I decided to check the places that I passed when rushing to the car far behind electro. I, again managed to find two more wheels so had 3 wheels again (fcuk yea!!! I thought) only to find out im surrounded by zombies while quickly getting on my bike, trying to just ignore em and get back to my buddy now. Well those undead bastards stood in front of my new-ishly fixed bike and when I took off my BOTH wheels got damaged once again. (why both instead of front I have no idea whatsoever) Furthermore slightly band front wheel doesnt make you go 19km/hr but whatever. Ok so I got back to my buddy running past 2k as one of the zeds threw me off of my bike near cherno earlier gave him a blood transfusion. All was ok but we still had only one wheel left and werent happy about that. Thats not to mention that ammo was really scarce. So we started to clean cherno again and found 2 more wheels so that was it, now we had 3 again. Running 6k back to our pick up truck, fixed it and head to another location where we seen another car with 1 wheel missing. Now that was great feeling, like the feeling of satisfaction after damn hard day of work but well earned. Having two shiny vehicles now, we decided its time to gear up a little and get us some more ammo and head off to airfields, finding some nice stuff at heli crashes. We even found two more wheels in a single shed on our way to the airfields. I was delighted as we used all but one wheel on our cars. So heading to the airfield and being all delighted, my buddy lost connection driving and that's where my day got fucked up again, As his car re-positioned and than ''drove itself'' into trees and just vanished in burst of flames. Buddy wasnt happy at all and that didnt surprise me. He's have had enough for the day and disconnected leaving it all for another day. I thought its alright, we still got our pick up truck and so I continued to the airfield hoping to find a chopper or some kind of wings as it was obvious, cars are fine and probably better than nothing but we do need wings. That's when I saw some smoke and coming closer I see another heli crash, hoping to perhaps finally score an NV's. Except not looking in front of me for few seconds I hit some random rock in rather low-ish speed, next to a side road again. So I get out check the car and two wheels are missing...Alright I got two so I ll just replace them I thought. Shame I didnt even get the chance to replace those wheels as the car just bursted on flames and blew up. I leave my hard feelings and incredible rage and just skip to my trip to the airfield, in hope to score something. A bike, wings or some car, whatever. So clearing out the airfield I've collected plenty of AK ammo and AKM ammo for my buddy when I get hit trying to open gate doors. Doors open with about the speed of 200km/hr and brake my bone. Great...well lucky I still have the morphine injector. Oh wait I used the lastone and the rest burned up along with the bloody car and if that wanst enough, some random undead douchebag climbed on top of me and made me unconstious and makes me bleed out while eating my nice camo clothing. End of the day. At first I just thought I leave my little feedback shorter and more to the point but I just wanted to share this experience. It was great and fucking horrible at the same time, making dayz what it is. AS I meantioned in my previous post I've recently started and reinstall dayz/arma as I cant wait for the stand alone but todays experienced left me so angered that I'll probably uninstall all of it again as loosing your stuff, so hard to get and find is just...not healthy for my already pretty choleric ''condition''.lol. Going to create new thread when I try to summarize my feedback about wheels made of glass and vehicles that catch on fire after hitting a rock or tree at 15km/hr.
  10. martink8190@gmail.com

    Day Z Videos

    Hey guys I might be reposting as I really didn't go trough the whole thread but this guys deserve to be seen ;) I really lol'ed at thisone and well done to em
  11. If you have a map you should be able to see yourself on it as blue dot with red lines around it ( Server setting set to regular, map enabled ) If ''show myself on map'' is disabled by server but you have a GPS you can fairly accurately estimate where your current position is - http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/35/bandicam201210022204307.jpg/ The red sqare consist of 10 by 10 lines. If you were right in the middle of that square, your position would be 035 035. If you were closer to the ATV as shown on map (touching line starting with 04) , your possition would be something like, from top to right - 040 036 as sixth lane from said 10 line square. If you don't even have GPS at your disposal, than you're literally lost buddy :)
  12. Can't miss litle opportunity to bash on COD :P I agree Blackops2 gotta be the most pathetic attempt at ''refreshing'' COD series in whole gaming industry.Period. I would at least somewhat admire that the rotten bastards TRY to refresh the series but black ops2 and soldiers riding slow, multi ton steel horses is just (not) laughable. I mean....really? Hope that will mean just that tiny bit less KoS, if anything.
  13. I rarely log in just to give beans to somebody but get sum ;)
  14. Are you using six updater to start up the game? You need same version of the gameas server you're trying to join and beta patch too. If you need help with how to use the six launcher let us know. Edit- some antivirus / anti-malware sw can be a bitch, try to temporarily disable / pause them and see.
  15. I believe they zig zag because of their pathfinding ability, trying to avoid all kinds of bushes, rocks or ''microterrain'' obstackles, while maintaining the close proximity to the player. I believe their (AI) instructions have been bit cut off due to performance and the calculation process results in what you're asking. That would probably explain why the're not doing that on roads. Try it and let the zeds chase you while running down the road.
  16. hear hear! well summarised and valid
  17. I'm not entirely certain but I think the character is bound to the ''cd'' key of your game. I'd need to install your copy on the PC you want to use.
  18. LOl what a thread... If you're too cheap or too materialistic becoause you can't decide to fork out $30 for decent game that's your problem but ppl do seem to enjoy the game/mod. It's your call /
  19. I agree or am convinced it could do more harm to the game than good. On the other hand, I think many are too sensitive about it. IMO with children included in the game as zombies dayz will be even more shocking ''reality'', which is obviously the point but the question remains - is it really worth it? The game could be as well banned god knows where.
  20. It's not integrated GFX, it's just so old that the industry made a whole circle due to naming of their HW XD. No offence OP, I hope you get uber PC soon and get to enjoy all em nice pixels. Good sound and nice GFX makes the game a lot more enjoyable. If you ever decide to build your own, make sure to PM me or ask in thread and I'll gladly help ya picking up compatible parts and stuff ;)
  21. 3.6Gb of RAM under 64bit Windows? Weird.. The CPU is little slow clocked but shouldn't struggle too much so I guess playable on low to medium.
  22. I don't really care about this feature much but little more variety is IMO most welcome in Dayz. Not sure why children instead of say, simply womens.
  23. I'm surprised you can actually run it at all. Upgrade is really due OP. Meanwhile - lower every settings in game if you havent already, and see if distance drawing at 800m does any better. Also clear your HDD & PC of junk with - http://www.filehippo.com/download_ccleaner and try also this - http://www.iobit.com/gamebooster.html. After you have done cleaning you HDD, deffrag your HDD - http://www.auslogics.com/en/software/disk-defrag/download/. I'd not expect magical performance gains but it should hopefuly crash less / run bit better.
  24. martink8190@gmail.com

    Energy drinks.

    I think there's a good chance stamina will make it into standalone as it has been confirmed for arma 3. Now just find some ways how to expand on it. Still am not sure if zombies should have high damage and athlete grade stamina