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Everything posted by WebCole

  1. WebCole


    I have NVGs, and I think they should be removed. Partially because it can give such a large advantage to anyone that has them, and also because I think it doesn't fit with the theme of "civilian" zombie survival. Also because it makes having a primary with a flashlight that much more badass :P Honestly I think there should be as little high tech military equipment as possible, or it should be hobbled in such a way as to make it less desirable (such as NVGs needing batteries.)
  2. Yes' date=' sure, but let's put this into perspective: Can of food: ~1kg Can of soda: 0.5kg M4: 2.9kg One magazine of 5.56: 0.2kg So, with an M4, 5 magazines, 2 cans of food, and a can of pepsi (or coke, whichever you prefer), you would already carry ~6.5kg around. In addition to your clothing, and not counting your backpack. I dare you to go to a pool and jump in in full clothing and with a backpack filled with stones. You WILL drop that backpack in order to not drown, trust me. [/quote'] Ok, I've gone swimming multiple times with all my kit and never dropped anything. I've had friends who did and lost all their stuff. My point is, that something that has no rhyme or reason but arbitrarily drops all your items at the bottom of the sea is going to lead to frustration. It should be one or the other, if at all possible.
  3. WebCole


    Perhaps you could be able to plant your own Garden for a balanced diet :P
  4. Military equipment (NVGs for instance) can be found at the wooden hunting towers dotted about the map. They also spawn military zombies, and are not marked on the map. They spawn great stuff, and for this reason you are quite likely to meet hostile players there.
  5. The issue with this is if you drop all your things on the ground you risk losing it if the server goes down, or if it just bugs out and disappears, which has been known to happen. It would seem less potentially frustrating if this was changed so that swimming never has any chance of you dropping items.