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Everything posted by SquirrelPants

  1. SquirrelPants

    DayZ Stories

    It was my third or fourth time playing, so I still didn't quite have the mechanics down, but I think this game turned out amazingly anyhow. It was the daytime, and so I moved out. I couldn't find any roadsigns and I had no idea where I was, but I wandered about for a while, when I met another guy. He offered to help guide my way to a major city where a mutual acquaintance was scavenging, though I can't quite remember which. I followed him, mimicking his movements: crouching where he did, sprinting after him, and the like. We found a little village, wherein there was a small house to look through. Since I was hungry and had no food on me, we went in. The kitchen was full of corpses. Not a good sign, but upon searching them we found a decent amount of canned food and filled our bellies. There was a noise outside. We both crouched down and pointed our guns to the door. Neither of us had many bullets to spare, but we had to defend ourselves. One zed ran through the door, then another, then a dozen more. We managed to get out alive, low on ammo, bagging something like ten headshots apiece. We searched the corpses, but when he looked out the door, he realized there were many more zeds out there. We had to run. We were both fairly low on blood and there wasn't much to be done but sprint the hell out of there. When we ran, we both realized, much to our chagrin, that there were more zombies out there than we initially thought. We tried to fight while running, killing what we could, but one managed to snag me and break a few bones, causing me to fall into a heap. I emptied my gun into them, and we managed again to kill them all, coming out with quite a few broken bones each, with less than a clip of ammo between our makarovs, and less than 7000 units of blood between the two of us. We continued on through the forest, breathing heavily, occasionally passing out. We got into an abandoned airbase. There were a couple zeds there, which we used the last of our ammo dispatching. Someone was nearby, and he offered his help, but there were more zombies coming. My companion was killed within the minute, but I managed to run around, hiding behind closed doors and diverting them, when, suddenly, they just kind of lost interest in chasing me. I hid in a hangar, when I heard the voice of the man coming to help me. I ran out, so much relief washing over me. I heard the sound of a gunshot from somewhere behind me. I couldn't take a bullet, this couldn't possibly be happening. The friendly coming to help me dived behind cover, and I was limping my way toward something. Another crack, and I fell over, the last of my blood leaving my body as I passed out.