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About qbicfeet

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  1. Yes please. Keep sandbags in though.
  2. qbicfeet

    Dreamaway Swedish high-end servers

    Where did your servers go? They won't show up in either server browser. I miss SE 20, it was the only server I could connect to without having to wait on the loading screen for 15 minutes ;~;
  3. qbicfeet

    Question about the standalone DayZ

    Okay smasht_AU, that's what I thought. Hope this means he'll be able to fix most of the bugs and annoyances that is plaguing the current version of the engine. Thanks!
  4. I didn't find the answer to this question elsewhere so I'll cut straight to the point: Will the standalone version of DayZ use an already existing engine or will the entire game be coded from scratch? My google-fu skills seem to be lacking.
  5. Alright, it's getting late and I'm not going to bother searching for them any further. SE 20, Vehicles last seen heading north from Olsha. Finders keepers :)
  6. qbicfeet

    I am a noob. Hi.

    This, so much.
  7. Okay. Maybe I should have added that I searched the general area I last saw their vehicles at for about an hour before I logged off. I'm stocked up with cooked meat and water bottles so I guess I'll keep searching. Any idea where though? Any popular spots in the northeastern region of the map? With the vehicle-reset-outside-the-map-stuff and all I assume they aren't hiding them outside the map. I have both drivers' names too, any way I could gain an advantage with this?
  8. Title. I'm at the northeast airstrip btw (near Olsha), and the two vehicles I've seen this playsession (a white pickup truck and a tractor) have been heading north, most likely towards someone's hiding spot. Where do you think they could be hiding, and is it worth my time searching around for them? Thanks.
  9. qbicfeet

    Dreamaway Swedish high-end servers

    At what times do you perform server resets on SE 20? I flipped my ATV and am trying to figure whether I should leave it or wait for a reset.