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About BloodSco

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. If your just trying to survive and you dont hunt other players then it is probably ok. If you try and kill other players then log then you should be banned imo
  2. ok sorry for being touchy and a bit lazy ;)
  3. we built 2 big badass bases too defend and let guys attack, gets boring. atm playing as a nomad just empying tents and the odd bit of pvp. the only problems we had with the bases was server hoppers and combat loggers, lucky no hackers. we even made new firends out of the bases lol. had guys just splashing against the walls all day and admired their determination so let them join our group.
  4. and this is why i tend not to spend my dayz on the forums, mate if you wanna mark me out of 100 for my spelling thats fine. ill go shoot some stuff and come back later, see how badly i failed my exam :(
  5. yeah been saying for about 2 weeks now we need a full wipe or all the tents done atleast but yeah we still in alpha so im sure its gunna happen soon :)
  6. and please excuse my crap spelling and missing n's, damn keyboard ;)
  7. The little plumb that got banned was banned for combat logging, the only reason anyone will get banned from DE7 by a admin. check how long the servers been runing and the amount of actual bans....hardly any. this wee guy and his mate killed one of mine and obviously would try and jump in the chopper so i just waited, even said to my mate bet these wee guys combat log and sure enough they didnt disapoint. if youd like to appolagise for your combat logging and promise that you have learned from this ill unban you no problem. The duping on most server is bad i guess, the past 5 nights we have been going round all our old camps and any random tent/bases we can find and saving them all empty with only wood in them to try and improve the gameplay on our server for everyone. alot of players just coming getting geared then laying in the hills shooting newspawns with as50s all day. that fucking island lol, what can i say...NUKE IT! we had been planning going out there to clear the tents as we are aware of all the server hoppers gearing at it and knew it would be dangerous so we waited till like 5-6am too do it, after the shit with weeplum ill be honest i did lock the server for about 30mins while we finished clearing the island tents just to get it out the way. now if for that i get my admin right taken away by the guy that owns the server then ill live with it. as for the restarts every 4 hours, seems to help alot tbh sometimes loading ca be slow etc, after a restart load times are always nice and fast. you get a 10min warning, 5min warning and then a 1min warning, plenty off time to get safe and save your stuff. lastly anyone coming too DE7 is more than welcome but do us a favour if you find tents with gear in em...take it all dump on the floor or w/e and save it with some wood in it.