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Kill3r n00b

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About Kill3r n00b

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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  1. Kill3r n00b

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    you guys need any like runners? people to run and find injured survivors or medic supplies? or just supplies in general? because I'd love to do that!
  2. Kill3r n00b


    Anyone have any suggestions on the part of the zombies? Post 'em! I think that the zombies shouldn't move as fast, the should only walk/or at least not be able to sprint.
  3. Kill3r n00b


    I think there should be motorcycles added, that are easier to make and maintain then a full car. But! they can only support 2 people at a time and are slightly faster then most cars. Post your thoughts and ideas below, I just think that this would be awesome. :lol: