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Everything posted by 0013

  1. 0013

    DayZ Mod 1.7.7 Patch

    How do we use the new Eipeen status? I know it was <insert> but it does not seem to work now
  2. 0013

    DayZ Mod 1.7.6 Update

    Nice update! But I'm sorry to say that the ammo still refills on DC... I just tried it a few minutes ago
  3. 0013

    How does night time work?

    And what about players who play with the brightness settings? You can see very clearly when you set it
  4. And remove the 3rd view should definitively be in the SA... Have you already turn a corner without knowing whats on the other side... Well I did and believe me seeing a zombie at 5 inches of your face is very spooky. This will also add more cautiousness... since you cannot have a "360" view you cannot just run around and feel safe
  5. All buildings should be enterable BUT some might be locked... The only way to get in is to shot the door lock. Doing this will attract zombies and players. Also we should be able to see trough the windows so we can judge if it worth taking the shot or not
  6. 0013

    URGENT - magazine management

    If its not possible to do the "Refill option" well atleast it should be good if you do a reload it will go to the next mag in the inventory. This way you could finish the already used mags to make room
  7. 0013

    Water fall damage?

    Maybe... but if you fall straight i don't think it will kill you... BUT i won't try it lol
  8. 0013

    Water fall damage?

    How did he survive then lol (skip to 1:40)
  9. I found one in firestation, at the top of the tower.
  10. Okay... I know flashlight cannot be handled at the same time as a hand gun. But It worked this morning... I was alone in a server, I had a revolver, a hatchet as primary and it was night time. I removed the flashlight from me tool belt just in case a miracle can happen... AND IT HAPPEN!! I was handleling my revolver and my flashlight at the same time (alan wake style). I never shot with it tho... So I was happy and running around with my gun and flash light. 2 minutes later... I noticed that there is a guy in the lobby idle, but did not payed much attention. In fact, battleeye kicks him for idle and 2 secs later the server restarts... when I'm back to the game I notice that my czech backpack (full of food, drinks and a hand gun) is gone and my revolver too!!! I'm only holding my flashlight!!! I was WTF!! I walked back see it was drop somewhere, no luck. Later I find out that my hatchet is out of ammo... no reload availble... I disconnect and tried another server and nothing change. I had to find another hatchet... So i just want to know if it was normal that I was able to carry my gun + flash. Thanks!
  11. 0013

    Flashlight + weapon bug?

    I will try again tonight. But this I will give my pack to my friend before doing anything lol. But I know arma is constantly updating, according to dayzcommander. Could it have been added in the last patch?
  12. http://www.dayzpvp.com/ultimate-dayz-graphics-settings-and-tweaks-guide/ You can try this, but didn't work for me
  13. lol on the second pic, at the bottom, there like an arrow point right... At least you have some kind of GPS lol
  14. 0013

    Maps spawn in vehicles

    With today's technology it would more GPS than a map in a car
  15. 0013

    New toolbelt item: Duct Tape

    It could be use for X amount of times. Depending on the task. For exemple: mag tie = 1 use tie player = 2-3 use and so on...
  16. 0013

    New toolbelt item: Duct Tape

    ROFL tree post with the same idea
  17. 0013

    New toolbelt item: Duct Tape

    It could also be use to tape a flash light to a gun lol
  18. 0013

    Hunting Dogs

    Nice idea. And it could give your camp position to other players
  19. 0013

    Improvised motorcycles

    I see the scenerio: Riding on the scrap metal bike... The suddenly it breaks and you break your leg lol But seriously its a good idea
  20. 0013

    Other maps/Biomes

    What about a world size map?! With all the major cities of the world. This would be an amazing road trip lol. "Hey guys let's see the eiffel tower!" grab a car, make sure you have enough gaz, ammo and off you go! You will have to stop at gaz station where it would have zombies... some bridges will be unusable, so you will need to find a way around... And i'm sure it will bring nice road trip stories from other players. I guess it would bring surviving to another level. But I guess thats too much asking for a game lol
  21. 0013

    Other maps/Biomes

    I wonder how zombies would react to cold temperature... Will they freeze lol
  22. 0013

    What kind of traps can you think of?

    And the smell of fresh blood could attrack more zombies!
  23. 0013

    Other maps/Biomes

    I like your idea... And season change could be nice too. This will add a real use to the body temperature.
  24. There is already posts for this lol Your right about the RL thing, but there is no Zombies outside :( lol