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About Reverant

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    On the Coast
  1. Correct. Basically, you *bloody* your hands as you kill and pillage. I'm assuming zombies are after fresh bodies. If you pop that meat sack, the smell spills out with the blood. So, a fresh player corpse could alert them. Or, as you root around the remains of a player that you've killed, you get blood on your body that alerts them. This is the *realistic* take, though. As a game mechanic, I just think it would be cool if zombies found you easier the more *evil* you became. (And yes, continuously shooting other people in "self-defense" is a socially wicked act. Stop kidding yourselves, you George Zimmermans!)
  2. Let losing humanity increase the blood stench of players, making them easier to find for zombies!
  3. I fear I have become somewhat addicted to DayZ. With no school work in May and my wife out of town, I've logged in about 52 hours since last Monday. Just for fun, I started recording some of my sessions and messing around with some video editing software. My biggest project: An American Survivor in Chernarus. Half Let's Play, half machinima, and all stupid, this is a narrated gameplay video with a clumsy fiction and a lot of bad puns. It's entirely silly, and I think I had way more fun making it than most people will have actually watching it. The first several clips are here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wxuzw3DH-0s&list=PL8B232B78479130E4&feature=plpp_play_all (I make a passing comment about being a veteran in one of the episodes: this is actually true and not part of the story.) I also have a non-narrated, pure survivalist gameplay 3-part series here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ECSDLYUW5PU I made that to demonstrate to people exactly what a day in the life of a DayZ survivor is like. Paranoia, extreme caution, and a reluctance to fire lest zombies and bandits converge on the player's location. And this was my first attempt: A 2-part, pure Let's Play with my usual silly commentary. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DURJwRZXOHk