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About SNiperSMokey

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Uk, Kent
  1. SNiperSMokey

    [TBR] Gaming - Now Recruiting - UK Dayz Clan

    Oops, my bad.. Sorry
  2. SNiperSMokey

    [TBR] Gaming - Now Recruiting - UK Dayz Clan

    Who are we? We are a very down to earth gaming clan that has been running for well over a year, playing mainly dayz and most of the mods from origins to epoc. But We dabble in all sorts of games out at present. There is a varied age in the clan from 16 to 40+ with a good 15 people that are currently active members. Unfortunately we are only recruiting 16 or over at the moment due to bad experiences and squeakers! We like to be casual players but a lil serious when needed and we do like a laugh! The stresses of real life are hard enough! What we do? We play a mixture of games dayz epoch, origins , over watch, Battlefield 3-4, Many many others. I am looking to branch out in to the FPS world for friendly’s and compete as well to break it down as DAYZ solid for days can get over bearing. If a new game comes out we all tend to find we buy the same so we can check it out together. We also have a donations system that is also a clan bank, so we can rent most servers and make sure to keep our teamspeak running. Donations are TOTALLY optional. If you’re interested? If this sounds like it could be of interest to you Please feel free to trial out with us, you can either apply on the website at - www.tbrgaming.co.uk or contact me directly on steam - snipersmokey450 . Alternately you can post below some details and i will contact you. Post your game name and a contact method either steam or skype Name: Age: Skype/Steam:
  3. SNiperSMokey

    [TBR] Gaming - Now Recruiting - UK Dayz Clan

    I have added you on steam, just give me a message when your on Thanks
  4. SNiperSMokey

    [TBR] Gaming - Now Recruiting - UK Dayz Clan

    Hey Alex, i will PM you
  5. Who are we? We are a gaming clan that has been running for well over a year, playing mainly dayz and most of the mods from origins to epoc. But We dabble in all sorts of games out at present. There are a varied age in the clan from 16 to 40+ with a good 15 people that are currently active members. Unfortunately we are only recruiting 16 or over at the moment due to bad experiences and squeakers! We like to be casual players but a lil serious when needed and we do like a laugh! What we do? We play a mixture of games dayz epoch, origins , over watch, Battlefield 3-4, Many many others. If a new game comes out we all tend to find we buy the same so we can check it out together. We also have a donations system that is also a clan bank, so we can rent most servers and make sure to keep our teamspeak running. Donations are TOTALLY optional. If your interested? If this sounds like it could be of interest to you Please feel free to trial out with us, you can either apply on the website at - www.tbrgaming.co.uk or contact me directly on steam - snipersmokey450 . Alternately you can post below some details and i will contact you. Post your game name and a contact method either steam or skype Name: Age: Skype/Steam:
  6. SNiperSMokey

    UK Dayz Clan - [TBR]

    We are Primarily a UK Clan thats been running since 04 August 2012, Currently recruiting 16 or over, Our current members age ranges from 16-40! We are a mature group but we do enjoy a laugh as well as being serious if needed! Everyday life at work or college is hard enough! We do team operations, scouting also assaults. Bit of training to to help some people that might not be as experienced. We also have a Teamspeak server as well as a website, We have our own dedicated box and we run various servers! Currently we are playing most of the dayz mods, Origins & Breaking point Ect and we have our own Epoc server to. But also playing other games such as Battlefield 3/4, Payday, ARMA3 and various game types! Make an application on the website http://www.thebanditsresistance.com/ or If you would like to trial with us and see if you get on with the team. Feel free to add me on steam to speak to me direct if you have questions - snipersmokey450 Thanks SNiperSMokey
  7. SNiperSMokey

    UK Dayz Clan - [TBR]

    We are Primarily a UK Clan thats been running since 04 August 2012, Currently recruiting 16 or over, Our current members age ranges from 16-40! We are a mature group but we do enjoy a laugh as well as being serious if needed! Everyday life at work or college is hard enough! We do team operations, scouting also assaults. Bit of training to to help some people that might not be as experienced. We also have a Teamspeak server as well as a website, We have our own dedicated box and we run various servers! Currently we are playing most of the dayz mods, Origins & Breaking point Ect. But also playing other games such as Battlefield 3, Payday, ARMA3 and various game types! Make an application on the website http://www.thebanditsresistance.com/ or If you would like to trial with us and see if you get on with the team. Feel free to add me on steam to speak to me direct if you have questions - snipersmokey450 Thanks SNiperSMokey
  8. SNiperSMokey

    UK Dayz Clan Recruting

    We are Primarily a UK Clan, Currently recruiting 16 or over, Our current members age ranges from 16-40! We are a mature group but we do enjoy a laugh as well as being serious if needed! Everyday life at work or college is hard enough! We do team operations, scouting also assaults. Bit of training to to help some people that might not be as experienced. We also have a Teamspeak server as well as a website, We have our own dedicated box and we run various servers! Currently we are playing most of the dayz mods, Origins & Breaking point Ect Make an application on the website http://www.thebanditsresistance.com/ or If you would like to trial with us and see if you get on with the team. Feel free to add me on steam - snipersmokey450 Thanks SNiperSMokey
  9. SNiperSMokey

    UK Dayz Clan Recruting

    lol.. you got my hopes up till i saw the name Mr Line lol
  10. SNiperSMokey

    UK Dayz Clan Recruting

    I cant just give out the password for teamspeak mate unless your signed up to the website otherwise no one will know who you are. Just the process.
  11. SNiperSMokey

    UK Dayz Clan Recruting

    Yes we do, been playing it quite a lot at the moment
  12. SNiperSMokey

    UK Dayz Clan Recruting

    We are Primarily a UK Clan, Currently recruiting 16 or over, Our current members age ranges from 16-40! We are a mature group but we do enjoy a laugh as well as being serious if needed! Everyday life at work or college is hard enough! We do team operations, scouting also assaults. Bit of training to to help some people that might not be as experienced. We also have a Teamspeak server as well as a website, We have our own dedicated box and we run various servers! Currently we are playing most of the dayz mods, Origins & Breaking point Ect Make an application on the website http://www.thebanditsresistance.com/ or If you would like to trial with us and see if you get on with the team. Feel free to add me on steam - snipersmokey450 Thanks SNiperSMokey
  13. SNiperSMokey

    [TBR] Clan Recruiting

    Thanks Beck :) I thought i was perfectly pleasant... My last words actually was "Il be honest right now i don't think you would fit in here."
  14. SNiperSMokey

    [TBR] Clan Recruiting

    We are Primarily a UK Clan, Currently recruiting 16 or over, Our current members age ranges from 16-60! We are a mature group but we do enjoy a laugh as well as being serious if needed! Everyday life at work or college is hard enough! We do team operations, scouting also assaults. Bit of training to to help some people that might not be as experienced. We also have a Teamspeak server as well as a website, We have our own dedicated box and we run various servers! Currently we are playing most of the dayz mods, Origins & Breaking point Ect Make an application on the website http://www.thebanditsresistance.com/ or If you would like to trial with us and see if you get on with the team. Feel free to add me on steam - snipersmokey450 Thanks SNiperSMokey