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Everything posted by SNiperSMokey

  1. SNiperSMokey

    Looking for Squad or Clan based around GMT+1 aka UK etc

    Hey We are currently recruiting, we have good solid players always up for a laugh! Also 99% of us are from the UK and we have been around since august. www.banditsresistance.com
  2. SNiperSMokey

    UK Dayz Clan - The Bandit Resistance Recruiting!

    ah yes axe man! lol..
  3. Hey guys, I recently started renting a server, i went through the process of getting the map files from the Devs, once i got the files i installed them on the server, booted the server and entered the server logged in as admin.. i then choose the correct "dayz " map and click continue.. it loads as normal but it stops and throws an error that reads - "This server is running an incorrect version of the server side application. You cannot play on this server. If you are the server admin please contact Dayz Staff. i went to the guys i bought the server from for some help. they had there best man take a look who is very good with dayz servers. He tested all my files and interchanged them with his working servers and all was ok.. so after all the trouble shooting.. we think its the dayz map file its self.. the server comes with an built in updating tool for dayz. All the dayz files are up to date, this has been double checked and checked again. the server has been reinstalled, i havent touched the config and i installed the files again but it just does the same thing everytime no matter what i do.. to anyone that trys to join no matter what version they are on.. they get that very same error.. is there anyone else with this problem that can help me?
  4. Yea, your server host has to fix it. i had the same problem, turned out it was them! Not dayz support. My server host ended up moving me to a new box.. but i had to get it whitelisted again but yes that fixed it for us in the end.. Well i say fixed it, was more of a work around.
  5. Hey i'm SNiperSMokey Aka Ben i'm 25.. From Kent.. (pikey land) I decided to make this clan because i was in a few clans previously that was run by kiddys, that didn't know there arse from there ear hole..so i thought i would give it a try, i have run clans in many other games. My aim for this clan is to become quite big in the Dayz community among the best clans out there today as days is growing more and more everyday. We are Always trying to think of new interesting fun things todo within the clan, with different operations scouting, getting better gear.. ect. The members we have are very experienced with dayz but we do welcome new people that have played solo and want to try a clan out to play within a group. We are a dayz Clan, Based in the UK with mainly British members. We are a relatively new clan but very dedicated we currently have around 10 clan members. we are looking for semi serious mature members but ones that can have a laugh at the same time! Also you have to be 16 or over to join this clan.. We have a server, Team speak and a website. you can add me on steam if you want to chat direct - snipersmokey450 Alternatively you can go to our website http://www.thebanditsresistance.com/ create an account then go to the forum to the applications section and make one. Once you have done that we will invite you in to the teamspeak for a quick chat to get to know you better as we all know applications are good BUT they can be blagged... If you wish to know anything more about us, please just post below.. Thanks SNiperSMokey
  6. Hey i'm Ben the CL - i'm 25 from Kent (pikey Ville) We are Currently recruiting 16 or over only as he have had some very immature people join up in the past.. so we will have no exceptions.. sorry Our member range from 16 up to late 20's we are primarily a UK based clan, We are looking for mature-ish people.. who can have a laugh! take some banter! but still be serious when needed. We do operations, scouting and some assault's. We have a 50 slot server, with teamspeak and a website. If your interesting in trying out with us. Sign up at http://www.thebanditsresistance.com/ and make an application in the forum. Or add me on steam - snipersmokey450 Once me or any of the admins have seen your post we will invite you in to teamspeak so we can get to you no you a bit more.. if you have any questions or If you want to no more just ask! Thanks SNiperSMokey
  7. jenga.. I will speak to you later.. I dont troll your posts dude.. have some respect... People Mainly add me on steam or pm me.. i have no shortage...
  8. Oh hiya, i understand, was just trying to get some input as i'm sure you can understand from my point of view is very frustrating where you have 2 different support guys that wont talk to each other and have to go through me.. all i have done most the week is copy and paste emails between you both.. lol.
  9. Hey, i have been told by the dayz staff that as its not my dedicated server and i dont have and rdc connection to it they cant help me and its to do with my server host.. but for the last 2 days i have been copy and pasting to each other on the tickets and emails to both server company and dayz support.. one is saying its the others problem.. i paid 135 quid for this server.. the server support company was saying they tested my map file and it dident work they then used a working one and it worked fine in my server. the server company was saying it was a whitelisting issue. the dayz support replyed saying that it was not a whitelist issue as my server is whitelisted all ok. what the hell do i do next? i feel powerless.. and really quite frustrated..
  10. The name of the company i am using is gaming deluxe.co.uk i have checked all my versions, all my clan members have the same problem.. my server host has also checked all versions.. i have double checked and double double checked this many times.. how do i no if i have been whitelisted then? i have no email to say so? Urban fox.. i have been reading it over and over since the day i got that email on sat.. that why is im now posting... my server hosting company is also using it aswell.. thank you..gamingdeluxe.co.uk/
  11. Hey Guys, Yesterday i started Renting a server, went through the process of getting the dayz PBO file. installed it as normal, made sure the server was patched up and was ready to go. Went to enter and i just get the server saying that its a different version (server side) but it clearly says its the most recent on the cp and any server browser. i Then went back to my Host after working hours on this and couldn't work out what was going on. When my host got back to me he confirmed it was the PBO file as he tested, my server with one that is working and it worked fine.. its now been nearly 24 hours since i rented my server and i paid good money for it so i'm very frustrated.. i have opened up tickets but no one seems to be getting back to me at the moment. any help would be very much appreciated as i'm at my wit's end now.. Thanks Ben
  12. SNiperSMokey

    PBO Problem server side

  13. SNiperSMokey

    Dayz Clan Recruiting

    Hey i'm Ben the CL - i'm 25 from Kent (pikey Ville) We are Currently recruiting 16 or over only as he have had some very immature people join up in the past.. so we will have no exceptions.. sorry Our member range from 16 up to late 20's we are primarily a UK based clan, We are looking for mature-ish people.. who can have a laugh! take some banter! but still be serious when needed. We do operations, scouting and some assault's. We have a 50 slot server, with teamspeak and a website. If your interesting in trying out with us. Sign up at http://www.thebanditsresistance.com/ and make an application in the forum. Or add me on steam - snipersmokey450 Once me or any of the admins have seen your post we will invite you in to teamspeak so we can get to you no you a bit more.. if you have any questions or If you want to no more just ask! Thanks SNiperSMokey
  14. SNiperSMokey

    Dayz Clan Recruiting

    Yep, no problem. sounds good :)
  15. SNiperSMokey

    ZAS Clan Recruiting

    In-Game Name: SNiperSMokey Steam Name: snipersmokey450 Location: Uk Age: 25 Experience: Saddly i only have 2 weeks on dayz but been playing ARMA for many years.. having a play around with friends.. been gaming online for more years than i can remember. im ready to learn cos id love to get in to it! Why You Want to Join: i wish to join as, solo is really quite hard.. i work better with a team around me as i have alot of questions. strength in numbers and all that.. plus the banta that comes with the team! i was in a clan breifly but no one listened, really dident enjoy that.. as im quite new. i would like to see if i can find something better elseware and restore my faith with people on this game.