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Everything posted by jwiechers

  1. jwiechers

    New Official Scripts.txt

    Yes, check here: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/71904-new-major-battleye-anti-cheat-features/#entry684437
  2. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Hello everyone, I have a slightly updated file from Dwarden which may be the file we'll push to all server hosters later, but feel free to test already. Please note that you can reload these files "on the fly" by connecting via RCon and using the following two commands: loadscripts loadevents As before, it is possible and expected that legitimate scripts are logged and there are a many cases in which we decide to kick, even though it is not certain that someone is hacking and therefore should *not* be banned. Typical examples for legitimate scripts that *will* be logged are explosions and air effects, an example for a kick that may also kick legitimate users is the following restriction 5 "[_this,\"players\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf\";" This will block anyone from using the in-game server interface. This interface can be used perfectly legitimately -- and is used by some admins; however, it has regularly been used for injecting cheats and so we currently kick for opening it. If this hinders you, please change this line to read 1 "[_this,\"players\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf\";" Another example where we decided to kick is the spawning as a seagull. This *can* in very rare circumstances, happen due to a bug, however, we have seen this used by hackers and so we kick for it. Files: scripts.txt //new //#+2 ;PoC // Time 20120814.1940 1 addAction !"\"addAction\"," !"_action1 = _unit addAction [localize \"str_actions_medical_01" !"s_player_grabflare = player addAction [format[localize \"str_actions_medical_15\",_te" !"raddAction = 'addAction'" !"raddActioncode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addAction.sqf')" !"null = _holder addAction [format[(localize \"STR_DAYZ_CODE_1\"),_name], \"z\addons\dayz_code\actions\object_pickup.sqf\"," !"NORRN_dropAction = player addAction [\"Drop body\", \"\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\drop_body.sqf\",_dragee, 0, false, true];" 1 addEventHandler !"\"addEventHandler" !"displayAddEventHandler" !"raddEventhandler = 'addEventhandler'" !"raddEventhandlercode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addEventhandler.sqf')" !"id = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call local_zombieDamage}];" !"id = _unit addeventhandler [\"Killed\",{[_this,\"zombieKills\"] call local_eventKill}];" !"eh1 = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{if (local (_this select 0)) then {_this call fnc_usec_damageVehicle}}];" !"eh2 = _unit addeventhandler [\"Killed\",{if (local (_this select 0)) then {_this call object_vehicleKilled}}];" !"eh3 = _unit addEventHandler [\"GetOut\", {[(_this select 0),"position"] call server_updateObject;}];" !"eh1 = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call fnc_usec_damageHandler;0} ];" !"eh2 = _unit addEventHandler [\"Fired\", {_this call player_fired;}];" !"eh3 = _unit addEventHandler [\"Killed\", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];" !"_id = player addEventHandler [\"Respawn\", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];" !"dayz_originalPlayer = _oldUnit;\n_oldUnit addEventHandler [\"HandleDamage\",{false}];\n_oldUnit disableAI \"ANIM\";" !"_timeN = time;\n\n_id = _agent addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call local_zombieDamage}];" !"eh_player_killed = player addeventhandler [\"FiredNear\",{_this call player_weaponFiredNear;} ];" 1 displayAddEventHandler !"\"displayAddEventHandler\"," !"(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"_this call dayz_spaceInterrupt\"];\nplayer disableConversation" 5 addGroupIcon !"\"addGroupIcon\"," 1 addPublicVariableEventHandler !"\"addPublicVariableEventHandler\"," !"DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"\"remExField" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call BIS_MPF_remoteExecution" !"\"dayzSetFuel\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select" !"\"drn_DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"\"dayzSetFuel\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select" 1 addRating !"\"addRating\"," 1 addResources !"\"addResources\"," 1 addSwitchableUnit !"\"addSwitchableUnit\"," !"addSwitchableUnit _newUnit;" !"addSwitchableUnit dayz_originalPlayer;" 5 addWaypoint !"\"addWaypoint\"," 1 allowDamage !"\"allowDamage\"," !"player allowDamage true;" !"_object allowDamage false;" 1 allowDammage !"\"allowDammage\"," !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this" 1 attachTo !"\"attachTo\"," !"_point attachTo [_unit,_modelPos,_wound];" !"_fl attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect2\"];" !"_dragee attachto [_unit,[0.1, 1.01, 0]];" !"_bolt attachTo [_hitObject,_val,_hitMemoryPt];" !"_flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0],\"granat2\"];" !"_smoke attachto [_vehicle,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect1\"];" !"_smoke attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect1\"];" 1 createDialog !"\"createDialog\"," !"createDialog \"RscDisplayGenderSelect\";" 1 createMarker !"\"createMarker\"," !"createMarkerLocal" !"if (isnil 'BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers' || false) then {" 1 createMarkerLocal !"\"createMarkerLocal\"," !"rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal'" !"rcreateMarkerLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createMarkerLocal.sqf')" 1 createMenu !"\"createMenu\"," !"if (isnil 'BIS_fnc_createmenu' || false) then {" 1 createSimpleTask !"\"createSimpleTask\"," !"rcreateSimpleTask = 'createSimpleTask'" !"rcreateSimpleTaskcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createSimpleTask.sqf')" 1 createUnit !"\"createUnit\"," !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit [" !"_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,dayz_spawnPos,[],0,\"NONE\"]" 5 createMine !"\"createMine\"," 5 createTarget !"\"createTarget\"," 1 createVehicle !"\"createVehicle\"," !"createVehicleLocal" !"createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder\", _iPos, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_fire = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"if (_height < 100) then {\n_bolt = createVehicle [\"BoltSteelF\", _endPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bolt setPosATL _endPos;" !"_tent = createVehicle [\"TentStorage\", _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_tent setdir _dir;" !"if ((random _int)>2.2) then\n{\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (getpos _v);\n};" !"exitwith {};\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (_v modelToWorld _effect2pos);\n} foreach (_list);" !"_bag = createVehicle [format[\"WeaponHolder_%1\",_item],getPosATL player,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir (getDir player);" !"_bag = createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder_ItemTent\",_pos,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir _dir;\nplayer reveal _bag;" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;\n_object setPos _position;\n_object setDir _dir;\n_object allowDamage false;" 1 createVehicleLocal !"\"createVehicleLocal\"," !"_point = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal getPosATL _unit;" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;" !"_fl = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;" !"_lightArea = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL _flare);" !"_lightSpark = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL _flare);" !"_source = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal getpos (_this select 0);" !"_source = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal _pos;\n_source setParticleParams" 1 DisableUserInput !"\"DisableUserInput\"," !"disableUserInput false;" 1 editorSetEventHandler !"\"editorSetEventHandler\"," 1 enableSimulation !"\"enableSimulation\"," !"renablesimulation = 'enablesimulation'" !"renablesimulationcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'enablesimulation.sqf')" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this" !"dayz_originalPlayer enableSimulation true;" !">> \"dayz_anim\" >> \"isUpdated\");\nplayer enableSimulation true;" 1 inGameUISetEventHandler !"\"inGameUISetEventHandler\"," 1 onPlayerConnected !"\"onPlayerConnected\"," !"textLogFormat [\"MPF_Client JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest" !"ca\Modules\MP\data\scripts\JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest.sqf" 1 onPlayerDisconnected !"\"OnPlayerDisconnected\"," 1 publicVariable !"\"publicVariable\"," !"publicVariableClient" !"publicVariableServer" !"addPublicVariableEventHandler" !"publicVariable \"dayzDiscoRem\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzPlayerSave\";" !"publicVariable _playerObjName;" !"publicVariable \"BIS_MPF_logic\";" !"publicVariable \"usecEpi\";" !"publicVariable \"remExFP\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzLogin\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzLogin2\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzHitV\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzUpdateVehicle\";" !"usecBandage = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecBandage\";" !"usecBandage = [player,player];\npublicVariable \"usecBandage\";\nplayer setdamage 0;" !"usecBleed = [_unit,_wound,_hit];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";" !"usecBleed = [player,_x,0];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";\n} forEach (_medical select 8);" !"usecBleed = [_playerObj,_x,0];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";\n} forEach (_medical select 8);" !"dayzRoadFlare = [_projectile,0];\npublicVariable \"dayzRoadFlare\";\n_id = _this spawn player_throwObject;" !"dayzHideBody = _item;\npublicVariable \"dayzHideBody\";\nhideBody _item;" hideBody _item;" !"usecTransfuse = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecTransfuse\";" !"player removeMagazine \"ItemMorphine\";\n\nusecMorphine = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecMorphine\";" !"usecMorphine = [player,player];\npublicVariable \"usecMorphine\";\nplayer setVariable [\"USEC_inPain\", false, true];" !"dayzSetFix = [_vehicle,_selection,0];\npublicVariable \"dayzSetFix\";" !"dayzSetFuel spawn local_sefFuel;\npublicVariable \"dayzSetFuel\";" !"usecPainK = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecPainK\";" !"dayzGutBody = _array;\npublicVariable \"dayzGutBody\";" !"dayzDeath = [dayz_characterID,0,_body,_playerID,dayz_playerName];\npublicVariable \"dayzDeath\";" !"publicVariable "dayzPublishObj";\nif (isServer) then {\ndayzPublishObj call server_publishObj;\n};" 1 publicVariableClient !"\"publicVariableClient\"," !"_clientID publicVariableClient \"dayzPlayerLogin\";" 1 publicVariableServer !"\"publicVariableServer\"," !"publicVariableServer \"dayzPlayerSave\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzDiscoRem\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzLogin\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzLoginRecord\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzCharDisco\";\nif (isServer) then {\n\ndayzCharDisco call server_characterSync;" 1 removeAllEventHandlers !"\"removeAllEventHandlers\"," 1 sendTask !"\"sendTask\"," 1 serverCommand !"\"serverCommand\"," !"serverCommandAvailable" 1 serverCommandAvailable !"\"serverCommandAvailable\"," 1 setCurrentTask !"\"setCurrentTask\"," !"rsetCurrentTask = 'setCurrentTask'" !"rsetCurrentTaskcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCurrentTask.sqf')" !"rsetCurrentTaskArrays = 'setCurrentTaskArrays'" !"rsetCurrentTaskArrayscode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCurrentTaskArrays" 1 setDamage !"\"setDamage\"," !"_vehicle setDamage 0;" !"player setdamage 0;" !"if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};" !"if (_ent isKindOf \"Animal\") then {\n_ent setDamage 1;" !"player setDamage 1;\n0.1 fadeSound 0;" 1 setDammage !"\"setDammage\"," 1 setDate !"\"setDate\"," !"rsetDate = 'setDate'" !"rsetDatecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setDate.sqf')" !"dayzSetDate" 1 setFog !"\"setFog\"," !"0 setFog _currentFog;" 1 setFuel !"\"setFuel\"," !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_setFuel.sqf" !"\"dayzSetFuel\"" 1 setHit !"\"setHit\"," !"object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z" !"player setHit[\"legs\",1];" !"_unit setHit[\"legs\",0];" !"_unit setHit[\"hands\",0];" !"_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];" !"_total = [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_setHitServer;" !"_ent setVariable [\"hit_legs\",2,true];" 5 setMarkerPos !"\"setMarkerPos\"," !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\"," !"rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal'" !"rsetMarkerPosLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setMarkerPosLocal.sqf')" 1 setOverCast !"\"setOverCast\"," !"0 setOvercast _currentOvercast;" 1 setVariable !"\"setVariable\"," !"_x setVariable[\"lastAttack\",time];" !"player setVariable[\"USEC_lowBlood\"," !"player setVariable [\"temperature\",dayz_temperatur," !"_x setVariable [\"zombied\",objNull,true];" !"_x setVariable [\"cleared\",true,true];" !"_x setVariable [\"looted\",_dateNow,true];" !"_agent setVariable [_name, _value];" !"player setVariable[\"medForceUpdate\"," !"player setVariable [\"bodyName\",dayz_playerName,true];" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display', _this select 0];" !"_agent setvariable [\"state\",_state];" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_InfoText',_this select 0]" !"_agent setvariable [\"state\",_state];" !"_item setVariable [\"created\",(DateToNumber date),true];" !"_unit setVariable [\"myDest\",_pos];" !"player setVariable [\"messing\",[dayz_hunger,dayz_thirst],true];" !"_hitter setVariable[\"headShots\",(_headShots + 1),true];" !"_hitter setVariable["\firedHit\",[_zed,_selection],true];" !"_hitter setVariable["\firedDamage\",_damage,true];" !"_killer setVariable[_type,(_kills + 1),true];" !"_zombie setVariable [\"targets\"," !"_group setVariable [\"targets\"," !"_unit setVariable [\"hit_legs\",0];" !"_unit setVariable [\"hit_hands\",0];" !"_unit setVariable [_strH,_damage,true];" 1 setVehicleInit !"\"setVehicleInit\"," !"_v setVehicleInit \"[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction\";" !"_v setVehicleInit format [\"[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2\",_int, _t];" 1 setWind !"\"setWint\"," !"setWind [_currentWindX, _currentWindZ, true];" 5 addAmmo !"\"addAmmo\"," 5 addMPEventHandler !"\"addMPEventHandler\"," 5 clearPlayerInit !"\"clearPlayerInit\"," 1 clearVehicleInit !"\"clearVehicleInit\"," !"clearVehicleInit _v;" 5 commandFSM !"\"commandFSM\"," 5 disableTIEquipment !"\"disableTIEquipment\"," 5 doFSM !"\"doFSM\"," 5 EjectPlayer !"\"EjectPlayer\"," 5 enableCamShake !"\"enableCamShake\"," 5 enableTeamSwitch !"\"enableTeamSwitch\"," 5 fireAtTarget !"\"fireAtTarget\"," 5 onCommandModeChanged !"\"onCommandModeChanged\"," 5 onMapSingleClick !"\"onMapSingleClick\"," 5 onTeamSwitch !"\"onTeamSwitch\"," 5 openDSInterface !"\"openDSinterface\"," !"if (_lbselected == \"DSInterface\") then {openDSInterface;};" 1 processInitCommands !"\"processInitCommands\"," !"processInitCommands; \n};\nif (_v iskindof \"tank\"" !"Effects_AirDestructionStage2\",_int, _t];\nprocessInitCommands" !"_v setVehicleInit format [\"[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn\",_int, _t];\nprocessInitCommands;" 5 setAmmoCargo !"\"setAmmoCargo\"," 1 setFSMVariable !"\"setFSMvariable\"," !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_thirst\",0];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_hunger\",0];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"none\"];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_maxSpeed\",_maxSpeed];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_forceChange\",true];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"stay];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"track\"];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_target\",_target];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_watchDog\",_watchDog];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_actionWarn\",_actionWarn];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_thirst\",_thirst];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_hunger\",_hunger];" 5 SetFuelCargo !"\"setFuelCargo\"," 1 setGroupIconsVisible !"\"setGroupIconsVisible\"," 5 setObjectProxy !"\"setObjectProxy\"," 1 setpos !"\"setPos\"," !"setPosATL" !"setPosASL" !"" !"setPosASL2" !"ctrlSetPosition" !"sliderSetPosition" !"progressSetPosition" !"camSetPos" !"preloadCamera _setPos" !"BIS_fnc_sceneSetPosFormation" !"_agent = createAgent [_type, _Pos, [], 0, \"FORM\"];\n_agent setpos _Pos;" !"private [\"_test\", \"_test2\"];\n_test = (_this select 0) setPos (position (_this select 0)); if (isnil \"_test\") then {_test = false};" !"[_flare, -90, -10] call object_setpitchbank;\n_flare setPos (getPos _flare);" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;\n_object setPos _position;\n_object setDir _dir;\n_object allowDamage false;" !"_tent setdir _dir;\n_tent setpos _location;\nplayer reveal _tent;" !"_logic = _this select 0;\n_logic setpos [1000,10,0];\n\n\nwaituntil {!isnil \"BIS_MPF_InitDone\"}; 1 setPosATL !"\"setPosATL\"," !"player setPosATL _mylastPos;" !"player setPosATL dayz_spawnPos;" !"player setPosATL _setPos;" !"_item setPosATL _ipos;" !"player setPosATL [-2148,6655,0];" !"_agent setPosATL _position;" !"_bolt setPosATL _endPos;" 1 setposASL !"\"setPosASL\"," !"setPosASL2" 5 setPosASL2 !"\"setPosASL2\"," 5 setRepairCargo !"\"setRepairCargo\"," 5 setUnconscious !"\"setUnconscious\"," 5 setVehicleAmmo !"\"setVehicleAmmo\"," 5 setVehicleArmor !"\"setVehicleArmor\"," 5 setVehicleLock !"\"setVehicleLock\"," 5 setVehiclePos !"\"setVehiclePos\"," 5 setViewDistance !"\"setViewDistance\"," 5 setWeaponReloadingTime !"\"setWeaponReloadingTime\"," 5 setWeaponState !"\"setWeaponState\"," 5 skipTime !"\"skipTime\"," !"rskiptime = 'skiptime'" !"rskiptimecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'skiptime.sqf')" 5 teamSwitch !"\"teamSwitch\"," 5 waypointVisible !"\"waypointVisible\"," 1 putWeaponPool !"\"putWeaponPool\"," 1 pickWeaponPool !"\"pickWeaponPool\"," 1 fillWeaponsFromPool !"\"fillWeaponsFromPool\"," 1 visiblePosition !"\"visiblePosition\"," 1 setTerrainGrid !"\"setTerrainGrid\"," 1 WorldToScreen !"\"WorldToScreen\"," !"posWorldToScreen" 1 WorldToModel !"\"WorldToModel\"," !"_relPos = _building worldToModel (getPosATL _unit1);" !"_pondPos = (_x worldToModel _playerPos) select 2;" 1 posWorldToScreen !"\"posWorldToScreen\"," 1 ScreenToWorld !"\"ScreenToWorld\"," 5 loadFile !"\"loadFile\"," 1 selectNoPlayer !"\"selectNoPlayer\"," !"selectNoPlayer;" 5 createLocation !"\"createLocation\"," 5 openMap !"\"openMap\"," 1 hideObject !"\"hideObject\"" !"rhideObject = 'hideObject'" !"rhideObjectcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'hideObject.sqf')" 1 JIPexec !"\"JIPexec\"," !"rJIPexeccode" !"rJIPexec = 'JIPexec'" !"rJIPrequestcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPrequest.sqf')" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scriptCommands\JIPexec.sqf\";\n\nprivate[\"_remExField\",\"_caller\",\"_target\"];" 1 JIPrequest !"\"JIPrequest\"," !"rJIPrequestcode" !"rJIPrequest = 'JIPrequest'" !"rJIPexeccode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPexec.sqf')" !"rJIPrequestcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPrequest.sqf')" !"ca\Modules\MP\data\scripts\JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest.sqf" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scriptCommands\JIPrequest.sqf\";\n_caller = _this select 0;" 5 setCaptive !"\"setCaptive\"," !"rsetCaptive = 'setCaptive'" !"rsetCaptivecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCaptive.sqf')" !"sleep 1;\n_unit setCaptive true;\n_unit setVariable [\"NORRN_unconscious\", true, true];" !"if (local _unit) then {_unit setCaptive false};" 1 clearMagazineCargo !"\"clearMagazineCargo\"," !"clearMagazineCargoGlobal" !"rclearMagazineCargo = 'clearMagazineCargo'" !"rclearMagazineCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'clearMagazineCargo.sqf" 1 clearMagazineCargoGlobal !"\"clearMagazineCargoGlobal\"," !_mags = getMagazineCargo _firePlace;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _firePlace;\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _firePlace;" 1 clearWeaponCargo !"\"clearWeaponCargo\"," !"clearWeaponCargoGlobal" !"rclearWeaponCargo = 'clearWeaponCargo'" !"rclearWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'clearWeaponCargo.sqf')" 1 clearWeaponCargoGlobal !"\"clearWeaponCargoGlobal\"," !_mags = getMagazineCargo _firePlace;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _firePlace;\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _firePlace;" 5 onDoubleClick !"\"onDoubleClick\"," 1 addWeapon !"\"addWeapon\"," !"addWeaponPool" !"addWeaponCargo" !"addWeaponCargoGlobal" !"player addWeapon \"Loot\";" !"player addWeapon \"Flare\";" !"raddWeapon = 'addWeapon'" !"raddWeaponcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeapon.sqf')" !"raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf')" !"if (_isOK) then {\nplayer addWeapon _x;\n};\n} forEach _wpns;\n};" !"if (_item == (configfile >> \"cfgweapons\" >> (configName _item))) then {_unit addWeapon configName _item;};" !"if (isClass (configfile >> \"cfgweapons\" >> (_item))) then {_unit addWeapon _item;}" 5 addWeaponPool !"\"addWeaponPool\"," 1 addWeaponCargo !"\"addWeaponCargo\"," !"addWeaponCargoGlobal" !"raddWeaponCargo = 'addWeaponCargo'" !"raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf')" 1 addWeaponCargoGlobal !"\"addWeaponCargoGlobal\"," !"_holder addweaponcargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" !"dayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackWpnQtys select _countr)];" !"if (_bcpkWpn != \"\") then {\ndayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_bcpkWpn,1];\n};\n};" !"if (_iItem != \"\") then {\n_item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1];\n};" 1 addMagazine !"\"addMagazine\"," !"addMagazineCargo" !"addMagazineCargoGlobal" !"addMagazinePool" !"addMagazineTurret" !"player addMagazine 'crowbar_swing';" !"raddMagazine = 'addMagazine'" !"raddMagazinecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addMagazine.sqf')" !"if (_isOK) then {\nif (_val != -1) then {\nplayer addMagazine [_item,_val];\n} else {\nplayer addMagazine _item;\n};" !"if(!isNil \"_array\") then {\n_agent addMagazine _loot;\n};" !"sleep 8;\n{player addMagazine _x} forEach _inventory;\ndeleteVehicle _object;" !"{\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n} forEach _create;" !"if (_isOK) then {\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n};\n} forEach _mags;" !"if (_item == (configfile >> \"cfgmagazines\" >> (configName _item))) then {_unit addMagazine configName _item;};" !"if (isClass (configfile >> \"cfgmagazines\" >> (_item))) then {_unit addMagazine _item;};" !"for \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\nplayer removeMagazine \"ItemWaterbottleUnfilled\";\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemWaterbottle\";\n}; !"if (_item == \"ItemWaterbottle\") then {\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemWaterbottleUnfilled\";\n};" !"player playActionNow \"stop\";\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemBandage\";" !"if (local _item) then {\nfor \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\n_item addMagazine \"FoodSteakRaw\";\n};" !"for \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\nplayer removeMagazine \"FoodSteakRaw\";\nplayer addMagazine \"FoodSteakCooked\";\nsleep 1;\n};" 5 addMagazinePool !"\"addMagazinePool\"," 5 addMagazineTurret !"\"addMagazineTurret\"," 1 addMagazineCargo !"\"addMagazineCargo\"," !"addMagazineCargoGlobal" !"raddMagazineCargo = 'addMagazineCargo'" !"raddMagazineCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addMagazineCargo.sqf')" 1 addMagazineCargoGlobal !"addMagazineCargo" !"\"addMagazineCargoGlobal\"," !"holder addmagazinecargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" !"_firePlace addMagazineCargoGlobal [\"PartWoodPile\",_qty];" !"dayz_myBackpack addmagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackmagQtys select _countr)];" !"dayz_myBackpack addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackMagQty select _countr)];" 1 addBackpack !"\"addBackpack\"," !"addBackpackCargo" !"addBackpackCargoGlobal" !"player addBackpack _backpackType;" !"_newUnit addBackpack _newBackpackType;" !"player addBackpack _bcpk;" 1 addBackpackCargo !"\"addBackpackCargo\"," !"addBackpackCargoGlobal" 1 addBackpackCargoGlobal !"\"addBackpackCargoGlobal\"," !"_holder addbackpackcargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" // test //#+3 //1 "if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};" //happens on death //#+4 1 limitSpeed !"\"limitSpeed\"," 1 setOwner !"\"setOwner\"," //might be too spammy for now //#+5 //1 call !"\"call\"," //#+6 //1 spawn !"\"spawn\"," //#+7 //1 with !"\"with\"," //#+8 1 deleteVehicle !"\"deleteVehicle\"," !"dayz_flyMonitor = dayz_flyMonitor - [_x];\ndeleteVehicle _x;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\ndayz_bodyMonitor set [_cursor,\"DEL\"];" !"sleep 5;\n};\n{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _items;" !"sleep 1;\n};\ndeleteVehicle _source;\ndeleteVehicle _point;" !"if (_nearByPlayer) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;\n};" !"_object = nearestObject [_position,_type];\ndeleteVehicle _object;" !"_oldUnit disableAI \"MOVE\";\n} else {\ndeleteVehicle _oldUnit;\n};" !"{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _nearByObj;\n_x setVariable [\"cleared\",true,true];" !"dayzDeleteObj call local_deleteObj;\n};\n deleteVehicle _obj;" !"player addWeapon \"Flare\";\n\nsleep 0.1;\ndeleteVehicle _old;" !"if (local _unit) then {\ndeleteVehicle _unit;" !"};\ndeleteVehicle _lightArea;\ndeleteVehicle _lightSpark;" !"waitUntil{!(alive _flare)};\ndeleteVehicle _lightSpark;" !"if (!isNull _tent) then {\nif (local _tent) then {deleteVehicle _tent};" !"hideBody _item;\nsleep 10;\ndeleteVehicle _item;" !"sleep 5;\ndeleteVehicle _agent;" !"dayzDeleteObj call local_deleteObj;\n};\n\ndeleteVehicle _obj;" !"deleteVehicle _object;\nr_action = false;\ncall fnc_usec_medic_removeActions;" !"if (_isOk) then {\n deleteVehicle _holder;" !"_flare = _this select 3;\ndeleteVehicle _flare;" !"dayz_hasFire = objNull;\ndeleteVehicle _obj;" !"deleteVehicle _object;\n\n_weapon = _classname createVehicle _location;" !"if (!isNull _agent) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;" !"{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _zombies;" !"deleteVehicle _agent;\n} else {\ndayz_bodyMonitor set" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n_delQtyZ = _delQtyZ + 1;" !"if (!(isNull _sfx)) then {\ndeleteVehicle _sfx;\n};" !"deleteVehicle _body;\n_delQtyP = _delQtyP + 1;\n};" !"_dwUSOFC=_dwUSOFC+1;\ndeleteVehicle _x;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n_dwUFPC=_dwUFPC+1;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n};\n} forEach allMissionObjects \"ReammoBox\"" !"BIS_functions_mainscope]]; _mygrp = group (_this select 0); deleteVehicle (_this select 0); deleteGroup _mygrp;};};" !"if (_isOk) then {\ndeleteVehicle _holder;\nif (_classname in [\"MeleeHatchet\",\"MeleeCrowbar\"]) then {" !"if (_fade) then {_int=_int - 0.02 - rain/10;};\nsleep 3;\n};\n\ndeletevehicle _fl; !"clearVehicleInit _v;\ndeletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm;" 1 compile !"\"compile\"," !"\"z\addons\dayz_code\compile" !"call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z\addons\dayz_code" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\ca\modules\alice\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\ca\modules_e\alice2\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_e\gita\data\scripts" !"\"z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf" !"_this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\ui_loadingText.sqf';" !"_recompile" !"\"call compile format[\"\"player%1 = player;\"\",_playerUID];\"" !"call compile format[\"\"player%1 = player;\"\",_playerUID];" !"call compile format[\"player%1 = player;\",_playerUID];" !"'] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\Warfare2\Scripts" !"= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules\function" !"'_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'initDialog'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf'" !"BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = compile preprocessFile (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + \"remExServer.sqf\");" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS" !"compile preprocessFile \"\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS" !"compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands" !"_code = call compile format[\"r%1code\",_targetScript];" !"compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers \"ca\characters_e\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_e\functions" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_acr\functions" !"compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\missions_acr\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_pmc\functions" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\missions_ew\functions" !"call (compile \"deactivateKey (_keyString + (str _i))\");" !"if (isText (_class >> \"WeaponSlots\")) then \n{_slotsCode = getText (_class >> \"WeaponSlots\"); _slotsVar = call compile _slotsCode;}" !"_dummy = [_this, 'CA_VO_Init'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf'" !"_dummy = [_this, \"CA_VO_ToggleAdvanced\"] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers \"\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf'" !"private ["_amm"];\n_amm=_this select 4;\n_this call (call compile GetText (configFile >> \"CfgAmmo\" >> _amm >> \"muzzleEffect\"));" 1 exec !"\"exec\"," !"execVM" !"execFSM" !"MP\data\scriptCommands\JIPexec.sqf" !"_localExec" !"\"JIPexec\"," !"rJIPexeccode" !"rJIPexec = 'JIPexec'" !"rJIPexeccode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPexec.sqf')" !"rJIPrequestcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPrequest.sqf')" !"Init script executed at" 1 execVM !"\"execVM\"," !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\init_medical.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\external\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\load_wounded.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\load\load_wounded.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\deadState.sqf\"" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" 1 execFSM !"\"execFSM\"," !"execFSM \"\z\addons\dayz_code\system" !"execFSM '\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system" !"execfsm \"CA\animals2\Data\scripts\idleSpecialAnim.fsm\"" !"execFSM \"CA\animals2\Data\scripts\\reactFire.fsm\"" !"rexecfsm = 'execfsm'" !"rexecfsmcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'execfsm.sqf')" //1 setDir !"\"setDir\"," //#+9 1 setVectorUp !"\"setVectorUp\"," !"_bolt setVectorUp _vUp;" 1 SetVectorDir !"\"SetVectorDir\"," !"_obj setVectorDirAndUp [_vdir, _vup];" 1 setVectorDirAndUp !"\"setVectorDirAndUp\"," !"_obj setVectorDirAndUp [_vdir, _vup];" 1 setVelocity !"\"setVelocity\"," !"_character setVelocity [0,0,100];" !"_car setvelocity [1,0,0];" !"_object setvelocity [1,0,0];" !"_vehicle setvelocity [0,0,1];" !"if (_velz>1) then {_v setvelocity [_xv/1.3,_yv/1.3,0]}" !"(_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0]);" 1 setVelocityTransformation !"\"setVelocityTransformation\"," 1 selectPlayer !"\"selectPlayer\"," !"selectPlayer _newUnit;" !"selectPlayer dayz_originalPlayer;" 1 isServer !"\"isServer\"," !"if ((_persistent) && (!_error) && (isServer)) then" !"if (isServer) then {BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT = \"(server)\";} else {BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT = \"(c)\";};" !"{ BIS_functions_mainscope = _this select 0; if (isServer) then {_this execVM 'ca\modules\functions\main.sqf'};}" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scripts\JIPwaitFor.sqf\";\n\nif (!isServer) then\n{\n\nwaitUntil {!isNil {player}};" !"if ((!isServer) && (isNull player) ) then\n{\nwaitUntil {!isNull player};\nwaitUntil {time > 3};\n};" !"if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then\n{\n waitUntil {player == player};\n waitUntil {time > 3};\n};" !"if(isServer) then {\ndayz_players = [];\ndead_bodyCleanup = [];\n}; !"BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT,_caller, local _caller]; \n\nif (isServer) then\n{" !"if (!isServer) then {textLogFormat [\"MPF_Client FUNCTIONS init.sqf ...\"];};" !"if (!isServer) then {\n \"drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"if (isServer) then {\n waitUntil{dayz_preloadFinished};\n};" 1 isDedicated !"\"isDedicated\"," !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n\n0 fadeSound 0;\n0 cutText [(localize" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n\"dayzSetDate\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {setDate (_this select 1)};" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n_config = configFile >> \"CfgLoot\";" !"if(isDedicated) then {\ndayz_disco = [];\n};" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\nif (!isNull _agent) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;\n};\n} else {\n[_agent] call zombie_findOwner;" 1 removeAllWeapons !"\"removeAllWeapons\"," !"rremoveAllWeapons = 'removeAllWeapons'" !"rremoveAllWeaponscode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'removeAllWeapons.sqf')" !"{_newUnit removeMagazine _x;} forEach magazines _newUnit;\nremoveAllWeapons _newUnit;" 1 addMenu !"\"addMenu\"," !"addMenuItem" 1 addMenuItem !"\"addMenuItem\"," 1 createTeam !"\"createTeam\"," 5 addVehicle !"\"addVehicle\"," 5 fireAtTarget !"\"fireAtTarget\"," 1 allowGetIn !"\"allowGetIn\"," 5 drawArrow !"\"drawArrow\"," 5 drawEllipse !"\"drawEllipse\"," 5 drawIcon !"\"drawIcon\"," 5 drawLine !"\"drawLine\"," 5 drawLink !"\"drawLink\"," 5 drawLocation !"\"drawLocation\"," 5 drawRectangle !"\"drawRectangle\"," 5 setWaypointPosition !"\"setWaypointPosition\"," 5 setWPPos !"\"setWPPos\"," 5 setWaypointScript !"\"setWaypointScript\"," 1 setGroupIconParams !"\"setGroupIconParams\"," 1 setGroupIcon !"\"setGroupIcon\"," 1 show3DIcons !"\"show3DIcons\"," 1 setFriend !"\"setFriend\"," 1 createCenter !"\"createCenter\"," !"BIS_MPF_ServerInitDone = true;\ncreatecenter sidelogic;" 1 missionNamespace !"\"missionNamespace\"," !"_handle = [_display] call (missionnamespace getvariable _x);" 1 uiNamespace !"\"uiNamespace\"," !"_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display', _this select 0];" !"_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_waiting';" !"_display = uinamespace getvariable \"BIS_InfoText\";" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_InfoText',_this select 0]" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_waiting', _this select 0];" !with (uinamespace) do {\n BIS_loadingScreen = _this select 0;" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_RscMiniMap',_this select 0];" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_RscMiniMapSmall',_this select 0];" 1 removeBackpack !"\"removeBackPack\"," !"_classname = _array select 0;\nremoveBackpack player;" 1 removeAllItems !"\"removeAllItems\"," 1 setAperture !"\"setAperture\"," 1 "camSetPos" !"\"camSetPos\"," //little tries //#+10 1 "player action" 1 "vehicle player setPos" 1 "vehicle player setPosASL" 5 "(vehicle player) addEventHandler [\"handleDamage\", { false }];" 5 "player addEventHandler [\"handleDamage\", { false }];" 5 "attachObject player" 1 "(vehicle player) setPos" 1 "(vehicle player) setPosASL" //isn't welcome ingame //#+11 5 "CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC setDamage 1;" 1 "_tp = \"removeallweapons player;" 5 "player addweapon 'Truckhorn2';" 5 "player selectweapon 'Truckhorn2';" 5 "player setVehicleInit _svr;" 5 "_object = createVehicle ['%1', [%2, %3, %4], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];" 5 "player setVariable['lastPos',0];" 5 "hint format [\"A %1 has been added\", gun]" 5 "vehicle player setpos _pos;" 5 "marker2 setMarkerPosLocal (getPos veh)" 1 "private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy =" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" 5 "marker2 = createMarkerLocal [marker2,getPos veh];" 5 "marker2 = \"VehMarker\" + (str i);" 1 "private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" 5 TKCV1_0\TKCOWNS.sqf 5 "[_this,\"players\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf\";" 5 "_v addweapon \"A\"+\"A1\"+\"2_PM\"+\"C\"; _v addmagazine \"20R\"+\"nd" 5 "zombieshield" 5 "playershield" // not much of use //#+12 5 "666.sqf" 1 "wuat\\" 1 " ESP " 5 _markerMirador 5 Bo_Mk82 1 htelepos 1 Teleport 1 Trigger !"call BIS_fnc_inTrigger" !"if (isnil 'BIS_fnc_sceneCreateSceneTrigger' || false) then {" 5 aa12 5 azp85 5 bomblauncher 5 teled 5 U-NO- 5 gau 5 "God mode" 5 GodMode 5 hacks 5 Infammo 5 "Infinite Ammo" 5 InfiniteAmmo 5 Killplayer 5 m1a1 5 M1A2_TUSK_MG 5 OwnageMenu // names useless //#+13 5 Darky 5 Vojtec 5 MrMedic //5 Loki //too short, might cause another useless ban //#+14 //5 Alex //triggers at locALEXec, useless anyway //#+15 5 Alexenderp$ck 5 Gerk 5 Troopman 5 Troopmon 5 Alexenderpackk remoteexec.txt // Time 20120814.1940 1 "" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';" 5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];" 5 "_xcompiled" 5 "loadFile" 5 "removeAllWeapons" 5 "removeAllItems" 5 "hideObject" 5 "getPlayerUID" 5 "setPos" 5 "setDir" 5 "setVector" 5 "deleteVehicle" 5 "createMine" 5 "setDamage" 5 "setDammage" 5 "GroupIcon" 5 "setMarker" 5 "addWaypoint" 5 "createMarker" 5 "clearMagazine" 5 "clearWeapon" 5 "addAmmo" 5 "ejectPlayer" 5 "setUnconscious" createvehicle.txt // Time 20120814.1940 1 "" !"WeaponHolder" !"TinCan" !"Rabbit" !"Goat" !"WildBoar" !"Sheep" !"Hen" !"Cow01" !"Cow02" !"Cow03" !"Cow04" !"zZombie_Base" !"z_hunter" !"z_teacher" !"z_doctor" !"z_suit1" !"z_suit2" !"z_worker1" !"z_worker2" !"z_worker3" !"z_villager1" !"z_villager2" !"z_villager3" !"z_soldier" !"z_soldier_heavy" !"z_soldier_pilot" !"z_policeman" !"z_priest" !"BoltSteelF" !"Land_Fire_DZ" !"SodaCan" !"JackDaniels" !"RoadFlare" !"ChemRed" !"ChemBlue" !"ChemGreen" !"Survivor1_DZ" !"Survivor2_DZ" !"Survivor3_DZ" !"SurvivorW2_DZ" !"Bandit1_DZ" !"CZ_VestPouch_EP1" !"DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1" !"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1" !"DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1" !"SmokeShell" !"SmokeShell" !"SmokeShellRed" !"SmokeShellGreen" !"MedBox0" !"Camo1_DZ" !"Soldier1_DZ" 5 "SeaGull" //!"DZ_Backpack_EP1" //!"MedBox0" //filtered now //!"Sniper1_DZ" //!"Camo1_DZ" //filtered now //!"Soldier1_DZ" //filtered now //!"TentStorage"
  3. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    That has nothing to do with scripts.txt (at least I can't imagine how it could be connected). They're likely using the newest ARMA2 Beta which is not yet BattlEye approved.
  4. My servers were amongst the first to be updated to because we field tested the new hive on them to make sure it booted on the "mainline" servers. What you saw must have been a bug in DayZ commander and its caching of server lists. As for the tent and vehicle bugs, those are currently affecting all/most servers in an erratic manner.
  5. jwiechers

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Not at the moment, but it's a high priority item. :-/
  6. jwiechers

    Quick question about ingame server time

    You can change server time by either setting the real server time to the timezone you'd like or using a second user account to execute the DayZ server with that user's TZ environment variable set to a timezone of your choice (consult tzutil for acceptable values).
  7. jwiechers

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    When the vehicles are spawned, we'll make sure they're properly spawned on all currently active servers.
  8. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    From what we have gathered, it is possible in certain circumstances -- what exactly has remoteexec logged? Certain air effects and explosions can transcend locality and therefore would show up in remoteexec. One simple example is helicopter crashes. For now, ignore anything related to BIS_Effects_AirDestruction, we've looked into BIS_Effects_Burn and aren't 100% sure all logged instances of it are legitimate, but many are, so we'll have to see what can be done with that.
  9. jwiechers

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    In order to clean up with this: We are aware that vehicles have not spawned on servers with instance IDs above, roughly, 8000 and it will require manual action to spawn them. We're working on fixing it.
  10. We are aware of the issue and it has been raised with the devs. It seems pretty erratic and sometimes it works on my servers, but more often, it does not.
  11. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Well, as said, that is one reason we haven't sent out these things to everyone yet. The files are logging massive amounts of things in order to identify what can be whitelisted and what should be added to the naughty list. Since both I myself as well as cm referenced $able's post, though, I felt it was appropriate to get everyone the latest files in use at that time. I'll update the files again later today and hopefully have them added to the mirror, too.
  12. jwiechers

    New Official Scripts.txt

    I read that, too -- and I think there was some miscommunication or something. I don't know about a new official scripts.txt that is officially "official". Right now, the scripts.txt I posted (which is almost entirely identical to Dwarden's version) is the best scripts.txt to use as far as I am aware. I've been trying to reach one of the devs to get it onto an official mirror.
  13. jwiechers

    To all server admins

    It was mostly with regard to the other posts, even though I replied to yours. I fully agree with you, we need to trust server admins -- and I don't think anyone doesn't want to extend trust to you. A lot of things went sour when this mod suddenly grew from small to huge in a matter of weeks and a lot of broken china needs to be kitted. Absolutely. It's actually one of the reasons I offered my assistance relatively early, because I've done community support before for projects of a similar size. It's just that all these things take time and that the community team and forum team haven't been able to do it yet -- which is regrettable, but it doesn't mean we're sitting on our hands. I don't, I mostly used BF3 because I host BF3 servers so I know EA/DICE policies and also the cheating issues. I didn't say that, I said we haven't been able to program something to automate the group change -- or found a better way of organizing things. Creating forums isn't a problem, having people to reply to stuff or making these script lists is. You seem to expect that we knew -- we didn't. I don't know about rocket, Matt or Dwarden for that matter, but all we knew was that $able/BE was working on things and that was what we could communicate. Sadly, Anti-Cheat providers generally don't comment all that much on their software for obvious reasons -- and I know this can drive admins mad. "many of the issues are simply due to a lack of foresight and organisation" Sure they are. I never doubted that -- but the thing is, we're now in a situation and we need to get out of it without breaking even more things -- and rash actions, just reorganizing things amongst them, is not something that will help. I agree with you on most of what you said now and I think there will be changes to alleviate these issues in the near future, but it's taking time.
  14. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Everyone logging in with ghilie, in this case. I'm checking it out though.
  15. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    As said, the files currently log things that are perfectly normal. Like scripts.txt, it will be a process of trial and error to add and remove things from whitelisting and reporting so the logs become easy to read and parse. What you posted is a legitimate part of the login process as far as I am aware.
  16. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    The current suggested files are still in an early stage and Dwarden and a few others have been experimenting with added lines and removed logging of a few standard settings. It is not advisable to ban just because something is logged, particularly the new files, just yet -- which is one reason why we haven't sent out an advisory, yet, either. Still, they vastly improve security, as the initial poster said. As for files, please rather use these, at the moment. We'll announce a permanent mirror of updated files as soon as it is available. scripts.txt //new //#+2 1 addAction !"\"addAction\"," !"_action1 = _unit addAction [localize \"str_actions_medical_01" !"s_player_grabflare = player addAction [format[localize \"str_actions_medical_15\",_te" !"raddAction = 'addAction'" !"raddActioncode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addAction.sqf')" !"null = _holder addAction [format[(localize \"STR_DAYZ_CODE_1\"),_name], \"z\addons\dayz_code\actions\object_pickup.sqf\"," !"NORRN_dropAction = player addAction [\"Drop body\", \"\z\addons\dayz_code\medical\drop_body.sqf\",_dragee, 0, false, true];" 1 addEventHandler !"\"addEventHandler" !"displayAddEventHandler" !"raddEventhandler = 'addEventhandler'" !"raddEventhandlercode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addEventhandler.sqf')" !"id = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call local_zombieDamage}];" !"id = _unit addeventhandler [\"Killed\",{[_this,\"zombieKills\"] call local_eventKill}];" !"eh1 = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{if (local (_this select 0)) then {_this call fnc_usec_damageVehicle}}];" !"eh2 = _unit addeventhandler [\"Killed\",{if (local (_this select 0)) then {_this call object_vehicleKilled}}];" !"eh3 = _unit addEventHandler [\"GetOut\", {[(_this select 0),"position"] call server_updateObject;}];" !"eh1 = _unit addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call fnc_usec_damageHandler;0} ];" !"eh2 = _unit addEventHandler [\"Fired\", {_this call player_fired;}];" !"eh3 = _unit addEventHandler [\"Killed\", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];" !"_id = player addEventHandler [\"Respawn\", {_id = [] spawn player_death;}];" !"dayz_originalPlayer = _oldUnit;\n_oldUnit addEventHandler [\"HandleDamage\",{false}];\n_oldUnit disableAI \"ANIM\";" !"_timeN = time;\n\n_id = _agent addeventhandler [\"HandleDamage\",{_this call local_zombieDamage}];" !"eh_player_killed = player addeventhandler [\"FiredNear\",{_this call player_weaponFiredNear;} ];" 1 displayAddEventHandler !"\"displayAddEventHandler\"," !"(findDisplay 46) displayAddEventHandler [\"KeyDown\",\"_this call dayz_spaceInterrupt\"];\nplayer disableConversation" 5 addGroupIcon !"\"addGroupIcon\"," 1 addPublicVariableEventHandler !"\"addPublicVariableEventHandler\"," !"DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"\"remExField" addPublicVariableEventHandler {_this call BIS_MPF_remoteExecution" !"\"dayzSetFuel\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select" !"\"drn_DynamicWeather_DebugTextEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"\"dayzSetFuel\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {(_this select" 1 addRating !"\"addRating\"," 1 addResources !"\"addResources\"," 1 addSwitchableUnit !"\"addSwitchableUnit\"," !"addSwitchableUnit _newUnit;" !"addSwitchableUnit dayz_originalPlayer;" 5 addWaypoint !"\"addWaypoint\"," 1 allowDamage !"\"allowDamage\"," !"player allowDamage true;" !"_object allowDamage false;" 1 allowDammage !"\"allowDammage\"," !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this" 1 attachTo !"\"attachTo\"," !"_point attachTo [_unit,_modelPos,_wound];" !"_fl attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect2\"];" !"_dragee attachto [_unit,[0.1, 1.01, 0]];" !"_bolt attachTo [_hitObject,_val,_hitMemoryPt];" !"_flare attachTo [player,[0,0,0],\"granat2\"];" !"_smoke attachto [_vehicle,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect1\"];" !"_smoke attachto [_v,[0,0,0],\"destructionEffect1\"];" 1 createDialog !"\"createDialog\"," !"createDialog \"RscDisplayGenderSelect\";" 1 createMarker !"\"createMarker\"," !"createMarkerLocal" !"if (isnil 'BIS_GITA_fnc_createMarkers' || false) then {" 1 createMarkerLocal !"\"createMarkerLocal\"," !"rcreateMarkerLocal = 'createMarkerLocal'" !"rcreateMarkerLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createMarkerLocal.sqf')" 1 createMenu !"\"createMenu\"," !"if (isnil 'BIS_fnc_createmenu' || false) then {" 1 createSimpleTask !"\"createSimpleTask\"," !"rcreateSimpleTask = 'createSimpleTask'" !"rcreateSimpleTaskcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'createSimpleTask.sqf')" 1 createUnit !"\"createUnit\"," !"BIS_MPF_logic = BIS_MPF_dummygroup createUnit [" !"_newUnit = _group createUnit [_class,dayz_spawnPos,[],0,\"NONE\"]" 5 createMine !"\"createMine\"," 5 createTarget !"\"createTarget\"," 1 createVehicle !"\"createVehicle\"," !"createVehicleLocal" !"createVehicle [\"WeaponHolder\", _iPos, [], _radius, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_fire = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"_object = createVehicle [_classname, _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"" !"if (_height < 100) then {\n_bolt = createVehicle [\"BoltSteelF\", _endPos, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bolt setPosATL _endPos;" !"_tent = createVehicle [\"TentStorage\", _location, [], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_tent setdir _dir;" !"if ((random _int)>2.2) then\n{\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (getpos _v);\n};" !"exitwith {};\n_b=\"SmallSecondary\" createvehicle (_v modelToWorld _effect2pos);\n} foreach (_list);" !"_bag = createVehicle [format[\"WeaponHolder_%1\",_item],getPosATL player,[], 0, \"CAN_COLLIDE\"];\n_bag setdir (getDir player);" 1 createVehicleLocal !"\"createVehicleLocal\"," !"_point = \"Logic\" createVehicleLocal getPosATL _unit;" !"_object = _type createVehicleLocal _position;" !"_fl = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal getpos _v;" !"_lightArea = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL _flare);" !"_lightSpark = \"#lightpoint\" createVehicleLocal (getPosATL _flare);" !"_source = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal getpos (_this select 0);" !"_source = \"#particlesource\" createVehicleLocal _pos;\n_source setParticleParams" 1 DisableUserInput !"\"DisableUserInput\"," !"disableUserInput false;" 1 editorSetEventHandler !"\"editorSetEventHandler\"," 1 enableSimulation !"\"enableSimulation\"," !"renablesimulation = 'enablesimulation'" !"renablesimulationcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'enablesimulation.sqf')" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this" !"dayz_originalPlayer enableSimulation true;" !">> \"dayz_anim\" >> \"isUpdated\");\nplayer enableSimulation true;" 1 inGameUISetEventHandler !"\"inGameUISetEventHandler\"," 1 onPlayerConnected !"\"onPlayerConnected\"," !"textLogFormat [\"MPF_Client JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest" !"ca\Modules\MP\data\scripts\JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest.sqf" 1 onPlayerDisconnected !"\"OnPlayerDisconnected\"," 1 publicVariable !"\"publicVariable\"," !"publicVariableClient" !"publicVariableServer" !"addPublicVariableEventHandler" !"publicVariable \"dayzDiscoRem\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzPlayerSave\";" !"publicVariable _playerObjName;" !"publicVariable \"BIS_MPF_logic\";" !"publicVariable \"usecEpi\";" !"publicVariable \"remExFP\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzLogin\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzLogin2\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzHitV\";" !"publicVariable \"dayzUpdateVehicle\";" !"usecBandage = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecBandage\";" !"usecBandage = [player,player];\npublicVariable \"usecBandage\";\nplayer setdamage 0;" !"usecBleed = [_unit,_wound,_hit];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";" !"usecBleed = [player,_x,0];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";\n} forEach (_medical select 8);" !"usecBleed = [_playerObj,_x,0];\npublicVariable \"usecBleed\";\n} forEach (_medical select 8);" !"dayzRoadFlare = [_projectile,0];\npublicVariable \"dayzRoadFlare\";\n_id = _this spawn player_throwObject;" !"dayzHideBody = _item;\npublicVariable \"dayzHideBody\";\nhideBody _item;" hideBody _item;" !"usecTransfuse = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecTransfuse\";" !"player removeMagazine \"ItemMorphine\";\n\nusecMorphine = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecMorphine\";" !"usecMorphine = [player,player];\npublicVariable \"usecMorphine\";\nplayer setVariable [\"USEC_inPain\", false, true];" !"dayzSetFix = [_vehicle,_selection,0];\npublicVariable \"dayzSetFix\";" !"dayzSetFuel spawn local_sefFuel;\npublicVariable \"dayzSetFuel\";" !"usecPainK = [_unit,player];\npublicVariable \"usecPainK\";" !"dayzGutBody = _array;\npublicVariable \"dayzGutBody\";" !"dayzDeath = [dayz_characterID,0,_body,_playerID,dayz_playerName];\npublicVariable \"dayzDeath\";" !"publicVariable "dayzPublishObj";\nif (isServer) then {\ndayzPublishObj call server_publishObj;\n};" 1 publicVariableClient !"\"publicVariableClient\"," !"_clientID publicVariableClient \"dayzPlayerLogin\";" 1 publicVariableServer !"\"publicVariableServer\"," !"publicVariableServer \"dayzPlayerSave\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzDiscoRem\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzLogin\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzLoginRecord\";" !"publicVariableServer \"dayzCharDisco\";\nif (isServer) then {\n\ndayzCharDisco call server_characterSync;" 1 removeAllEventHandlers !"\"removeAllEventHandlers\"," 1 sendTask !"\"sendTask\"," 1 serverCommand !"\"serverCommand\"," !"serverCommandAvailable" 1 serverCommandAvailable !"\"serverCommandAvailable\"," 1 setCurrentTask !"\"setCurrentTask\"," !"rsetCurrentTask = 'setCurrentTask'" !"rsetCurrentTaskcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCurrentTask.sqf')" !"rsetCurrentTaskArrays = 'setCurrentTaskArrays'" !"rsetCurrentTaskArrayscode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCurrentTaskArrays" 1 setDamage !"\"setDamage\"," !"_vehicle setDamage 0;" !"player setdamage 0;" !"if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};" !"if (_ent isKindOf \"Animal\") then {\n_ent setDamage 1;" !"player setDamage 1;\n0.1 fadeSound 0;" 1 setDammage !"\"setDammage\"," 1 setDate !"\"setDate\"," !"rsetDate = 'setDate'" !"rsetDatecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setDate.sqf')" !"dayzSetDate" 1 setFog !"\"setFog\"," !"0 setFog _currentFog;" 1 setFuel !"\"setFuel\"," !"z\addons\dayz_code\compile\local_setFuel.sqf" !"\"dayzSetFuel\"" 1 setHit !"\"setHit\"," !"object_setHitServer = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z" !"player setHit[\"legs\",1];" !"_unit setHit[\"legs\",0];" !"_unit setHit[\"hands\",0];" !"_unit setHit[_selection,_damage];" !"_total = [_unit,_hit,_damage] call object_setHitServer;" !"_ent setVariable [\"hit_legs\",2,true];" 5 setMarkerPos !"\"setMarkerPos\"," !"\"setMarkerPosLocal\"," !"rsetMarkerPosLocal = 'setMarkerPosLocal'" !"rsetMarkerPosLocalcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setMarkerPosLocal.sqf')" 1 setOverCast !"\"setOverCast\"," !"0 setOvercast _currentOvercast;" 1 setPosATL !"\"setPosATL\"," !"player setPosATL _mylastPos;" !"player setPosATL dayz_spawnPos;" !"player setPosATL _setPos;" !"_item setPosATL _ipos;" !"player setPosATL [-2148,6655,0];" !"_agent setPosATL _position;" !"_bolt setPosATL _endPos;" 1 setVariable !"\"setVariable\"," !"_x setVariable[\"lastAttack\",time];" !"player setVariable[\"USEC_lowBlood\"," !"player setVariable [\"temperature\",dayz_temperatur," !"_x setVariable [\"zombied\",objNull,true];" !"_x setVariable [\"cleared\",true,true];" !"_x setVariable [\"looted\",_dateNow,true];" !"_agent setVariable [_name, _value];" !"player setVariable[\"medForceUpdate\"," !"player setVariable [\"bodyName\",dayz_playerName,true];" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display', _this select 0];" !"_agent setvariable [\"state\",_state];" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_InfoText',_this select 0]" !"_agent setvariable [\"state\",_state];" !"_item setVariable [\"created\",(DateToNumber date),true];" !"_unit setVariable [\"myDest\",_pos];" !"player setVariable [\"messing\",[dayz_hunger,dayz_thirst],true];" !"_hitter setVariable[\"headShots\",(_headShots + 1),true];" !"_hitter setVariable["\firedHit\",[_zed,_selection],true];" !"_hitter setVariable["\firedDamage\",_damage,true];" !"_killer setVariable[_type,(_kills + 1),true];" !"_zombie setVariable [\"targets\"," !"_group setVariable [\"targets\"," !"_unit setVariable [\"hit_legs\",0];" !"_unit setVariable [\"hit_hands\",0];" !"_unit setVariable [_strH,_damage,true];" 1 setVehicleInit !"\"setVehicleInit\"," !"_v setVehicleInit \"[this] spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestruction\";" !"_v setVehicleInit format [\"[this, %1, %2]spawn BIS_Effects_AirDestructionStage2\",_int, _t];" 1 setWind !"\"setWint\"," !"setWind [_currentWindX, _currentWindZ, true];" 5 addAmmo !"\"addAmmo\"," 5 addMPEventHandler !"\"addMPEventHandler\"," 5 clearPlayerInit !"\"clearPlayerInit\"," 1 clearVehicleInit !"\"clearVehicleInit\"," !"clearVehicleInit _v;" 5 commandFSM !"\"commandFSM\"," 5 disableTIEquipment !"\"disableTIEquipment\"," 5 doFSM !"\"doFSM\"," 5 EjectPlayer !"\"EjectPlayer\"," 5 enableCamShake !"\"enableCamShake\"," 5 enableTeamSwitch !"\"enableTeamSwitch\"," 5 fireAtTarget !"\"fireAtTarget\"," 5 onCommandModeChanged !"\"onCommandModeChanged\"," 5 onMapSingleClick !"\"onMapSingleClick\"," 5 onTeamSwitch !"\"onTeamSwitch\"," 5 openDSInterface !"\"openDSinterface\"," !"if (_lbselected == \"DSInterface\") then {openDSInterface;};" 1 processInitCommands !"\"processInitCommands\"," !"processInitCommands; \n};\nif (_v iskindof \"tank\"" !"Effects_AirDestructionStage2\",_int, _t];\nprocessInitCommands" !"_v setVehicleInit format [\"[this, %1, %2,false,true]spawn BIS_Effects_Burn\",_int, _t];\nprocessInitCommands;" 5 setAmmoCargo !"\"setAmmoCargo\"," 1 setFSMVariable !"\"setFSMvariable\"," !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_thirst\",0];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_hunger\",0];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"none\"];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_maxSpeed\",_maxSpeed];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_forceChange\",true];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"stay];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_command\",\"track\"];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_target\",_target];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_watchDog\",_watchDog];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_actionWarn\",_actionWarn];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_thirst\",_thirst];" !"_handle setFSMVariable [\"_hunger\",_hunger];" 5 SetFuelCargo !"\"setFuelCargo\"," 1 setGroupIconsVisible !"\"setGroupIconsVisible\"," 5 setObjectProxy !"\"setObjectProxy\"," 5 setPosASL2 !"\"setPosASL2\"," 5 setRepairCargo !"\"setRepairCargo\"," 5 setUnconscious !"\"setUnconscious\"," 5 setVehicleAmmo !"\"setVehicleAmmo\"," 5 setVehicleArmor !"\"setVehicleArmor\"," 5 setVehicleLock !"\"setVehicleLock\"," 5 setVehiclePos !"\"setVehiclePos\"," 5 setViewDistance !"\"setViewDistance\"," 5 setWeaponReloadingTime !"\"setWeaponReloadingTime\"," 5 setWeaponState !"\"setWeaponState\"," 5 skipTime !"\"skipTime\"," !"rskiptime = 'skiptime'" !"rskiptimecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'skiptime.sqf')" 5 teamSwitch !"\"teamSwitch\"," 5 waypointVisible !"\"waypointVisible\"," 1 putWeaponPool !"\"putWeaponPool\"," 1 pickWeaponPool !"\"pickWeaponPool\"," 1 fillWeaponsFromPool !"\"fillWeaponsFromPool\"," 1 visiblePosition !"\"visiblePosition\"," 1 setTerrainGrid !"\"setTerrainGrid\"," 1 WorldToScreen !"\"WorldToScreen\"," !"posWorldToScreen" 1 WorldToModel !"\"WorldToModel\"," !"_relPos = _building worldToModel (getPosATL _unit1);" !"_pondPos = (_x worldToModel _playerPos) select 2;" 1 posWorldToScreen !"\"posWorldToScreen\"," 1 ScreenToWorld !"\"ScreenToWorld\"," 5 loadFile !"\"loadFile\"," 1 selectNoPlayer !"\"selectNoPlayer\"," !"selectNoPlayer;" 5 createLocation !"\"createLocation\"," 5 openMap !"\"openMap\"," 1 hideObject !"\"hideObject\"" !"rhideObject = 'hideObject'" !"rhideObjectcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'hideObject.sqf')" 1 JIPexec !"\"JIPexec\"," !"rJIPexeccode" !"rJIPexec = 'JIPexec'" !"rJIPrequestcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPrequest.sqf')" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scriptCommands\JIPexec.sqf\";\n\nprivate[\"_remExField\",\"_caller\",\"_target\"];" 1 JIPrequest !"\"JIPrequest\"," !"rJIPrequestcode" !"rJIPrequest = 'JIPrequest'" !"rJIPexeccode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPexec.sqf')" !"rJIPrequestcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPrequest.sqf')" !"ca\Modules\MP\data\scripts\JIPonPlayerConnectedSendJIPrequest.sqf" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scriptCommands\JIPrequest.sqf\";\n_caller = _this select 0;" 5 setCaptive !"\"setCaptive\"," !"rsetCaptive = 'setCaptive'" !"rsetCaptivecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'setCaptive.sqf')" !"sleep 1;\n_unit setCaptive true;\n_unit setVariable [\"NORRN_unconscious\", true, true];" !"if (local _unit) then {_unit setCaptive false};" 1 clearMagazineCargo !"\"clearMagazineCargo\"," !"clearMagazineCargoGlobal" !"rclearMagazineCargo = 'clearMagazineCargo'" !"rclearMagazineCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'clearMagazineCargo.sqf" 1 clearMagazineCargoGlobal !"\"clearMagazineCargoGlobal\"," !_mags = getMagazineCargo _firePlace;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _firePlace;\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _firePlace;" 1 clearWeaponCargo !"\"clearWeaponCargo\"," !"clearWeaponCargoGlobal" !"rclearWeaponCargo = 'clearWeaponCargo'" !"rclearWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'clearWeaponCargo.sqf')" 1 clearWeaponCargoGlobal !"\"clearWeaponCargoGlobal\"," !_mags = getMagazineCargo _firePlace;\nclearMagazineCargoGlobal _firePlace;\nclearWeaponCargoGlobal _firePlace;" 5 onDoubleClick !"\"onDoubleClick\"," 1 addWeapon !"\"addWeapon\"," !"addWeaponPool" !"addWeaponCargo" !"addWeaponCargoGlobal" !"player addWeapon \"Loot\";" !"player addWeapon \"Flare\";" !"raddWeapon = 'addWeapon'" !"raddWeaponcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeapon.sqf')" !"raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf')" !"if (_isOK) then {\nplayer addWeapon _x;\n};\n} forEach _wpns;\n};" !"if (_item == (configfile >> \"cfgweapons\" >> (configName _item))) then {_unit addWeapon configName _item;};" !"if (isClass (configfile >> \"cfgweapons\" >> (_item))) then {_unit addWeapon _item;}" 5 addWeaponPool !"\"addWeaponPool\"," 1 addWeaponCargo !"\"addWeaponCargo\"," !"addWeaponCargoGlobal" !"raddWeaponCargo = 'addWeaponCargo'" !"raddWeaponCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addWeaponCargo.sqf')" 1 addWeaponCargoGlobal !"\"addWeaponCargoGlobal\"," !"_holder addweaponcargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" !"dayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackWpnQtys select _countr)];" !"if (_bcpkWpn != \"\") then {\ndayz_myBackpack addWeaponCargoGlobal [_bcpkWpn,1];\n};\n};" !"if (_iItem != \"\") then {\n_item addWeaponCargoGlobal [_iItem,1];\n};" 1 addMagazine !"\"addMagazine\"," !"addMagazineCargo" !"addMagazineCargoGlobal" !"addMagazinePool" !"addMagazineTurret" !"player addMagazine 'crowbar_swing';" !"raddMagazine = 'addMagazine'" !"raddMagazinecode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addMagazine.sqf')" !"if (_isOK) then {\nif (_val != -1) then {\nplayer addMagazine [_item,_val];\n} else {\nplayer addMagazine _item;\n};" !"if(!isNil \"_array\") then {\n_agent addMagazine _loot;\n};" !"sleep 8;\n{player addMagazine _x} forEach _inventory;\ndeleteVehicle _object;" !"{\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n} forEach _create;" !"if (_isOK) then {\nplayer addMagazine _x;\n};\n} forEach _mags;" !"if (_item == (configfile >> \"cfgmagazines\" >> (configName _item))) then {_unit addMagazine configName _item;};" !"if (isClass (configfile >> \"cfgmagazines\" >> (_item))) then {_unit addMagazine _item;};" !"for \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\nplayer removeMagazine \"ItemWaterbottleUnfilled\";\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemWaterbottle\";\n}; !"if (_item == \"ItemWaterbottle\") then {\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemWaterbottleUnfilled\";\n};" !"player playActionNow \"stop\";\nplayer addMagazine \"ItemBandage\";" !"if (local _item) then {\nfor \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\n_item addMagazine \"FoodSteakRaw\";\n};" !"for \"_x\" from 1 to _qty do {\nplayer removeMagazine \"FoodSteakRaw\";\nplayer addMagazine \"FoodSteakCooked\";\nsleep 1;\n};" 5 addMagazinePool !"\"addMagazinePool\"," 5 addMagazineTurret !"\"addMagazineTurret\"," 1 addMagazineCargo !"\"addMagazineCargo\"," !"addMagazineCargoGlobal" !"raddMagazineCargo = 'addMagazineCargo'" !"raddMagazineCargocode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'addMagazineCargo.sqf')" 1 addMagazineCargoGlobal !"addMagazineCargo" !"\"addMagazineCargoGlobal\"," !"holder addmagazinecargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" !"_firePlace addMagazineCargoGlobal [\"PartWoodPile\",_qty];" !"dayz_myBackpack addmagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackmagQtys select _countr)];" !"dayz_myBackpack addMagazineCargoGlobal [_x,(_backpackMagQty select _countr)];" 1 addBackpack !"\"addBackpack\"," !"addBackpackCargo" !"addBackpackCargoGlobal" !"player addBackpack _backpackType;" !"_newUnit addBackpack _newBackpackType;" !"player addBackpack _bcpk;" 1 addBackpackCargo !"\"addBackpackCargo\"," !"addBackpackCargoGlobal" 1 addBackpackCargoGlobal !"\"addBackpackCargoGlobal\"," !"_holder addbackpackcargoGlobal [_x,(_objWpnQty select _countr)];" // test //#+3 //1 "if (alive player) then { player SetDamage 1;};" //happens on death //#+4 1 limitSpeed !"\"limitSpeed\"," 1 setOwner !"\"setOwner\"," //might be too spammy for now //#+5 //1 call !"\"call\"," //#+6 //1 spawn !"\"spawn\"," //#+7 //1 with !"\"with\"," //#+8 1 deleteVehicle !"\"deleteVehicle\"," !"dayz_flyMonitor = dayz_flyMonitor - [_x];\ndeleteVehicle _x;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\ndayz_bodyMonitor set [_cursor,\"DEL\"];" !"sleep 5;\n};\n{deleteVehicle _x;} forEach _items;" !"sleep 1;\n};\ndeleteVehicle _source;\ndeleteVehicle _point;" !"if (_nearByPlayer) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;\n};" !"_object = nearestObject [_position,_type];\ndeleteVehicle _object;" !"_oldUnit disableAI \"MOVE\";\n} else {\ndeleteVehicle _oldUnit;\n};" !"{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _nearByObj;\n_x setVariable [\"cleared\",true,true];" !"dayzDeleteObj call local_deleteObj;\n};\n deleteVehicle _obj;" !"player addWeapon \"Flare\";\n\nsleep 0.1;\ndeleteVehicle _old;" !"if (local _unit) then {\ndeleteVehicle _unit;" !"};\ndeleteVehicle _lightArea;\ndeleteVehicle _lightSpark;" !"waitUntil{!(alive _flare)};\ndeleteVehicle _lightSpark;" !"if (!isNull _tent) then {\nif (local _tent) then {deleteVehicle _tent};" !"hideBody _item;\nsleep 10;\ndeleteVehicle _item;" !"sleep 5;\ndeleteVehicle _agent;" !"dayzDeleteObj call local_deleteObj;\n};\n\ndeleteVehicle _obj;" !"deleteVehicle _object;\nr_action = false;\ncall fnc_usec_medic_removeActions;" !"if (_isOk) then {\n deleteVehicle _holder;" !"_flare = _this select 3;\ndeleteVehicle _flare;" !"dayz_hasFire = objNull;\ndeleteVehicle _obj;" !"deleteVehicle _object;\n\n_weapon = _classname createVehicle _location;" !"if (!isNull _agent) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;" !"{deleteVehicle _x} forEach _zombies;" !"deleteVehicle _agent;\n} else {\ndayz_bodyMonitor set" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n_delQtyZ = _delQtyZ + 1;" !"if (!(isNull _sfx)) then {\ndeleteVehicle _sfx;\n};" !"deleteVehicle _body;\n_delQtyP = _delQtyP + 1;\n};" !"_dwUSOFC=_dwUSOFC+1;\ndeleteVehicle _x;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n_dwUFPC=_dwUFPC+1;" !"deleteVehicle _x;\n};\n} forEach allMissionObjects \"ReammoBox\"" !"BIS_functions_mainscope]]; _mygrp = group (_this select 0); deleteVehicle (_this select 0); deleteGroup _mygrp;};};" !"if (_isOk) then {\ndeleteVehicle _holder;\nif (_classname in [\"MeleeHatchet\",\"MeleeCrowbar\"]) then {" !"if (_fade) then {_int=_int - 0.02 - rain/10;};\nsleep 3;\n};\n\ndeletevehicle _fl; !"clearVehicleInit _v;\ndeletevehicle _fl;deletevehicle _sm;" 1 compile !"\"compile\"," !"\"z\addons\dayz_code\compile" !"call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\z\addons\dayz_code" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\ca\modules\alice\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers '\ca\modules_e\alice2\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules\dyno\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_e\gita\data\scripts" !"\"z\addons\dayz_code\init\compiles.sqf" !"_this call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\ui\scripts\ui_loadingText.sqf';" !"_recompile" !"\"call compile format[\"\"player%1 = player;\"\",_playerUID];\"" !"call compile format[\"\"player%1 = player;\"\",_playerUID];" !"call compile format[\"player%1 = player;\",_playerUID];" !"'] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\Warfare2\Scripts" !"= compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules\function" !"'_dummy']; _dummy = [_this,'initDialog'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf'" !"BIS_MPF_remoteExecutionServer = compile preprocessFile (BIS_MP_Path + BIS_PATH_SQF + \"remExServer.sqf\");" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers \"\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS" !"compile preprocessFile \"\ca\Data\ParticleEffects\SCRIPTS" !"compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands" !"_code = call compile format[\"r%1code\",_targetScript];" !"compile (preprocessFileLineNumbers \"ca\characters_e\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_e\functions" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_acr\functions" !"compile preprocessfilelinenumbers 'ca\missions_acr\data\scripts" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\modules_pmc\functions" !"compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ca\missions_ew\functions" !"call (compile \"deactivateKey (_keyString + (str _i))\");" !"if (isText (_class >> \"WeaponSlots\")) then \n{_slotsCode = getText (_class >> \"WeaponSlots\"); _slotsVar = call compile _slotsCode;}" !"_dummy = [_this, 'CA_VO_Init'] call compile preprocessFile '\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf'" !"_dummy = [_this, \"CA_VO_ToggleAdvanced\"] call compile preprocessfilelinenumbers \"\ca\ui\scripts\HideVideoOptions.sqf'" 1 exec !"\"exec\"," !"execVM" !"execFSM" !"MP\data\scriptCommands\JIPexec.sqf" !"_localExec" !"\"JIPexec\"," !"rJIPexeccode" !"rJIPexec = 'JIPexec'" !"rJIPexeccode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPexec.sqf')" !"rJIPrequestcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'JIPrequest.sqf')" !"Init script executed at" 1 execVM !"\"execVM\"," !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\init_medical.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\external\DynamicWeatherEffects.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\load_wounded.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\load\load_wounded.sqf\"" !"execVM \"z\addons\dayz_code\medical\publicEH\deadState.sqf\"" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" 1 execFSM !"\"execFSM\"," !"execFSM \"\z\addons\dayz_code\system" !"execFSM '\z\AddOns\dayz_code\system" !"execfsm \"CA\animals2\Data\scripts\idleSpecialAnim.fsm\"" !"execFSM \"CA\animals2\Data\scripts\\reactFire.fsm\"" !"rexecfsm = 'execfsm'" !"rexecfsmcode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'execfsm.sqf')" //1 setDir !"\"setDir\"," //#+9 1 setVectorUp !"\"setVectorUp\"," !"_bolt setVectorUp _vUp;" 1 SetVectorDir !"\"SetVectorDir\"," !"_obj setVectorDirAndUp [_vdir, _vup];" 1 setVectorDirAndUp !"\"setVectorDirAndUp\"," !"_obj setVectorDirAndUp [_vdir, _vup];" 1 setVelocity !"\"setVelocity\"," !"_character setVelocity [0,0,100];" !"_car setvelocity [1,0,0];" !"_object setvelocity [1,0,0];" !"_vehicle setvelocity [0,0,1];" !"if (_velz>1) then {_v setvelocity [_xv/1.3,_yv/1.3,0]}" !"(_v setvelocity [velocity _v select 0,velocity _v select 1,0]);" 1 setVelocityTransformation !"\"setVelocityTransformation\"," 1 selectPlayer !"\"selectPlayer\"," !"selectPlayer _newUnit;" !"selectPlayer dayz_originalPlayer;" 1 isServer !"\"isServer\"," !"if ((_persistent) && (!_error) && (isServer)) then" !"if (isServer) then {BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT = \"(server)\";} else {BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT = \"(c)\";};" !"{ BIS_functions_mainscope = _this select 0; if (isServer) then {_this execVM 'ca\modules\functions\main.sqf'};}" !"scriptName \"MP\data\scripts\JIPwaitFor.sqf\";\n\nif (!isServer) then\n{\n\nwaitUntil {!isNil {player}};" !"if ((!isServer) && (isNull player) ) then\n{\nwaitUntil {!isNull player};\nwaitUntil {time > 3};\n};" !"if ((!isServer) && (player != player)) then\n{\n waitUntil {player == player};\n waitUntil {time > 3};\n};" !"if(isServer) then {\ndayz_players = [];\ndead_bodyCleanup = [];\n}; !"BIS_DEBUG_MPF_SERVERORCLIENT,_caller, local _caller]; \n\nif (isServer) then\n{" !"if (!isServer) then {textLogFormat [\"MPF_Client FUNCTIONS init.sqf ...\"];};" !"if (!isServer) then {\n \"drn_DynamicWeatherEventArgs\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {" !"if (isServer) then {\n waitUntil{dayz_preloadFinished};\n};" 1 isDedicated !"\"isDedicated\"," !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n\n0 fadeSound 0;\n0 cutText [(localize" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n\"dayzSetDate\" addPublicVariableEventHandler {setDate (_this select 1)};" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\n_config = configFile >> \"CfgLoot\";" !"if(isDedicated) then {\ndayz_disco = [];\n};" !"if (!isDedicated) then {\nif (!isNull _agent) then {\ndeleteVehicle _agent;\n};\n} else {\n[_agent] call zombie_findOwner;" 1 removeAllWeapons !"\"removeAllWeapons\"," !"rremoveAllWeapons = 'removeAllWeapons'" !"rremoveAllWeaponscode = compile PreprocessFile (BIS_PathMPscriptCommands + 'removeAllWeapons.sqf')" !"{_newUnit removeMagazine _x;} forEach magazines _newUnit;\nremoveAllWeapons _newUnit;" 1 addMenu !"\"addMenu\"," !"addMenuItem" 1 addMenuItem !"\"addMenuItem\"," 1 createTeam !"\"createTeam\"," 5 addVehicle !"\"addVehicle\"," 5 fireAtTarget !"\"fireAtTarget\"," 1 allowGetIn !"\"allowGetIn\"," 5 drawArrow !"\"drawArrow\"," 5 drawEllipse !"\"drawEllipse\"," 5 drawIcon !"\"drawIcon\"," 5 drawLine !"\"drawLine\"," 5 drawLink !"\"drawLink\"," 5 drawLocation !"\"drawLocation\"," 5 drawRectangle !"\"drawRectangle\"," 5 setWaypointPosition !"\"setWaypointPosition\"," 5 setWPPos !"\"setWPPos\"," 5 setWaypointScript !"\"setWaypointScript\"," 1 setGroupIconParams !"\"setGroupIconParams\"," 1 setGroupIcon !"\"setGroupIcon\"," 1 show3DIcons !"\"show3DIcons\"," 1 setFriend !"\"setFriend\"," 1 createCenter !"\"createCenter\"," !"BIS_MPF_ServerInitDone = true;\ncreatecenter sidelogic;" 1 missionNamespace !"\"missionNamespace\"," !"_handle = [_display] call (missionnamespace getvariable _x);" 1 uiNamespace !"\"uiNamespace\"," !"_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_display';" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_display', _this select 0];" !"_display = uiNamespace getVariable 'DAYZ_GUI_waiting';" !"_display = uinamespace getvariable \"BIS_InfoText\";" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_InfoText',_this select 0]" !"uiNamespace setVariable ['DAYZ_GUI_waiting', _this select 0];" !with (uinamespace) do {\n BIS_loadingScreen = _this select 0;" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_RscMiniMap',_this select 0];" !"uinamespace setvariable ['BIS_RscMiniMapSmall',_this select 0];" 1 removeBackpack !"\"removeBackPack\"," !"_classname = _array select 0;\nremoveBackpack player;" 1 removeAllItems !"\"removeAllItems\"," //little tries //#+10 1 "player action" 1 "vehicle player setPos" 1 "vehicle player setPosASL" 5 "(vehicle player) addEventHandler [\"handleDamage\", { false }];" 5 "player addEventHandler [\"handleDamage\", { false }];" 5 "attachObject player" 1 "(vehicle player) setPos" 1 "(vehicle player) setPosASL" //isn't welcome ingame //#+11 5 "CBA_EVENT_KEY_LOGIC setDamage 1;" 1 "_tp = \"removeallweapons player;" 5 "player addweapon 'Truckhorn2';" 5 "player selectweapon 'Truckhorn2';" 5 "player setVehicleInit _svr;" 5 "_object = createVehicle ['%1', [%2, %3, %4], [], 0, 'CAN_COLLIDE'];" 5 "player setVariable['lastPos',0];" 5 "hint format [\"A %1 has been added\", gun]" 5 "vehicle player setpos _pos;" 5 "marker2 setMarkerPosLocal (getPos veh)" 1 "private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy =" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" 5 "marker2 = createMarkerLocal [marker2,getPos veh];" 5 "marker2 = \"VehMarker\" + (str i);" 1 "private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onLBListSelChanged\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKillFocus"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" !"private [\"_dummy\"]; _dummy = [_this,\"onKeyDown\",0,107,0,107] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\handleGear.sqf\";" 5 TKCV1_0\TKCOWNS.sqf 5 "[_this,\"players\"] execVM \"\ca\ui\scripts\dedicatedServerInterface.sqf\";" 5 "_v addweapon \"A\"+\"A1\"+\"2_PM\"+\"C\"; _v addmagazine \"20R\"+\"nd" // not much of use //#+12 5 "666.sqf" 1 "wuat\\" 1 " ESP " 5 _markerMirador 5 Bo_Mk82 1 htelepos 1 Teleport 1 Trigger !"call BIS_fnc_inTrigger" !"if (isnil 'BIS_fnc_sceneCreateSceneTrigger' || false) then {" 5 aa12 5 azp85 5 bomblauncher 5 teled 5 U-NO- 5 gau 5 "God mode" 5 GodMode 5 hacks 5 Infammo 5 "Infinite Ammo" 5 InfiniteAmmo 5 Killplayer 5 m1a1 5 M1A2_TUSK_MG 5 OwnageMenu // names useless //#+13 5 Darky 5 Vojtec 5 MrMedic //5 Loki //too short, might cause another useless ban //#+14 //5 Alex //triggers at locALEXec, useless anyway //#+15 5 Alexenderp$ck 5 Gerk 5 Troopman 5 Troopmon 5 Alexenderpackk remoteexec.txt 1 "" !"this enableSimulation false;this allowDammage false;this disableAI 'FSM';this disableAI 'ANIM';this disableAI 'MOVE';" 5 "dayz_serverObjectMonitor set [count dayz_serverObjectMonitor, _object];" 5 "_xcompiled" 5 "loadFile" 5 "removeAllWeapons" 5 "removeAllItems" 5 "hideObject" 5 "getPlayerUID" 5 "setPos" 5 "setDir" 5 "setVector" 5 "deleteVehicle" 5 "createMine" 5 "setDamage" 5 "setDammage" 5 "GroupIcon" 5 "setMarker" 5 "addWaypoint" 5 "createMarker" 5 "clearMagazine" 5 "clearWeapon" 5 "addAmmo" 5 "ejectPlayer" 5 "setUnconscious" createvehicle.txt 1 "" !"WeaponHolder" !"TinCan" !"Rabbit" !"Goat" !"WildBoar" !"Sheep" !"Hen" !"Cow01" !"Cow02" !"Cow03" !"Cow04" !"zZombie_Base" !"z_hunter" !"z_teacher" !"z_doctor" !"z_suit1" !"z_suit2" !"z_worker1" !"z_worker2" !"z_worker3" !"z_villager1" !"z_villager2" !"z_villager3" !"z_soldier" !"z_soldier_heavy" !"z_soldier_pilot" !"z_policeman" !"z_priest" !"BoltSteelF" !"Land_Fire_DZ" !"SodaCan" !"JackDaniels" !"RoadFlare" !"ChemRed" !"ChemBlue" !"ChemGreen" !"Survivor1_DZ" !"Survivor2_DZ" !"SurvivorW2_DZ" !"Bandit1_DZ" !"CZ_VestPouch_EP1" !"DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1" !"DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1" !"DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1" !"SmokeShell" !"SmokeShell" !"SmokeShellRed" !"SmokeShellGreen" !"MedBox0" 5 "SeaGull" //!"DZ_Backpack_EP1" //!"MedBox0" //!"Sniper1_DZ" //!"Camo1_DZ" //!"TentStorage"
  17. Die offiziell vom DayZ-Team empfohlene Beta-Version ist weiterhin 95417. Obwohl eine ganze Reihe von Servern selbstständig updaten -- und sich inzwischen 95883 als sehr stabil erwiesen hat -- hat das Team noch keine neue Update-Empfehlung ausgesprochen. Jeweils nur die neusten Server anzuzeigen ist keine gute Idee, da bei diesen nicht sicher gestellt ist, dass sie stabil laufen.
  18. jwiechers

    To all server admins

    Hey, we all have day jobs -- nothing to apologize for. :-) Let me also reiterate that while I am part of the community support team, for the most part, I am simply another admin of servers. I understand your feelings, although I have to say that this is really rather typical of games who feature content that transcends the individual server. As was pointed out before, you're also not allowed to have locked or passworded ranked BF3 servers and there is no observer mode. These things are implemented for precisely the same reasons. The team does read the forums -- and I can only reiterate my previous comment regarding the scale of this mod. Yes, you may have questions only a developer can answer, but you are not the only one. There are literally thousands of others who *also* have questions -- and that is just the group of server admins. Once we get to the players, we are talking about hundreds of thousands of people. There are currently roughly a thousand unanswered tickets with hundreds of new tickets every day, not to mention the dozens of emails *per minute* that the team has been receiving. It is not that the dev team or the community team is blind to these issues, it is that they've simply spiralled out of all proportion that can be effectively handled and so we're struggling to get some semblance of order setup. As stated above, these restrictions are relatively typical for games similar to what this mod was trying to be -- and both BE, BIS, as well as the team have been working on improving cheat detection and prevention quite substantially, which has resulted in a very well working scripts.txt file as well as auxiliary detection files that catch a lot of cheaters, even those using a bypass, by now. There is really very little that admin action could do at the moment that would not be drowned out by the massive amount of false-positives it would likely create because you need to very closely understand ARMA scripting to correctly identify cheating. Just to point to the newest improvements, here is a recent thread from $able (BattlEye) on the BIS forums. This will likely curb a lot of the problems with vehicle spawning and remote execution. We also have a pinned thread on this forum now. Yes, a section for admins to talk to each other undisturbed, compare script logs effectively, etc. would be nice, but we simply don't have the manpower of people experienced with both the mod as well as ARMA to do that at the moment. In an ideal world: sure, I'd love to see that and many other things to further admin interaction. We don't have that here, because this was a mod started by one guy, helped by a couple of other guys, not an "open beta" for a title with a million dollar budget and dedicated paid support staff. When it was a couple of hundred, even a couple of thousand, players, we had a couple of updates per week and a lot of interaction. If you really think an unpaid hobby mod can sport satisfactory community interaction with a million people, I don't know what world you're living in. Just adding all the current admins to an admin section -- that did exist, by the way -- is an nearly insurmountable task because it'd take many hours and could only be done by a handful of people (those trusted enough to have full access to both the ordering system and the forum system) -- and those have better things to do, namely ensuring that this can doesn't fall over. Yes, these things could be automated, but we haven't gotten there yet because someone has to program that, too. I'm sorry most of your complaints boil down to you apparently not understanding how big all this has become. DayZ overwhelmed the GameSpy servers -- and while GameSpy is in decay if you ask me, it's still a pretty big service; the DayZ update releases look like massive dDoS attacks to most ISPs. There are 90.000 registered users on this forum, there are a million unique players, thousands of people writing emails, asking questions, etc. -- and there is a development team of maybe five to ten people, plus a support staff of another ten or twenty. Sorry, if you expect the kind of service you get in an open beta for a Triple-A title, or even an indy title that has maybe a hundred beta testers, not a hundred thousand, you're simply being ludicrous. I understand the frustration, really, I do -- I'm frustrated a lot myself -- but you're asking the impossible and not recognizing that.
  19. jwiechers

    To all server admins

    Simple, it is not currently implemented. No one can say what the future will bring, but you're expecting a bit much from a mod developed by a team of less than ten developers. If you want something unranked, you can go and play Chernarus Apocalypse or Dynamic Zombie Sandbox, both great modifications/missions for ARMA that are sufficiently close to DayZ, yet offer, basically, what you're after. DayZ was founded on the idea of not having "unranked" servers and that's the current status quo.
  20. jwiechers

    To all server admins

    So you've never played Battlefield 3 or any other game with consistent cross-server stats where "Ranked" servers suffer some restrictions? Interesting.
  21. jwiechers

    To all server admins

    I'm working on a longer reply, but this is easy to answer quickly: Yup, you haven't, because the Battlefield 3 engine didn't need to hand that power to players. The ARMA2 engine, however, did -- and so we have to deal with that issue. You did get mass-murdered, though, didn't you -- and it took PB months to fix that. I wasn't directly comparing BF3 and DayZ/ARMA2, I am just saying that cheating prevention isn't as simple as some people might think.
  22. jwiechers

    To all server admins

    Who exactly is doing that? The common set of rules isn't, per se, a problem. You can ban if you're sure that someone has hacked. The team has no way to magically improve BattlEye's cheat detection (which is fairly decent, as a matter of fact) or fix the fact that some cheaters have now focused on this game, seeing as it is popular. What exactly would you suggest? As long as a cheater does not use a bypass for BattlEye -- which could easily be deployed against many of the admins tools that could be offered, too -- there simply is no scripting that could be caught and dealt with. If they don't use a bypass for BattlEye, your scripts logfile will contain incriminating evidence and the scripts.txt base file, as well as the now existing auxiliary files for remoteexec and createvehicle do a sterling job identifying those cheaters. Private hives are, for the most part, placebo. They don't really help, but you can carefully control some parameters which reduce the likelihood of a cheater appearing -- if he does however, he'll wreak havoc nonetheless. Yes, you can ban him then and hope others don't find your server, but that's about it. There are a few things that could be done by adding script to the mod files, however, a lot of what could be done not only has the potential to be misused badly by those who'd do so, it also slows down the servers -- with many servers barely staying over 10 fps with even moderate player counts, that also isn't an ideal option. The team can't touch the engine and most of the ARMA2 base, so they're patching the holes they can patch, improving what they can improve and hoping to curb some issues while BE is also improving their pre-emptive detections. Also, please understand that, for the most part, I'm like you. I have slightly more "access" to people involved in the actual coding because I answer tickets and I've discussed a few things with the devs and some guys from BIS who aren't directly involved in the mod. That's all. I recognize that this is extremly unsatisfying and only adds to the other issues many people have; for example, one of my physical servers is consistently ignored by GameSpy, which means I basically have hardware worth $4000 standing around idling because, at best, four or five people connect to the instances hosted on that server. I can even understand that many admins feel ignored or badly treated, but please rest assured, from all my talks with devs and other volunteers involved, I can tell you it's not due to an "us and them" or "top and bottom" attitude, it's sheer momentum, the size of the endaevour this mod has become. It's not like the devs, BE or BIS are stupid or unaware of the issues, it's that these issues are not solveable overnight and that there are only a handful of developers, assisted by another handful of volunteers, right now. Just for comparison, it took DICE and Punkbuster *months* to effectively curb the massive hacking of Battlefield 3, including nasty "mass murder" scripts that killed entire servers -- sound familiar? There still is substantial hacking in BF3 or other AAA titles developed by large studies and protected by top of the line anticheat tools, even VAC-protected titles like Team Fortress 2, and a lot of what people write sounds as if you expect a tiny mod, developed by a couple of volunteers, to perform better than studios releasing Triple-A titles with budgets in the millions. So, cards on the table -- what exactly do you think would help and why?
  23. jwiechers

    To all server admins

    Hello everyone, let me begin by saying that I've just read through the entire thread and I can sympathize with a lot that has been written -- I host several servers myself and I find it hugely vexing that there is very little we can effectively do to stop large-scale hacking, however, S1lentThunder hit the nail on the head with his post in my opinion, both as an admin, as well as a member of the Community Support Staff. The team is currently enforcing a set of rules that is relatively harsh on server-admins because they are the main group of people we *can* actually enforce a set of rules upon -- and misuse by server admins, sadly, is still rampant. It isn't that anyone, as far as I am aware, is pre-emptively judging server admins, it is that this mod has blown out of all proportions and it is very hard to cope with that. As Matt wrote earlier today, it was thought that this mod tops out at about 600 people, but that wasn't the case. We're at a million unique players and thousands of servers and that means a lot of additional overhead. Things will likely change substantially with the DayZ standalone, but that's not where we're at right now. Right now, DayZ is a mod for ARMA and that means rocket and the other devs have to deal with a game that is in a certain state and with a protection against hacking that is comparatively weak. They can change little things and are constantly improving the security of the mod as best as they can, but it takes time and some things are simply not possible. I personally would like to see more power given to admins and better scripting-based hack detection without compromising vehicle locations etc. to the admins, but it's not as simple as you'd think -- just from chatter with some members of the team, a lot of options have been evaluated and thrown out because they'd work for a few days but wouldn't *solve* anything. Private hives, in my opinion, solve nothing, either, because they don't change the underlying issue: they are in no way more secure. Furthermore, they go against what this game was supposed to deliver.
  24. jwiechers

    BattlEye Message = WTF?

    While it is regrettable from our perspective, BattlEye was and is primarily a cheat detection system for vanilla ARMA2. The scripts.txt script logging has to be specifically tailored to the needs of the game mode you are playing, what might be a kick- and banworthy offense in DayZ may be perfectly normal in ACE, a game of CTI or DZS. Therefore, it is really not BattlEye's problem if our scripts.txt breaks and the message they sent out is already doing us a favour. Whether this is a good position is entirely a different matter and I'm not even saying BattlEye takes that view, but people need to understand that DayZ, as it is now, is still a Mod that builds upon ARMA, not the other way round, and that BIS and BE have already catered to DayZ quite a lot.
  25. jwiechers

    BattlEye Message = WTF?

    No, it is not being renamed and works without issues.