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About freak20131

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  1. freak20131

    How to play armory?

    turn off dayz addon -.- it wont let u run anything its bs that u cant do it wiht addon turn on
  2. freak20131

    Singleplayer DayZ

    u can open ur own server not hard,run smooth no hacker no lose cars over night 2 hacker wiht maphack well u play alone but u can play legit and have alot more fun then vs hacker scripter -.- atm u only waste ur time they will get u anytime and u die lose ur stuff to the hackers its just gg
  3. well now hacker can save em,like happen 10 min ago on the server i play (!!) all vehicles got teleport gg and he save em they not back after server was down now hacker can have some fun can fool us alot .. oh well still no point repair em hacker are in all server and if they teleport vehicles gg
  4. freak20131

    Should we remove barbed wire in the next update

    so as 50 tws was remove befor ßwhich was part of the gamei dont get ur point hacker part of the game so no remove em rightß
  5. freak20131

    Pending Update: Build

    what the point of wipe ßhacker spawn item in few mins and all other are fuked?all who try play legitßnothx
  6. freak20131

    Admin "scans" player gear, threatens ban/kick

    guy u should chill more we cant do anything atm .............. well if rocket want he can remove any hacked weapon make a rest ,tents cars and all but he dont give a fuk so .. after a rest we can just bann anyone who use hacked stuff cuz they never droped after rest mkay rocket ur move -.- its not even beta so rest sthiss and fix save bug before tents cars need save alltime u take item or put item in it ...no dupe etc he also need add something serverside which not let hacked stuff save after logout im sure its not that hard-.- im sure every weapon got there own id so ßsave only ids which ingame etc i dont get why this not happen already ......
  7. freak20131

    What should I do when I see...

    its more a timeout,had this few times...
  8. freak20131

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    thanks for info,u sure that this happen only on new serverß maybe i should test old server till its fixed what u think^^
  9. freak20131

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    same here server name de 1041 lost 2xatv 1x bus funny part after first restart when i got atv its save but after next it was gone -.- atm its not realy fun fix cars and loss them after restart.. some server do restart all 3h etc need fix this plz edit ops wrong server name
  10. thanks for all the posts now i can stop find server where cars save ..they all buggy mkay
  11. i got as50 nvg ,i need l85 2 p om me if u wanna trade
  12. i got nvg and need L85 maybe u need something other i can addß