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Everything posted by vcmedic

  1. Haha touche. But somewhere deep underneath, Dr. Cox has a warm and fuzzy side. Somewhere far, far down... :huh: Also, the main reason I was particularly unhappy with the guy who was being a jerk is because I was having a good time hanging out with the others playing on the server, chatting over side chat, and helping them out when he logged on.
  2. I like the mods you've enabled but you need more active admins. Within 30 minutes of joining your server someone out of the blue started being a complete ass to me over side chat. Also, more vehicles is a nice thought, but they aren't of much use with all the extra heli's because people just fly around the map stealing vehicles from camps and hoarding them. Meh, maybe I've just been spoiled because another server I play on has a good community and a ton of admins who keep it that way. Anyways, good work with the rmod stuff for sure.
  3. Wow buddy, way to be a jackass :thumbsup: That's awesome. I lawled. You have my beans, sir.
  4. (Tried looking for a post answering this but there's way too much garbage to sift through, so my apologies if this has already been asked somewhere else) I was trying to set up my tent in a less obvious position, so I packed it up and moved it a couple times. I did not save the tent before re-packing and moving again. However, when the server restarted, 4 more tents magically reappeared, essentially duping the tent the same way it could happen in (and making my tent even less-subtle than before). If I shoot or run over the extra tents, will that permanently delete them in Or will they continuously reappear on server restarts. If so, is there a way to do something about this? Any info would be much appreciated!
  5. vcmedic

    24,000m from the shore

    Or just use a roll of quarters or the like to set on your w key. I have a very specifically shaped pocket knife that serves as my autorun function haha. Also, if you log into a server before you get the "Battleye..blah blah version...updated" message in the lobby, and then disconnect while loading in a couple of times it should spawn you on the beach. I get teleported/killed while logging in so often unintentionally that I'm sure you can make it happen on purpose :P
  6. vcmedic

    Huge ship outside Electro

    Bahahaha looks like some hacker tried to re-enact D-Day. Except with less tiny amphibs and more Russia :D
  7. vcmedic

    Music you listen to while playing.

    I generally have different musics depending on what I'm doing. I listen to the quiet sounds of nature when I'm hoofing it on foot - a nature walk if you will. When I'm in a car some "Ridin' Dirty" is in order. If I'm on a bike, something Indy/Hipster. Tractor is Taylor Swift, something with a banjo, or anything with a country feel. If I'm on a boat...I'M ON A BOAT ft my good buddies Andy Sandberg and T Pain, or some Jimmy Buffett island tunes. And of course, if I'm in a chopper, I'm blasting The Who/Rolling Stones/Buffalo Springfield over direct comm :thumbsup: (Edit: just realized this thread is in the bandit forums...I'm not a bandit, but my music choices still apply)
  8. When I've just marched out of Cherno with awesome loot and I'm all like: (Skip to 0:45)
  9. When you get arrested at the airport on suspected terrorism because you're crawling prone across the tarmac with military grade weapons.
  10. Thanks Griff! It's good to hear even a couple sentences affirming they're working on fixing some of the major bugs. I really hope they also fix the issue where you bug-out to the debug plains when loading in, have your gear completely wiped, and then spawn on the coast without even a flashlight (http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/69035-respawn-at-the-beach-and-gear-loss/). Had that happen so many times I've just given up on playing for the time being :(
  11. After my vote, I feel a bit remorseful....thermal in the face is a bit harsh :) To clarify, I actually think this is a good idea, just not my cup of tea. It's good to have options, and I've seen enough posts on the boards to know that you have at least enough people to fill up a, err, stone-age (?) playstyle server.
  12. vcmedic

    trade antibiotics for?

    Antibiotics are completely useless, until that one time when your blood starts dropping out of the blue before you realize what's going on :) In my experience, it seems that the time between when the heat indicator drops from normal to flashing, and the time it takes from there to acquire an infection is extremely short. I play on night servers and I'm pretty good about keeping an eye on my temp, but on the rare occasion when an infection has snuck up on me, a lot of expletives follow. I don't play this game to run around Cherno and get killed in 20 minutes, I play this game to survive. Therefore, antibiotics are very valuable to me. I also tend to play a medic, which also makes them a more valuable commodity to me than a weapon. So please don't say either heat packs of antibiotics are useless. They most certainly aren't.
  13. ...when you wake up in the morning and think you got hacked because your room isn't where you logged out.
  14. You know nothing John Snow. What you've clearly found is the Horn of Joramun. Now you need to head north until you find The Wall and blow it. The Night's Watch will probs be pissed, but hey, there's already a zombie horde in the south so why not bring in some more vicious undead from the north :thumbsup:
  15. It's a bug. This has happened to me 15+ times now, has happened to a lot of my friends, and to numerous others who have reported it on the forums. Assuming you can find the exact location where you were before being hit by the bug, you should be able to head back to that location and recover your body with all of your stuff. However, that's easier said than done when you don't have a map...and even if you do get your stuff back there's a high probability the same thing will just happen again. It's a huge game-breaking bug. All we can really do is pray that Rocket releases a hotfix for it.
  16. Agreed. /rant on Arma has already gotten it's +500k sales due to this mod, and has now gobbled up Rocket for a standalone to pretty much double dip. Not that I'm really surprised, that's where the money is. I'm not even really upset about that, because I'm sure the standalone should be good. But honestly if any effort is going to continue to be put into the mod (as opposed to the standalone), it would sure be nice if some of the major game-breaking bugs were fixed before Rocket rolls out new content like...dogs. That's a nice idea, but it's also likely going to be an extremely complicated feature that is going to introduce even more problems. Just fix the game first. It's fun as-is. Now make it stable and playable. /rant off On a side note, has anyone had this bug happen while using I'm just going to roll back if it's stable and find an old-version server to play on.
  17. vcmedic

    Complete Inventory Wipe on Logoff

    I have experienced this problem....repeatedly...when playing on Question: Has anyone been killed by the bug on log in using I'm considering rolling back and playing on an old server if it means my game will be stable enough to play...
  18. Bump bump bump bump. This has happened to me upwards of 15 times now, and I've tried to be patient but I can't deal with this anymore. - It's happened on multiple servers (even after triple-checking that everything is up to date). - I have tried doing a clean install of ARMA to ensure it's not a corrupt file issue - I have tried logging out, while standing, in a flat, open field. Still happened. - I don't alt-F4, but I have noticed this bug seems to happen if I get stuck at the "loading" screen and have to force-quit. - The above being said, it has also happened even upon successful log-ins. I'm wondering if the bug is related to some sort of hiccup in communication between the user's PC, the Hosted Server, and the Central Server? /shrug The worst is that I have been playing for weeks, and have never been killed in DayZ from any sort of legitimate cause (except when I was learning the ropes the very first day). My only deaths have been from this bug happening repeatedly. And of course, that's on top of the usual nonsense like losing rifles inside your backpack, tents disappearing, ATVs flipping, etc. All of the rest I can ignore because I know this game is in alpha, but I am going to stop playing until this is fixed. Having my inventory deleted three times in a single day makes this game pointless. *headdesk*
  19. /rant on I HAVE: 1) Been killed 15+ times by logging into a server and spawning in debug land, then spawning on the coast with nothing 2) Lost all my items from swimming 3) Lost several important items trying to put something into a tent 4) Lost my main rifle by dropping it on the ground 5) Lost my backpack by dropping it on the ground 6) Lost my main rifle by putting it into a full backpack (learned not to do that fast) 7) Lost my backpack from switching clothing 8) Had my tents deleted by the server I have NEVER: 1) Been killed by a bandit 2) Starved to death 3) Died of thirst 4) Been killed by Zed (except for my very first day of playing) 5) Been run over 6) Died from any sort of vehicle explosion or crash In fact, I have never died from any legitimate cause whatsoever since my very first day playing. Guess where I am right now? On the coast. With nothing (not even a flashlight). Why? Server bug killed me...again. For the fourth time today. I realize this game is in alpha, and I've had a lot of patience so far with all the bugs. But this has gotten ridiculous. Most of the stuff I can deal with, except being killed by the server-hand-of-god. I know I'm not the only one having this problem either. Unless someone can give me a reason (corrupted file, etc...and yeah, ive reinstalled ARMA) for why it's on my end that I'm dying and losing all my stuff about every 3rd time I log onto a server, I'm officially calling this game broken. I think it's a great concept, and the interesting/cool/crazy people I've met playing this game have made it a lot of fun. But I'm so frustrated with literally playing Russian Roulette whenever I log in (no pun intended because of the locale) that I likely will not be playing anymore except to maybe goof off on the coast. I can't play seriously, and I sure as hell can't play as a medic - which is my favorite thing to do in this game - because I can't help others if all my med supplies get deleted on login. I just don't have enough time to regear and play medic in a single session. I sincerely hope Rocket fixes some of the extremely serious bugs in this game very soon. Otherwise I guess I'll just wait for the standalone. /rant off And seriously, if anyone has any ideas on how to avoid the server log in bug, PLEASE let me know. I'll give you all my beans for forever.
  20. vcmedic

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Thanks for the meds, will put them to good use on the next sick person we come across. Glad we got ya patched up.
  21. vcmedic

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Shout out to TMW James Kennedy and his buddies for helping me out. Got killed by the server and spawned in debug land twice today while logging in (seriously, wtf). They gave me a choppa ride both times back to my body. Thanks! :)
  22. vcmedic

    Should Green Mountain be Haunted?

    I once stumbled up Green Mountain before I learned it's a place you don't want to get lost. While I was up there I was blinded by strange graphics glitches, and zombies kept appearing out of thin air, screaming at me, and then disappearing again. When something finally took a swipe at me from behind and my character cried out, only to turn around and see absolutely nothing, I realized it was time to get the hell out of there. I think it should definitely remain haunted in the standalone, but I don't want to see it become some high end loot camp. If too many people are constantly going up there just for the loot rather than the lolz (or screams as the case may be), it would ruin the mystery. Moreover, it would never be deserted. And that would be unfortunate because it would take away from one of the most terrifying DayZ experiences to be had, which is being on Green Mountain with only a small group late at night. Or better yet, completely alone. At least, you think you're alone...
  23. vcmedic

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I'll be operating in the NW part of the map for a while. Add me on steam if you need a hand :)
  24. vcmedic

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    @agd4life: Completely off topic, but that is an awesome profile pic, especially for a DayZ medic. M.A.S.H. is one of my all time favorite shows. You have my beans sir.
  25. vcmedic


    This didn't happen to me personally, but I was witness to the vent conversation. Two of my friends (at that point both fairly new to the game) were running around Stary on a nighttime server. Friend 1: Oh sweet, there's the supermarket, I'm gonna go check it out. (Five Minutes Later) Friend 2: Shit guys, I think I saw someone....Shit shit he's firing all over the goddamn place!!!...Guys, I don't think he's friendly. Friend 1: Jesus there are a ton of zombies around here. Friend 2: Guys, I see him. Oh hell he's definitely after me. I'm taking the shot!!!! Bang Friend 1: F@#% some motherf%^#er just f#@%$ing shot me. Friend 2: ....... Friend 1: God what an asshole. Whoever that was can go to hell. Now I'm back on the coast. Friend 2: Shit dude, you weren't in Stary were you? Friend 1: Yeah, I was in the market. Friend 2: Umm, sorry , I think I may have just shot you. Friend 1: God f$#%ing dammit. 10 minute argument over vent ensues, coupled with 10 minutes of hilarity for the rest of us :D