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shinfo (DayZ)

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About shinfo (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast
  1. shinfo (DayZ)

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    to the person that said we should read rules and stuff before hand you are right it was stupid not to. weve had servers in other games before were we could use just use to play with each other and just asumed thats how this would work it was stupid of us but weve read the rules now we know that all we can do is stop and start the server and change difficulty our host doesnt let us ban or put password or lock the server anyway so yeah
  2. shinfo (DayZ)

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    hi we restarted the server many times and i cant say with 100% confidence he was kicked and i feel if I do apologize for it then the server will be taken down. i can tell you that if he was kicked it wasnt intention and as i said we restarted the server alot i dont want to seem like im dodging this here and im sorry if it comes across like that but this thread has probably hurt us alot and i dont want to be black listed. as for proof i could take a photo of the admin panel we have with hfb servers? or maybe put a custom motd message? and adarma has absolutely 100% nothing to do with us and i dont understand why hes pretneding to be admin.
  3. shinfo (DayZ)

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    hi i found this because I search our server on google and signed up to post this. i admit i was ignorant when i signed up to the rules but ive read them and understand them now and i wont be trying to lock my server or anything. i hope that we can prove that it wont happen again and we are a legit server with good intentions but if we get black listed or whatever then i guess that sucks but ill have to deal with it. so im sorry what happened yesterday
  4. shinfo (DayZ)

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    to siggy; hi i can't really say what happened yesterday but if you were kicked im very sorry it was our first day with the server and we didnt really know the rules we were trying to lock the server so it was just us and got a warning letter saying we cant do that so lesson learned! again this was our first day having the server and we made mistakes and im sorry that happened if ppl are going to boycot our server im sorry to hear but please know this adarmha guy isnt a representative of US 1621! can we talk to someone so we can prove its ours not his?
  5. shinfo (DayZ)

    Admins that cry when they die (US 1621)

    not sure whats going on here but adarma isnt the admin of our server what the fuck?!