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Everything posted by jwiechers

  1. jwiechers


    Hey, I have *nothing* to do with this -- and I don't know why this thread was removed and don't support that it has happened -- in particular, I find it entirely unacceptable that there was no communication with disorder. Will try to figure out what happened.
  2. jwiechers

    DayZ AdminZ

    The only reason it wasn't setup already was that I was at gamescom, otherwise, it could've been setup within minutes -- same if either of you had replied to my PM wrt giving you ftp access and the zip files :P It's installed and I'm setting up now, though. http://dayz.io/adminZ
  3. jwiechers

    Community Banlist

    As previously stated, this is an entirely unofficial effort conducted to maintain a banlist as well as scripts.txt, remoteexec.txt and createvehicle.txt based on the experience of a couple of people who have been administering ARMA servers for quite a while, who have experience with ARMA scripting, some insight into the DayZ code and into the things to look for when banning people. We took a lot of legacy bans from the ~ 20 servers we have control over, Dwarden from BIS contributed further bans and we took a few bans from people we trust -- and while there is some risk, the point of also storing the log information that led to the bans is essentially making sure that if someone complains, we can have a look at why and give them the benefit of the doubt if it isn't clear that they must have been cheating. In many cases, GUIDs on this list have been reported four or five times over multiple days on multiple servers and while I've manually pruned a couple of duplicates, there are still quite a number of them because I haven't systematically pruned them out.
  4. jwiechers

    No vehicles spawning on new server.

    Vehicles should now spawn on all servers up to Instance ID 12.000. They will spawn at the start of the server, so if your server is running, they will appear after the next scheduled restart.
  5. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    I was just about to. ;-) The legitimate ammo boxes are AmmoBoxSmall_556 and AmmoBoxSmall_762. AmmoBoxBig is significantly different. It may mean both, although given that people are kicked for this violation, the script will not be processed. That means there will be no ammobox for someone else to open.
  6. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Once something is spawned, it is spawned. SeaGull is a model (or vehicle in the logic of ARMA). It is possible that someone spawns as a seagull or a crow due to a server load bug, but mostly, this is used by cheaters. You should not ban for it, but anyone spawning as a seagull will be kicked.
  7. Yeah, it's a common problem and not one I can do anything about -- it's a code issue and has to be fixed by the developers. By the way, if any of you use gametracker, you can now add my servers there, too. Links below. :-)
  8. jwiechers

    Cant ban hackers

    You don't even need to stop your server, you can use the loadbans command if you have RCon. :-)
  9. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Heh, we don't know all that much more, either :D The log is so small because a lot of the typical stuff has been whitelisted (and I've actually whitelisted a few of the things that Dwarden had still on report because they largely confuse people and it would not be possible for us to effectively investigate them at the moment, anyway). If legitimate items are illegitimately spawned in, we should still catch them via the scripts.txt logging. I'm still waiting on a word from Dwarden (or rather, a chance to catch him on IRC) on a number of the snippets here since I can't entirely rule out that they're genuine. On the subject of the TT5 compile, that is definitely illegitimate, but it is also being executed on remote hosts -- so banning people with that is currently not advisable because a cheater could cause the entire server to execute it. We'll get there, though.
  10. jwiechers

    DayZ AdminZ

    My point was that either forum would be independent. My beef wasn't with it being independent -- I considered it impractical because it would be hard to integrate added features into that IPB because it is on a managed/hosted plattform.
  11. jwiechers

    DayZ AdminZ

    Uhm, again: I never said this would have anything to do with my being community support and the DayZ staff would have no control over that forum. :|
  12. jwiechers

    Mission Resets.

    No, there is not. It is an issue that has to be fixed in the backend.
  13. jwiechers

    DayZ AdminZ

    As said, however you like it. I can give you access to my barebone in a matter of minutes.
  14. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Spawns of AmmoBoxBig are almost certainly coming from a cheater.
  15. jwiechers

    Mission Resets.

    It was planned that barbed wire would be automatically deleted if it is not actively maintained, I think this is still a planned feature for the near term -- and there may be wipes of old barbed wire again. I'll try to get some official answer.
  16. jwiechers

    DayZ AdminZ

    Well, as said, I'm not an "official", I'm just community support. :P And I also don't really want to lead anything, I just think it'd be better to have things in an environment where someone has full control over the software. :-)
  17. jwiechers

    DayZ AdminZ

    Well, the advantage would be that we have more control if it's dedicated hosting. That is, we *can* add stuff like a wiki directly integrated with the forum. That's why I'd favor that solution (I would obviously give you and a couple of others admin rights if we used my stuff), as said, it's more of a coincidence that I already set that up but never got it started (well, we have a secondary IRC channel where we've been discussing stuff, so the forum wasn't necessary for the ten or so of us).
  18. jwiechers

    DayZ AdminZ

    Ah, damn, bit too late -- you already paying for that? As said in PM, I have the licenses to run that without added cost, anyway and would be happy to see a forum like that grow. :-)
  19. jwiechers

    DayZ AdminZ

    I had actually set that up, before I joined the support team, it's currently not really developed further, though. We also setup a wiki, although, if we really had a lot of members, I'd probably add a wiki to the forum solution so it is easier to share authentication. I'd be happy to develop that further (and I've got the IPB/xenforo/vB license to spare)
  20. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    It should be, but I'll be looking into it again tonight. (same goes for the other snippets here)
  21. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    No, not by itself. This is the Map displayed by the GPS system. Dwarden included this in order to do some cross-checking, but it will likely be added to the whitelist.
  22. The scripts.txt, remoteexec.txt and createvehicle.txt will be loaded from the BattlEye folder when the server process starts. They can be reloaded while the server is running by issuing the loadscripts and loadevents commands via RCon.
  23. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    @Hohlraum Yes, they are created when an event occurs if they are not present.
  24. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Frop, the team has sent out advisories infrequently, when the need arose, but those need to be "fooproof", that is, they need to be easy to follow and apply for all admins, need to be stable (in terms of advised beta version), etc. As such, this hasn't been included in an advisory yet, although we're probably going to prepare one. In the meantime -- and stressing that this is absolutely unofficial -- I created a small google code repository where we've added an extensively cross-checked banlist as well as custom versions of the filter files. You can find this here: http://code.google.c...munity-banlist/ If you are reasonably certain that what you have found in your logs is a cheater, please send your log file (excerpt!) to [email protected].
  25. jwiechers

    New Major BattlEye Anti-Cheat Features

    Frop: We are aware of the issues and will notify everyone when the vehicles have spawned. Please see http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/68541-no-vehicles-spawning-on-new-server/