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Everything posted by jwiechers
That is true of most advanced optics weapons, that is the entire point of modern optics. What most people simply don't realize is how rare these guns would be if there wasn't rampant duping. My personal favourite in that respect is the M107 TWS that was taken out in 1.6. Yes, that gun was "overpowered" and took "no skill", but the thing was, there were less than ten of them -- and we were about 200k players at the time. The reason M107, AS50 and their ammo are common is because they are duped to hell and back. Otherwise, they'd be so rare that people wouldn't even *want* to waste the bullets on just some random guy.
I don't know where this comes from, but: you're wrong. Legally, there is absolutely no problem with the rules as they are set and while there is no document specifically called EULA, the rules and other auxiliary documents available as well as the specific process used to manage and process orders, the emails you receive as a hoster, and other texts on this forum make it abundantly clear that there are certain rules that form the basis of the relationship between server hosters and the DayZ Team. These rules may not always be very explicit and there are a few edge cases, but they are neither abusive nor would the DayZ team lose during legal proceedings. There is nothing illegal about anything the DayZ team demands of the server hosters and it specifically states that, to host a server, you have to order it through the DayZ interface and abide by the rules. You acknowledge this when you sign up, forming the basis for a perfectly normal legal contract. Yes, contract. There's also a contract if you sign up on these forums or any other for that matter, there are contracts or quasi-contracts all over the place that ask you for things or require them of you ... Yes, it would be very hard to enforce certain things due to the circumstances, but that is not the same as saying that the DayZ team would lose or is asking something illegal as a basis for the contract between you and them. Most people have no understanding of legal matters, which is entirely okay, but the real world is a bit more complicated and saying "I didn't know that the law said something else" will not generally help much.
Dev or Rocket, can you confirm
jwiechers replied to Bushman (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
With thanks to Azunai: "TrapBear", "30Rnd_9x19_UZI", "10Rnd_762x54_SVD", "64Rnd_9x19_SD_Bizon", "20Rnd_762x51_FNFAL", "ItemJerrycanEmpty", "5Rnd_127x99_as50", "", "MeleeFlashlightRed", "MeleeFlashlight", "PartGeneric", "HandGrenade_West", "MeleeHatchet" , "FoodSteakRaw", "FoodSteakCooked", "ItemSodaMdew", "ItemWatch", "ItemCompass", "ItemMap", "Makarov", "Colt1911", "ItemFlashlightRed", "ItemFlashlight", "ItemKnife", "ItemMatchbox", "LeeEnfield", "revolver_EP1", "CZ_VestPouch_EP1", "DZ_CivilBackpack_EP1", "DZ_ALICE_Pack_EP1", "Winchester1866", "ItemTent", "Crossbow", "Binocular", "PartWoodPile", "Skin_Camo1_DZ", "Skin_Sniper1_DZ", "MeleeCrowbar", "MR43", "Part", "PartWheel", "PartFueltank", "PartEngine", "PartGlass", "PartVRotor", "ItemJerrycan", "ItemHatchet", "ItemToolbox", "ItemWire", "ItemTankTrap", "huntingrifle", "FN_FAL", "bizon_silenced", "M14_EP1", "FN_FAL_ANPVS4", "M107_DZ", "BAF_AS50_scoped", "Mk_48_DZ", "M249_DZ", "BAF_L85A2_RIS_CWS", "DMR", "MedBox0", "NVGoggles", "AmmoBoxSmall_556", "AmmoBoxSmall_762", "M9", "M16A2", "M16A2GL", "M9SD", "AK_47_M", "AK_74", "M4A1_Aim", "AKS_74_kobra", "AKS_74_U", "M24", "M1014", "M4A1", "UZI_EP1", "Remington870_lamp", "glock17_EP1", "MP5A5", "MP5SD", "M4A3_CCO_EP1", "ItemFlashlightRed", "ItemGPS", "DZ_Assault_Pack_EP1", "DZ_Patrol_Pack_EP1", "DZ_Backpack_EP1", "ItemEtool", "ItemSandbag", "M136", "AKS_74_kobr", "SVD_CAMO", "M240_DZ", "M4A1_AIM_SD_camo", "m16a4_acg", "M4A1_HWS_GL_camo", "Binocular_Vector", "PipeBomb", "ItemBandage", "7Rnd_45ACP_1911", "6Rnd_45ACP", "15Rnd_W1866_Slug", "8Rnd_B_Beneli_74Slug", "HandRoadFlare", "TrashTinCan", "ItemSodaEmpty", "ItemSodaCoke", "ItemSodaPepsi", "ItemPainkiller", "ItemMorphine", "30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", "20Rnd_762x51_DMR", "17Rnd_9x19_glock17", "15Rnd_9x19_M9SD", "15Rnd_9x19_M9", "30Rnd_762x39_AK47", "30Rnd_545x39_AK", "5Rnd_762x51_M24", "10Rnd_127x99_m107", "1Rnd_HE_M203", "FlareWhite_M203", "FlareGreen_M203", "1Rnd_Smoke_M203", "200Rnd_556x45_M249", "HandGrenade_west", "SmokeShell", "SmokeShellRed", "SmokeShellGreen", "8Rnd_B_Beneli_Pellets", "30Rnd_556x45_StanagSD", "30Rnd_9x19_MP5", "30Rnd_9x19_MP5SD", "100Rnd_762x51_M240", "HandChemGreen", "HandChemBlue", "HandChemRed", "ItemHeatPack", "ItemEpinephrine", "ItemBloodbag", "ItemAntibiotic", "TrashJackDaniels", "FoodCanBakedBeans", "FoodCanSardines", "FoodCanFrankBeans", "FoodCanPasta", "ItemWaterbottleUnfilled", "ItemWaterbottle", "5x_22_LR_17_HMR", "10x_303", "2Rnd_shotgun_74Slug", "2Rnd_shotgun_74Pellets", "8Rnd_9x18_Makarov", "BoltSteel" -
Lingor Island Great Success-Will there be more new maps?
jwiechers replied to kaaona's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
It's simple really, the development team has no control whatsoever over the code they run there, so people may become confused about what is and is not a DayZ feature. Weapons and vehicles that the people who developed the Lingor mod included are not in the regular DayZ Mod, bugfixes that happen for DayZ may not be implemented there, but we get the support requests, etc. It's simple, really, once DayZ is in a reasonably stable state and rocket gives his okay, modding is fine, but modding DayZ at this point in time leads to fragmentation and makes the project even harder to manage than it already is. Lastly, it's simply not what DayZ was designed for, DayZ's idea was persistent, single hive, Zombie survival and that idea still lingers. I for one never understood why people couldn't just play Chernarus Apocalypse, Dynamic Zombie Sandbox or another Zombie mod if they wanted "private" servers on the ARMA engine with Zombie survival. They're much more geared towards that experience, DayZ, without the shared hive, is pretty simplistic. -
Dev or Rocket, can you confirm
jwiechers replied to Bushman (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
No, there are no legitimate AS50 TWS and you know, I *will* now compile a list of all existing weapons because I'm really getting sick of it. In any case, though, simply posessing a hacked-in weapon is not sufficient, in my opinion, to ban someone. Kick, with a message, perhaps, but banning them for having it in their inventory: no, that's simply unfair to the many people who will simply pick one up, not knowing that it is illegal. I'm not sure what kind of obsession some people here have, but most people, even on DayZ, are not hardcore gamers that know every last bit, follow every last news snippet and read every last forum post or wiki page. Most people will *not* know that there isn't some specific weapon, even in the case of the AS50TWS -- not to speak of the M4 variants, AK variants or pistol variants.. -
Changing in game server time? Is it possible? Server host says no...
jwiechers replied to U.G.N - Jedi Panda's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
This doesn't quite work because you cannot deterministically determine (pardon), when the mission will be read. The in-game time is dependant to the mission start time, not the server process start time. The best way to do this is to execute each server process in a separate session with distinct TZ offset. -
Changing in game server time? Is it possible? Server host says no...
jwiechers replied to U.G.N - Jedi Panda's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Well, it was assumed that this was obvious and followed from the whole "no permanent daytime/nighttime" servers. -
Changing in game server time? Is it possible? Server host says no...
jwiechers replied to U.G.N - Jedi Panda's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
The server runs in real-time based off of the Windows time for the user who started the server. This means that while the most straightforward way to change server time is to change the time of the entire system, it is possible to use the timezone environment variable to run servers with an offset; however, it should be noted that changing the server time frequently (or only having the server run sometimes instead of 24/7) will interfere with hive procedures and is not allowed. -
Dev or Rocket, can you confirm
jwiechers replied to Bushman (DayZ)'s topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
There are far too many duplicated and hacked in weapons at the current time to make that a feasible solution. Players can't really be expected to know what weapons are hacked in and so I think banning someone for it is not the right thing to do at the moment; same with duping. We all know it happens heaps of times and even if you don't intend to, you'll generally end up duplicating stuff because of issues with the current version(s). It'll get fixed, but until then, we'll have to live with those issues -- there are bigger fish to fry, anyway. -
The M107 TWS was available as a very rare spawn in an earlier version of the game. There were less than ten legitimate M107 TWS and a couple of hundred dupes. All of those were removed at a database level. Any M107 TWS currently in the game is hacked in. I personally would not ban someone who is running around with a hacked weapon unless I have auxilliary evidence suggesting that they were the ones spawning it.
Hello, you should first read up on what is required as a server hoster. Two useful threads can be found here: http://dayzmod.com/f...r-read-in-here/ http://dayzmod.com/f...ting-quick-faq/ Please note that due to the nature of DayZ, server hosters must follow a common set of rules; this is to ensure that the DayZ gaming experience is available for everyone. All servers are processed through the support system at support.dayzmod.com. If you fulfill the requirements and want to apply, go here.
This has nothing to do with the Engine. The issue is, that creating all these things would take months of work for coders, map makers, asset designers, etc. That is not really feasible for a mod.
That is already the case.
You believe in Hollywood physiology.
That is impossible. The scripts.txt file is not related to your issues.
Of course it does. The hive simply receives an array of data fields from the server, including the inventory. It does not do advanced sanity checking on those fields.
Hello everyone, we're very sorry for the increasing delay. There are litterally thousands of tickets and orders to process and we're a small volunteer team. We're working on it as fast as we can. Jens
You own hardware on which you run software provided by the team. If you decide to run said software, you agree to abide to the rules. There are a multitude of problems, by the way, but your viewpoint is simply invalid. Almost all software comes with strings attached, in the case of DayZ, those strings include that you are not to ban people just because you feel like it and that you must not password or lock your server or run private hives. These are perfectly valid terms of service defensible in any jurisdiction you care to name. You download the DayZ Client files, you sign up for a server knowing these rules and acknowledging them. There is nothing wrong here. Your post is just misplaced feelings of entitlement writ large. As for the actual topic of this thread, reliable servers will tend to be those run by communities with some kind of stable structure, they have a financing model, they have the manpower to continue to run the server, etc. Using gametracker.com is a good suggestion, as it allows you to see statistics on the servers in question.
@DayZ Server rules - Necessary review
jwiechers replied to Yshido's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
I just thought I'd comment on one assertion made by the original poster that always results in a chuckle for me: I am sorry, but you failed law school -- or, probably, simply aren't a lawyer. What Ander said is, strictly speaking, also not 100% true (that is, legally, there *is* some form of contract between you and the DayZ team), but the thing is: you specifically run a server using the DayZ software that may only be used in accordance with these pre-communicated rules. It is in 100% accordance with German, EU and International Private Law that the DayZ team denies you the right to kick people for "friends or clanmates" and there is no breach of any law in the fact that you actually pay someone else for the hardware you use our software on. Your argument is simply faulty and uninformed. -
How about we fix the game-breaking bugs first.
jwiechers replied to kdr723's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
I'm not speaking for the developers, it is just my view of things. Personally, I'd do a few things differently, but strictly speaking: we're still at a stage where the game has incredibly little content, especially in terms of an end-game. In software development terms, this game is still in its infancy and not even half-way to a decent feature set. We have basic survival mechanics, a basic enemy mechanic and a few PvP mechanics, most of which come from ARMA and have only been adapted. That's it. Before bugs become really important and fixable, there should be dozens of more features. What a lot of people don't understand is that fixing bugs now is a waste of time. Once you have decent complexity, you can start fixing bugs, but if you fix things now, you'll only have new problems with your own fixes once new features roll around. Simple example: the graphics glitches. It would be trivial to just *remove* the offending models, but it would be entirely pointless. It needs to be figured out *why* there are these glitches on *some* computers. Fixing this now by simply removing the assets without figuring out *why* this happens means you're brushing stuff under the carpet. Therefore, it is much more sensible to work on new features while giving this some thought, trying to figure out what's happening, even if that means these glitches will continue for a couple of versions. In the end, you'll have new features AND a bugfix, instead of spending hours on a bugfix for an issue that will then rear its ugly head again later, or will mean that you haven't added features for months, making people leave your game because it is boring. -
How about we fix the game-breaking bugs first.
jwiechers replied to kdr723's topic in DayZ Mod Suggestions
No. Because this is an Alpha. Alpha versions are generally the first useable versions of software, but early alpha testing is typically employed more to test out features and add them than it is to fixing bugs, that comes in later alpha versions and then beta versions. Wait until the game is at least in beta, even then, ideally, wait until the game is released. -
What should the DayZ motto be?
jwiechers replied to austendude's topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Nulli nisi fortes superant, which is a more idiomatic way to say "Only the strong survive", the Romans tend to use Negations, thus: None, but the strong survive. As for "Trust noone", that would be fide nemini, which is also catchy. Oh and seeing Blidinginsun's signature picture ("War against the script kiddies") made me think about peace through supperior firepower, which should be, roughly, pax praestantibus armis, which isn't quite right, but I'm not sure that there is a latin neologisms that actually conveys "firepower." -
Bypass Is Active Again: Prepare for a Busy Weekend
jwiechers replied to ChernoPTA's topic in Mod Servers & Private Hives
Why would he appear in remote exec? From what you told us he did absolutely nothing that would appear in remoteexec.log. Everything he did would show up only in createvehicle.log or scripts.log. You simply do not understand how these files work. It is completely impossible to bypass the logging of remote executions and create vehicle calls unless the server itself is tampered with. -
What's the status of tents right now?
jwiechers replied to Noise (DayZ)'s topic in DayZ Mod General Discussion
Nope, but it's a global issue which will need to be addressed with the next patch. -
Yeah, I know. It's just... meh. There really has to be more help for server admins and while I understand some of the reluctance (i.e. could see reasons to be against that radar application), this tools was entirely harmless. :|