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Everything posted by jwiechers

  1. jwiechers

    Banned for Nazi Nicks possible?

    Er, no. The Siegrune ϟ is an entirely novel rune devised by the successor movement of the romantic nationalists. It's quite likely derrived, like the hook-cross, from earlier sources, in this case the germanic rune alphabets. In the case of the Swastika-derrived hook-cross, you could argue that it has been used in other contexts, in the case of the Siegrune, you cannot. The Siegrune is an exclusive sign of populist racist movements of the early 20th century. As for the question of this thread, given the background, I would personally favour banning them, if only to comply with German laws on the matter (which my servers are subject to). This doesn't mean I'd ban anyone who has the letters SS in his name, but calling yourself Adolf Hitler is, at the very least, problematical.
  2. jwiechers

    Patch 95660 stability issues.

    We've received a couple of reports to that effect, please do not update your servers to the newest beta at the moment.
  3. There is exactly one helicopter per server right now. If they had two, something was foul.
  4. jwiechers

    Hackers stealing files off servers.

    KGoBlin: This is not an exploit. It is a standard feature of the engine and a well known issue that has long been dealt with for vanilla ARMA. The solution, as has been indicated, is simply not locating your configuration folder in the main folder of ARMA2. ARMA2 needs read and write access to the folder in order to load, read and write to, AddOns, not just DayZ. I admit, that the welcome email uses a security through obscurity approach to solving this, namely, the renaming of the config to something random, but if that was done, no one was compromised. Any compromise that has happened, happened because people did not follow the information we have provided. In order to deal with this *compliance* issue, we may rewrite the installation instructions to make sure people move the folder out of the ARMA2 root, but in the end, it is the responsibility of server admins to know something about the server software they host. As previously said, this is not a new issue.
  5. Ander has stated that vehicles outside of the map boundaries get deleted iff, at the (re)start of the server, they have not had interaction with a player for six or more in-game time hours.
  6. Suito, WINE, despite its backronym and frequent claims to the contrary, is an emulator in the strict sense of the word. ;-) As for what hosters actually use: I actually know numbers -- and no, many servers are not VPS, but dedicated machines running Windows 2k8 R2, especially the machines hosted by a couple of the larger GSPs. We are of course aware that a number of hosters use virtual servers, some use Hyper-V and Win2k8R2 instances, some use vSphere, some virtualbox or XEN on *nix. I never said that this could not work or would not work, although we are seeing substantially higher numbers of crashes in these settings. All I said was that it is not generally supported or encouraged because it leads to additional issues we cannot currently provide tech support for.
  7. I read it -- but officially, virtual servers are not supported, either because many things can go wrong and performance can be suboptimal. I merely mentioned WINE because I had assumed that someone would bring it up sooner or later on this thread.
  8. While this is very understandable, it is -- I hope -- equally clear that even if the team had any advance intel of what BattlEye was up to, we could not communicate this since it is not just you and other good people who're interested, but also the people who wish to cheat.
  9. Hello Mike, actually, there *are* checksums. If you *change* a file, this will result in an automatic kick and ban depending on server settings. However, this function does not run on files that are not currently loaded. This is a bit of an oversight, but I suspect it was simply assumed that the game would bug out if this was the case. The game does have a setting that *will* look for deleted files and as soon as the "tree issue" became recognized, the DayZ team issued an advisory to server owners to activate the regularcheck directive in the server config file. This was originally deactivated because it has a serious impact on performance unless you use very modern hardware for your server systems. Bohemia has recognized this and were kind enough to undertake some performance optimization included in the most recent ARMA2 OA Patch.
  10. Hello kraZey, the team has been aware of this possibility (in fact, we have quite a few test servers run that way and we know that a few people are running DayZ servers semi-natively on *NIX using WINE, too. We nevertheless do not officially support or encourage this because it adds another unknown variable that is hard to account for, especially if you have people who are not very familiar with the *NIX environment. It also adds performance issues if things are not ideally configured.
  11. jwiechers

    Dayz Sanctuary

    There is quite a lot that could be done, the question is what is currently expedient.
  12. jwiechers

    In need of flare sound effects for animated film

    You're very welcome. I am not 100% certain it is a stock BI sound, but since you're aware of the issue, I'm satisfied. It's just that a lot of people *aren't* aware that you can't just use stuff. :-) Amazing! :-)
  13. jwiechers

    In need of flare sound effects for animated film

    Extracted from the game files: sounds.rar, also, please see here for tools to convert the file back to something you can use. Also, please ask for permission before using these files in your movie. I'm just providing them because it's trivial for anyone to extract them, but that does not mean that you can legally use them without asking their creators. Oh, on a related note. The reason why you probably did not find them is that they reside in the weapons file, not the sfx file.
  14. jwiechers

    Graphical bugs

    http://dayz.io/i/ii/ Take your pic. More detailed: http://dayz.io/i/ii/...27 00-18-58.png Chernogorsk, Main Plaza http://dayz.io/i/ii/...27 23-23-10.png Balota Airfield http://dayz.io/i/ii/...27 23-23-23.png Balota Airfield http://dayz.io/i/ii/...28 03-48-42.png NW Airfield, looking at NW barracks. http://dayz.io/i/ii/...28 03-48-36.png NW Airfield, next to NW barracks, looking towards South-East http://dayz.io/i/ii/...28 03-42-57.png NW Airfield, Heli Landing next to NW barracks. Prior to the update, I had these graphical glitches sometimes, when finding wire fence that was intersecting with buildings or other geometry, now, they're everywhere and they make the game unplayable. It seems to be related, as many have said, to some of the corpses and also the wire fences and tank traps.
  15. jwiechers

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    I should have been more precise: it is *currently* the most likely reason. ;-)
  16. jwiechers

    Hotfix Build Rolling Update

    Hello everyone, STUCK ON LOADING If you are getting stuck at loading, please make absolutely sure that you have installed the newest version of the DayZ Client files. You should also make sure that they reside in @DayZ\AddOns instead of @DayZ. It is a common mistake to put them in @DayZ instead of the AddOns subfolder. This is the most likely reason why you get stuck. Jens
  17. jwiechers

    Private server spotted

    You must live in a really happy place where stuff is free or legal just because it doesn't explicitly say otherwise in a specific file, can I come visit? It is, strictly speaking, illegal as well as not appreciated by the developers, whether that is legally enforceable is another matter entirely, so is whether this is obvious. Just because I give you something to download, does not mean I disclaim all my rights to how you are going about using it.
  18. jwiechers

    Connecting Failed

    I had asked Dwarden (Bohemia) to contact GameSpy and they have confirmed the issue. It has gotten better and several of my servers are online again.
  19. I second the thought that it is a GameSpy issue. I have been having the same trouble on my DE 274 - DE 279 server since yesterday -- the server is completely autistic towards ARMA. I also haven't been able to ping the relevant GameSpy negotiation services and think they are to blame.
  20. jwiechers

    Dedicated Server

    I realize that, but it is still not very helpful to act that way. You see, I can generally sympathize with the idea behind lmgtfy because I recognize that there are a lot of people that just ask very obvious questions that could and should be answered by googling; however, the function of a forum is the providing of more substantial and extensive help. This isn't twitter, where you are forced to write 140 character replies or facebook, where your answer will be swamped by thousands of other answers. Furthermore, this question isn't quite of that sort. While his immediate issue might be solved by quickly googling he might hit road bumps that require him to come back and ask again -- and yes, most of those could probably be answered by googling, too, but why not be a little bit helpful?
  21. jwiechers

    Dedicated Server

    That is such an overused and, pardon, stupid, reply. Yes, you can solve 99.9% of all troubles today by using a search engine or wiki, however, constant reference to this more or less negates any use a forum would be. A good (English) guide to setup ARMA servers in general -- not just DayZ servers -- is found at: http://www.kellys-heroes.eu/files/tutorials/dedicated/ The website armaholic.com does have a French forum, but it's a bit inactive -- still, you might find help in your native language there, too: http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=topics&s=66 If you want to setup a DayZ Server, your best bet is applying for an instance ID with your server details at http://support.dayzmod.com/ If your server specifications are satisfactory, you will be granted an instance ID and instructions to setup a DayZ server.
  22. Which is the correct Location ID Format. Vilayer has incorrectly assigned one of their servers the same ID, sadly. I've already contacted the DayZ team to rectify the issue.
  23. I will revisit the difficulty settings. I would like to keep range finding active for the regular servers, but will see that it is deactivated on Mercenary and Veteran. Service Message: * There was a configuration error in the cfg of DE277: DayZ Zombie RPG DE 277 (v1.7.2.3) [MERCENARY][uTC-6] dayzmod.com - wiechers.ws. It is fixed now. * After analyzing the logs of all servers, about 100 people were banned based on video evidence (thanks to revil and his friends), information here as well as heuristic detection in the log files of the last two days.
  24. jwiechers

    Teamspeak 3 Overlay ban? Urgent please :)

    Strictly speaking, it is discouraged, but BattlEye, much like PunkBuster has to concede that there are a lot of programs that hook into games for benign purposes and generally, they get whitelisted. Unless you run cutting-edge versions that have been released mere hours prior, you will generally not be banned -- and even if you are banned for an older version, you will tend to be unbanned/not globally banned. The problem is the arms race between anti-cheating systems and cheating systems. It is trivial to inject a DLL, so many simple hack tools use it and the anti-cheat engines have to use some heuristics to detect if something is benign (i. e. TeamSpeak overlay) or not (i. e. a cheat). They do this quite well, most of the time, but there may be false-positives.
  25. jwiechers

    IF this was an actual game...

    As far as I can see I personally don't really dislike F2P, but I think that it would severely impact the nature of the game. If I can buy survival with real life cash, that undermines the game logic. I also don't think monthly fees are necessarily bad, but they add administrative overhead and would only really be justifiable if you host the servers yourself -- which I'd advise against for practical reasons. Classical "purchase" of the game may be the best option, including perhaps the alpha-/beta-purchase model. This question is, I think, a bit misleading. I do not think you mean "open source everything" vs. "closed shop." I think you mean: "continue the current close interaction with the community" vs. "let's do our thing until we're happy, release and react to feedback then." If this is what you mean: option (a). More broadly, I'd also like to see a lot of input from the community, perhaps including people with expertise contributing whole modules etc.. This may be helped by allowing standalone servers on which people can experiment. As someone who hosts a few, I would be very sad to see community servers go -- although I think it would increase security and integrity of the game. I would not, if I was you guys, burden myself with having to host servers, though. It may be an option to team up with resellers (in a trusted reseller model). Alternatively, the server will have to be made more resilient. I think there should be an option for local databases, too, not because I'd personally want it, but because it is (a) inevitable and (B) encourages further modding and development. (see above) I like Kickstarter, I really do -- I've supported many game projects on it over the last few months and I've coordinated a kickstarter campaign recently, but I think it is a mistake to use Kickstarter unless you have an established infrastructure or easy ways to provide boni. If you use Kickstarter now, you will get a lot of money, no doubt, but you will also have substantial issues procuring the necessary boni for the players. At this scale, even the production of T-Shirts becomes a hassle and I do not think in-game boni are really a good idea (see the F2P issue).