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About Elenkel

  • Rank
    Helicopter Hunter
  1. Elenkel

    BattlEye on hackers

    Correction, and probably a portion of them are the same players getting banned multiple times on $2 copies. Only happens when the said hackers aren't using bypasses or use free bypasses. Regretfully the hackers who nuke your servers on the other hand aren't getting banned nearly as easily, those people usually pay money for their tools.
  2. Elenkel

    Performance on MacBook Pro retina

    It's a pretty weak card. Expect to run the game on low, and don't expect to run the game anywhere close to the native resolution of the retina screen.
  3. Elenkel

    Lee Enfield, Yay or Nay?

    Good on roofs and in forests, bad everywhere else.
  4. Well, that's $2 out of all their pockets. The unique player count increases by another 146.
  5. Poor argument. There is a huge difference between "have hackers" (e.g. WoW) and "full of hackers" (e.g. DayZ). Very few online games have as many hackers as DayZ. Trying to downplay the problem won't contribute to any improvement. Last I heard ARMA 3 engine also relies heavily on scripts, as such it will probably also be very vulnerable to hacking. Whether hacking will be as common as DayZ in Arma 2 or not will depend on: 1) how great the cheat-detection system is; 2) how much a copy of ARMA 3 costs. Currently BattlEye is rather poor at detection, and completely useless at prevention, which isn't what it was built for. Further ARMA 2 keys can be cheaply obtained at $2 a piece, rendering global ban of any kind practically meaningless.
  6. Elenkel

    is this a hackers doing?

    If only it's that easy.
  7. Elenkel

    Green Mt.

    That's the only part I don't know. However the rest of it are easily explained. Hackers can change a server's time, weather, rain, view distance, etc. Of course, hackers also have break leg and kill commands which explain your subsequent death. Last but not least, it's easy to bullshit.
  8. Elenkel

    Green Mt.

    That's a hacker playing a death animation. Hackers can play animations, including death (with flies and all) while retaining full control. What he did was simply playing the animation, then held down Alt and looked in your direction.
  9. I'm curious about something though. Obviously even with the head morphs, existing skins won't be removed. How will the head morph work with ghillie suits?
  10. Obviously it's the option that's not shoot on sight, so... talk I guess?
  11. Elenkel

    Green Mt.

    1. Zombies respawn VERY quickly on green mountain. A trip up and down the tower and you can expect a full spawn. 2. Hackers like to scare and/or kill people who go to green mountain.
  12. Hackers can teleport other players, can spawn weapons on other players, and rumour has it that they can even spoof their name to be that of other players' on the same server. Of course the Innocent players themselves certainly didn't execute the scripts, but in cases where log isn't available anyhow due to good (i.e. not free) bypasses, and the only evidences are screenshots/videos, then I suppose it's possible that an Innocent player can be banned in some cases. Hell, the hacker can even pretend to be legit and be the one to provide the screenshots/videos!
  13. They are using legitimate copies. It's simply that they are buying them at prices around $2 per copy. Since that's a lot cheaper than a paid subscription for bypasses, bans are pretty much pointless against hackers.
  14. Elenkel

    ALT + F4'ing / DC'ing

    This game isn't ready for such a buffer, not for a long while. Right now Alt+F4 is the only defense against hackers. Until hackers can be eradicated into a tiny minority, Alt+F4 should stay the way it is.
  15. That I don't know. You'll want to ask the admin, or at least on the AUSARMA forums.