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Yann (DayZ)

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About Yann (DayZ)

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Yann (DayZ)

    banned from us 1993

    Are you done now?
  2. I can't understand why such a pleasant man would be kicked from a server.. It is people like you that have nothing to do in life or offer that resort to spending countless hours playing video games, and when they are banned they act like little children who got told to go to their room. Keep stamping your little feet, here is some attention The proof is called google btw, if you insist on using a very unique name, you are not hard to spot
  3. It would probably be more embarrassing for you if someone typed your name into google and read your posts on trying out scripts you dirty little liar
  4. Yann (DayZ)

    BattlEye: GameHack #38 (solved)

    Perfect, and the tags with "banned for no reason" as well, what an honest chap
  5. Back in the day, a troll would make a short inflammatory post to get some guy to expose himself as a bit of an egotistic long winded fool, in such a way that the watching majority could see what was actually happening. These days someone types meaningless nonsense and then claims it was a troll and sometimes tries to tell you what a troll is with no clue as to where the name came from or why they bit so hard. SoulessFaith you are the latter
  6. Yann (DayZ)

    Wrongful ban on US 2948

    Spoils something Your logic is that you are assuming everyone else is cheating so it is ok for you to do so also. The only time you will stop cheating is when it is impossible for you to do so, this is what is wrong. You are no different to the guy who's server you are trying to get blacklisted, except he is trying to contribute by renting a server. You run around using hacked weapons making others game experience less fun. And what is with the whole "lets make this girl cry, omg awesome lets record it." What are you? Is this what you do for fun?
  7. You are lucky you didn't accidentally run any scripts while you accidentally launched Cheat engine or you would have seen a global ban. Count your blessings and move to another server, I doubt that admin will let you back without proof you uninstalled it.
  8. Yann (DayZ)

    Wrongful ban on US 2948

    Sort of commendable of you, but with your guy talking about ghosting to set up an ambush and taking hacked weapons to dupe later. I can't really tell you apart from the hackers. This is a video about how to cheat slightly less at a video game than some other guy
  9. Did you shoot them with a weapon that doesn't exist in the game? Nothing will stop people like you bending the rules to suit, and making up pointless boring posts about how your type of cheating is fine and not at all like other types of cheating.
  10. Yann (DayZ)

    LU434 - banned for having AS50 TWS

    There are thousands of servers, it is not a global ban. And stop talking about abiding by the rules when you condone the use of hacked weapons. The end result of using one is exactly the same whether you spawned it or you got your mate to do it on another server.
  11. It's usually because that is where their tent farm full of duped items is
  12. Yann (DayZ)

    globally banned

    Read stickies There is nothing Dayz can do about a global ban, take it up with BattleEye
  13. Yann (DayZ)

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    I can assure you young man that I have read this entire thread. You are being pedantic about rules and trying to quote rocket without actually offering a quote. He said you will not get BattleEye banned for using hacked weapons. Please show me the quote where he says that Dayz is a game about running to a crate to equip and then duping the items in case you die. These are things that admins have to allow according to you. What is the difference between the person that spawned the crate and the people that take the weapons, you have both used an exploit to gain an advantage. Are you asking the guy before you shoot him if he hacked his weapon or found it the hard way, if not then your argument about rules is invalid as you are playing a different game If you want to run around chernarus with any weapon you can imagine, then why don't you play arma2, it's a pretty good game, instead of ruining a game that is not even out yet. You are killing this game with your attempts to justify the exploitation of a open engine, and I am saddend that people like you will try to get a server black listed that has an active admin rather than try and create a server that is fun to play on. If you can't see that cheating is rife in this game and needs to be dealt with harshly, then it is you that is ignorant. Edit: The scripter is in the logs and might get BE banned at some point, whereas you will never get banned, the only thing stopping you from doing it is you, not the rules.
  14. Yann (DayZ)

    FR35 - cheaters - UKHC

    It just amazes me how many idiots there are like you that think it is perfectly fine to cheat at a video game. Move on to a different server if you want to cheat, this admin has clearly said you are not welcome there.