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About WebCole

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. WebCole

    IF this was an actual game...

    You could go: Game purchase + cosmetic micro transactions. If all you were able to buy were Char skins, vehicle skins, weapon skins etc no one can cry about imbalance (although such is the hatred for micro transactions that they probably would anyway.) Personally I reckon you could Kickstarter the shit out of this as long as you can get some decent coverage rolling.
  2. WebCole

    Bandit Skin change issue (all lost)

    This was version 1.5.3: I turned from a Bandit back into a survivor, my screen went black and I was stuck on the retrieving character data screen or something similar. I aborted and loaded back in and the contents of my backpack had disappeared.
  3. In the short time in which vehicles were in, I saw with my own eyes 2 helos and 2 cars. Admittedly the choppers disappeared after server restarts, and I'm not sure what happened to the cars, but it does seem like, at the very least, helicopters spawn too often. I've totally never seen a bicycle though, do want :P
  4. It wasn't exactly clear, but I was talking about the Eating/Drinking thing, not the realtime day night cycle. To clarify, what I meant was that even if the current day/night cycle was halfed, I would still find the current amount you have to eat and drink an annoyance.
  5. WebCole

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I agree teamkillers should be kicked. But seeing as you have teams of 1, it seems beside the point ;)
  6. Sent an email off earlier about this. The devs probably have better things to do than talk to whiny players, but it would still be nice to know whats going on :P
  7. WebCole

    Weapons Feedback and Discussion

    It would be cool if starting weapons were slightly randomised, and the revolver was turned into a rare find (as it is such a powerful weapon right now.) Randomised starting weapons might also make it less desirable to kill other newbies, assuming the guns were all equally as good.
  8. WebCole

    DayZ Update 1.4.17

    My direct is working.
  9. In my experience systems like this come in one of two forms: Obnoxious or Flavour. Either its annoying or its a "cool little addition" and I've never experienced a middle ground. As it stands right now, its Obnoxious. Even if day/night cycle was halfed it would still be Obnoxious in my eyes.
  10. WebCole

    The PvP Discussion Thread

    I ask myself what this mod be without PvP. My answer is pretty dull. And not because I like to go around popping fools at every opportunity before anyone starts :P My point is if you don't have that possibility of conflict with other survivors suddenly the game loses so much of its flavour, its tension and a lot of its hook. On the flip side, I think it should be made less desirable to just kill everyone you meet. My 0.02
  11. WebCole


  12. WebCole

    Load problems be gone! (Soonish)

    Nope. Gone 4 ever. Oh, I heard they'd just been removed temporarily, sad :(
  13. WebCole

    Load problems be gone! (Soonish)

    Q: Does this mean my tent will be getting added back onto the server soon? :)