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About Zala

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. Zala

    Just take my money

    Yeah, hence wanting to donate for better servers/main servers/whatever it takes to get into a damn server
  2. Zala

    Just take my money

    That's over 3 hours i've been trying to get into a server, any server, i give up now.
  3. Zala

    Just take my money

    I'm not an expert of this stuff so riddle me this. How are "the local servers getting fucked because you guys keep DDoS'ing them" when there are less than 10 people (out of 50) on a number of "local" servers I have attempted to log on today without success? This^
  4. Option number one, totally up for that. Would also lower the amount of people spamming abort and respawning because they aren't near Cherno/Electro
  5. Zala

    Just take my money

    Either way, somebody take my money so i can actually get into a server and play. I leave it between 10/20 minutes on server response before i decide enough is enough and i try again on a different server. Call me what you want, tell me i'm adding to the problem, whatever. Sorry for wanting to actually get onto a server.
  6. Seriously guys, take my money, and other peoples money, and for the love of titty fucking christ, will you go and buy a better main server.
  7. How the hell do I connect to this server? i'm tired of waiting for server response in all the others so i wanna play this one because it's hardly every half full