It didn't work for me, thought it had as I played for over an hour. Both hardware and software firewalls off. Once it happened it started every 20 minutes again, seemed to be mainly when in vehicles as well which is really annoying.
Please let me know how it turns out. I'm pulling my hair out. Sometimes I think its fixed as I play for 45 minutes to an hour....then bam! I'm currently downloading again after deleting all traces. Will give the DMZ idea a try if i can figure out how todo it! :)
I have exactly the same problem, Been playing for three weeks with no troubles. Now i can play for 30 minutes before being kicked for 'Signature check timing out' my friends say. Tried everything i can think of but nothing has worked. So frustrating.
Its because you abuse your admin powers and roll back the server whenever you want. (It isn't, but you deserve it). Scumbag. Was a very nice camp, you sure moved it quick while the server was unavailable too. Only UOG guys online aswell.